
Friday Five. 1. As a child, who was your favorite superhero/ heroine? Why? I think Wonder Woman. As for why – well, cool see-through plane. Need I say any more? 2. What was one thing you always wanted as a child but never got? Nothing comes to mind, although I seem to recall wanting more animals than we had – we only had one dog and one cat. 3. What’s the furthest from home you’ve been? California, two or three times, to visit the ex’s family. 4. What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to learn but haven’t yet? Sign language. Maybe one of these days I’ll take a class. 5. What are your plans for the weekend? Oh, I have a couple of movies – Unfaithful and The Banger Sisters – to watch. Aside from that, the spud needs some new jeans and bras. I’ll either haul her to Wal-Mart tonight or tomorrow. Other than that, nothing specific. We might have Fred’s parents over to eat Chicken Tandoori and watch a couple of episodes of The Shield. Oh, yes. There will definitely be The Shield in my weekend!

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My eye is bothering me, damnit. I hope like hell that I’m not developing yet ANOTHER fucking case of conjunctivitis, but all signs are pointing that way. It’s my own damn fault for not continuing with the medicine once my eye wasn’t red anymore, but still. Why, god, whyyyyyyy? I have to remember to be online at 9 tomorrow morning to order Red Sox tickets for my friend Liz, who won’t be home. She gave me all her credit card information (whee! shopping spree!), and I’m deathly afraid I’ll forget, so I keep reminding myself, and then I get annoyed at myself, and it’s a whole vicious circle. My whole life is a vicious circle, really.
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Big, bad thanks to the wonderful Melissa, who not only sent me Ella Minnow Pea off my wish list for my birthday, but also saw I Capture the Castle on my wish list and offered me her extra copy. Melissa rocks. But you knew that.]]>