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The spud goes back to school tomorrow, and none too soon, if you ask me. She hasn’t rolled her butt out of bed before 10:00 in days, and when she hadn’t gotten up by 11:00 this morning, I went upstairs to make sure she was still alive (she is). At least this week has been better than last week, when she asked me if we could go somewhere almost every day (and we did, almost every day, because I know that if I entertain her for a short amount of time, she’ll in turn go away and entertain herself for a longer period of time). I went to the movie store this morning and rented Signs, Blood Work, Trapped, and The Good Girl. Just before I left to go to the movie store (and the post office, but more on that in a minutes), the spud said “Could you rent 8 Mile?” 8 Mile is going to be the death of me. The spud wanted to see it while my parents, Debbie, and Brian were here, but Debbie and Brian had already seen it, so we didn’t go see it. At the beginning of last week, she said “Could we go see 8 Mile this week?” I looked to see where it was playing, and discovered that it’s not in the theaters anymore. I told her that, and she looked disappointed, but I told her we’d rent it when it came out on video. She seems to be of the impression that once a movie’s no longer in the theaters it’s available on video, despite the fact that I’ve explained to her how it works no less than three times : 1. Movie in theater. 2. Loss-ass wait. 3. Movie available on video and DVD. 4. Long, LONG-ass wait. 5. Movie available on cable movie channels. 6. Several decades pass. 7. Movie available on non-cable channels, with words like “motherfucker” edited all obvious-like into “mother flew where?” Damn 8 Mile. I want to see it if only because Dana made it sound so damn bad, not because I’m an Eminem fan, nosirreebob. I may be surrounded by Eminem fans – Debbie, Brian, and the spud all like him – but I think he’s a bratty little punk-ass punk. And if he tries to kick my ass the way he went after Triumph, I’ll knock him down and sit on his skinny ass.
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So as mentioned earlier, I went to the post office today, and found a few nice surprises for me, me, meeeeeeeee! Firstly, I emptied the box and found a package from Colorful Images. I’ve ordered things from them before, and I couldn’t for the life of me remember what I’d ordered. When I opened the package, I found smiley-face address labels:
How incredibly odd, I thought to myself. I don’t remember ever seeing these before, ever. Then I looked at the packing slip and found that Say had ordered them and had them sent to me! Too cool. And then I found a slip in the box telling me that I had a package that wouldn’t fit. While I was waiting for the mail lady to fetch said box for me, I opened a small padded envelope, and found something that reader Lynn-Ann in Canada had told me would keep my fingers warm, when I whined about how cold they were last week:
Not only warm and comfy, but they also PERFECTLY match my jacket! Not to mention that the mittens I wear every morning were starting to get pretty beat up. Awesome. And when the mail lady brought the box to me, I was thrilled to see that it was from Nance. I waited to open it until I got home, and then I found a warm, cozy, PERFECT FOR ME afghan!
Nance thinks it’s ugly as hell, but I LOVE AND ADORE it, and I think she should just hush up. Like I told her, I can’t wait until the spud or Fred tries to snuggle up under it, so I can yank it away and tell them to keep their hands OFF, it’s MINE, Nance made it for ME. With such cool birthday gifts, I feel like I’m 35 already! (Heh)
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This FAQ question is probably the second most popular question asked. Do you and Fred intend to have more children? I have no idea. When we first got together, Fred was adamant that he wanted one child, if not more, but in the years since we’ve gotten married, anytime I suggest that I should go off birth control, he looks panicked and says he’s not ready yet. When asked when he might be ready, he has no clear answer. It’s basically a matter of waiting to see if he really wants one, and I suspect that by the time he makes up his mind, it may be too late, since I’ll probably be about 63. (Kidding….) Myself, I’m happy with the way things are, though if he really wanted a kid, I could be convinced to go down that road. I know that a few years ago we’d decided that I’d go off the Pill and we’d start trying to get pregnant in earnest at a certain time – March of 2000, maybe? – but that time came and went, and it never happened. There’s your answer in a non-answer. I’m happy with the status quo, so it’s a matter of waiting to see what the Master of the House wants to do. (Back to FAQ page)
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Since my family was here for Christmas and the cats got a chance to hang out in the guest bedroom and didn’t cause any problems (by, say, defecating on the bed), I decided to leave the door open for good. Tubby and Fancypants responded by spending 90% of their day in there, so I threw a sheet over the bedspread. Here they are, hanging out. Tubby’s eyeballing me because he’s worried that I’m about to kick them out.]]>