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Thanks to everyone who emailed with face cream and eczema suggestions. I’m not going to respond to them, because I don’t have time, but I’ve definitely read them, and have dumped them into a folder so that once all the Bullshit! stuff is past, I can re-read them and decide what to do.
Speaking of Bullshit!, I was reading Shopaholic Ties the Knot (I ended up staying up until after midnight finishing it – I mean, with a book like that you know there’s going to be a happy ending, it’s practically guaranteed, but you still want to see HOW it all works out) last night, and the main character, Becky, was up in front of a large crowd of people getting the once-over (the Manhattan Once-Over, I think she called it), and suddenly I was overwhelmed, and I put the book down and buried my face in my hands.
“Oh my GOD, oh my GOD!” I groaned.
“Yeah, I know,” Fred said, knowing immediately what I was freaking out about.
“In two days, millions of people,” I stopped and reconsidered. Because it’s Showtime, after all, not HBO. “At least hundreds of thousands of people will be looking at us! What the hell were we thinking?!”
Now, don’t get me wrong. The promo, which I’ve watched a thousand times, both on my computer and over Fred’s shoulder, has shown me that I’m not as big an idiot as I tend to think (that, or they have really good editors…), but still. It’s a freaky, freaky thing! One must wonder what on earth possessed us.
Speaking of Shopaholic Ties the Knot, I was reading along, and was pleased to discover that the author – Sophie Kinsella – is obviously a reader of this very website. There was a shout-out! To me! In the book! I even scanned it so that y’all could see for yourself:
See? See how she, all in jest, spelled my name wrong and everything? Me and Sophie, we’re likethis!
I’m kidding, of course. But if anyone out there ever writes a book, you’ll name a character after me, right?
I knew I could count on you.
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Since every muscle in my body continues to hurt, I’m suspending spring cleaning for the time being and will pick it up again in a few days. It amazes me that my abs are killing me from doing gardening on Monday – I mean, I could understand my arms and shoulders hurting, and my legs, but my abs? I guess I used those muscles when I was hoeing (hee!) more than I realized.
I moved the bird feeders a few feet out toward the middle of the yard – I think I mentioned that – and our cardinal does NOT approve. He’s spent a good part of the last few days sitting on top of the hanger-thingy that we hang the bird feeders from, making very, very bitchy noises.
At least one cat has used the dug-up flower bed as a litter box. I have my suspicions, but cannot prove anything.
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Pet store kitty pics are
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I am SO FUCKING SICK of programs installing themselves on my toolbar! That should be fucking illegal, and I AM LOOKING AT YOU, REALPLAYER!
I can’t watch myself in the Bullshit! promo without RealPlayer, unfortunately, or I’d’ve uninstalled the motherfucker immediately. I HATE THAT SHIT. (And yes, I did figure out how to get rid of it, but that’s beside the point, damnit!)
Heh. I just uninstalled Outlook, and got a popup saying “Uninstalling Outlook Express 6 may prevent Outlook from functioning. Do you want to continue?” Unfortunately there was no “FUCK yes!” option, so I had to settle for the simple “yes.”
And just so you know – I have nothing against Outlook or Outlook users, it just pisses me off that it installs with fucking EVERY software, or so it seems. It installed with Office 2000, I uninstalled it, and then it installed with… something else. What was it? God knows. If I were an Outlook user, I’d probably love that, but I’m a Eudora gal myself.
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Is it just me, or in Jennifer Lopez’s latest song (the one with LL Cool J), does she sound ASTOUNDINGLY like Lisa Lisa?
Please don’t tell me that I’m so old you have no idea who Lisa Lisa is. Go download All Cried Out (Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam with Full Force) and listen to it back-to-back with All I Have (J. Lo and LL Cool J) and tell me I’m wrong. I dare you.
Won’t Fred be surprised when he comes home and discovers I’ve used his computer to download a Jennifer Lopez song on Grokster!
After yesterday’s debacle, I don’t dare to download it on my own system.
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I don’t think I’ve shown y’all this series of pictures, but if I have, forgive me. They’ve been hanging around on my memory stick since mid-January sometime, and I’m clearing all the old pictures off.
The And3rson kitties, partaking of some fine quality Kitty pot.
Looking a little paranoid…
Tubby sniffs for catnip remnants, annoying the shit out of Spot in the process.
Tubby gets paranoid, giving a blank-eyed Little Orphan Annie look.
And The Daddy tosses a pair of socks at the blinds, making a loud clatter and scaring the hell out of the kitties. (Spot particularly amuses me, in his mid-hop)]]>