
* * * This little section will be a discussion of last week’s Survivor. If you haven’t seen it yet, skip down to the next section. So, how cool is it that they finally went ahead and made it girls vs. boys this time around? And yet, how embarrassing that by the end of the show, the girls had no shelter. I get the definite feeling that no one wanted to step up and take the “leader” role, because they’d be seen as annoying and bossy, but geez. The guys were so fucking obnoxious with “little ladies” talk that I had no choice but to root for the women, and to have them come from behind and win the immunity challenge was awesome. The whole thing with the women not making any effort to be sure that Christy knew what was going on really got on my nerves – how difficult would it have been for them to turn to her and tell them what they were going to do? It would have taken very little effort at all, and no one seemed to even think of it. The part where the women caught that little fish and then cooked it and split it had me cracking up. Hey, ladies? How about boiling the fish to make a kind of stew, or even just use it to flavor the mush? Heh.

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So, did y’all have a happy Valentine’s Day? We had a very low-key one. Fred actually suggested going out to dinner (with the spud) that night, but I said “Are ya NUTS? It’s going to be totally crowded in all the restaurants that night!”, and so we stayed home. Fred and the spud had Sonic for dinner, and I had a sub from Publix. We exchanged cards and ate M&Ms, and it was a kick-ass evening, all in all. Because M&Ms rock, and so does my husband. Just don’t tell him I said so, he’ll get a big head. I went to Wal-Mart on Friday, and one of the things I needed to buy while I was there was a bag of birdseed, because the bird feeders had been empty for a few days, and the visiting birds were so pissed off that there was no food that they started taunting the cats (“Yeah, come GET me, fatass!”) and making threatening noises every time I walked by the window (“Give us food, fatass!”). I’d intended to pick some up at the grocery store, but it’s too expensive there, so I made a mental note to pick up a bag at Wal-Mart. I picked up not one big bag, but two, and when I got home from Wal-Mart I filled the bird feeders, and the birds were happy. By Monday morning, the feeders were empty again. I think it’s fair to say that the feeders have been absolutely covered with birds of all kinds, almost constantly. It’s driving the cats nuts, which I always enjoy seeing. Between the cats and the birds, we’re going to go broke, I swear.
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I am going to be taping the Michael Jackson thing on Fox Thursday night, and I’ll be watching it with interest a day or two after that. Because what kills me is that Fox is acting like the fact that Martin Bashir said flattering things to Michael Jackson about his parenting means something. I’ve been involved in exactly two interviews in my life, and even *I* know that an interviewer saying something flattering means nothing at all. It’s a way to get you to relax and trust them, for god’s sake. Does the fact that Martin Bashir said (something like) “You have an amazing relationship with your children” mean that Michael Jackson didn’t say that he still sleeps with children, that he wants to buy adopt a child from each country, and other creepy things? Hell, I’m sure that when Martin Bashir was saying “You have an amazing relationship with your children”, he was probably thinking “amazingly CREEPY, that is!” You have to forgive me – most of the time I forget that Michael Jackson even exists, so when he does things that bring his existence to my attention, I get even more appalled and creeped out than I would if I held the knowledge of his existence in the back of my brain, instead of locked into the “scary things” vault located in the side of my brain, over my right ear.
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And to end this entry on a non-creepy note, I’d like to thank one Bald Moses (whose birthday is Friday!), who sent me a pair of pan-tays for my birthday. They have a picture of a kitty on the front, and they’re adorable, and I would take a picture of them, but the camera ran out of battery power, and I haven’t recharged it yet. Also thanks go to Kathy (in Kansas!), who sent me the coolest smiley-face pen, that lights up when you use it. Whee! I’ll try to take pictures of that stuff next time the camera is recharged, but knowing me, I’ll forget. Does early-onset Alzheimer’s start showing up this early? (That’s a rhetorical question. :)]]>