
Something’s Gotta Give, but other than that, anything is fine with me. I also want to make a trip to the ocean and get some good pictures – we’ll need a sunny day for that, I think. Tuesday is Liz’s birthday and I’m taking her out to dinner, though I don’t know where yet. I’m excited about going to Maine, have I mentioned?

* * *
We watched two more episodes of season 4 of The Sopranos last night – we’re more than halfway through the season and worried about what we’re going to watch when we’re done with it. Season 2 of The Shield comes out in early January, so maybe that’ll be next on the list. I think it just rocks that they put TV shows out on DVD. I got Season 2 of Felicity for Christmas. I also got the first episode of China Beach; that’s one show I wish they’d put out on DVD, because I’d buy it the instant it became available. Speaking of TV shows and the like, our cable company is now offering something very similar to TiVo for a monthly fee of around twenty bucks. I think Fred’s actually interested in getting it, maybe I can talk him into having the guy come and install it while I’m in Maine.
* * *
We got our water bill in the mail yesterday, and when I saw that it was FOUR TIMES AS MUCH as last month’s, I about flipped out. I showed it to Fred, who reminded me that we’d gotten a note on our front door from the city water guys, who’d been on our property because they suspected we had a leak on our property. Fred consulted with his father and did various and sundry things, and decided that the leak was in the front part of the house. He called a plumber to come out, and the plumber decided that the leak was in a different part of the house, and he’ll be back Tuesday with some super-duper leak-detection device, which is 85% accurate at locating leaks. Is it wrong that I kinda hope the leak is somewhere in the kitchen so that they end up tearing up the stone floor I hate so much, so that I can make a case for replacing the floor with vinyl? If it’s not one thing with this house, it’s a damn ‘nother.
* * *
Have I mentioned that I’m turning 36 in less than two weeks? Mark your calendar, folks – January 9th, the sun will refuse to shine in sympathy to my old age. I swear, I really do feel like I’m still 19. How’d I get so old? While Fred and I were out driving around and listening to his new stereo system last night, I suddenly realized that to the untrained eye, I am an adult. ME. How the fuck did that happen?
* * *
I went to Target this morning to look for a tote bag to carry on the plane with me. My purse isn’t really big enough for all the stuff I want to take – bottles of water, a couple of books, 63 packs of gum – so I thought a tote bag would work well for me, and I could pack my purse, and switch my wallet and everything over when I got to Maine. Yes. I AM a dork. Anyway, after a lot of looking around, I ended up with a fairly hideous bag.
Trust me, the picture doesn’t do justice to its hideousness. But for less than ten bucks, would do you expect? It’s got pockets inside for my blistex and 63 packs of gum, along with a few (hundred) emergency tampons, and it’s also got outside pockets where I can stick my tickets. It’s roomy enough for a few bottles of water (I’ll be damned if I buy bottles of water at the damn airport for $16 apiece) and a couple of books and a notebook and my wallet, so I’m not going to complain. If you’re wandering through the Cincinnati airport around 10 am tomorrow and see someone with a hideous bag, say hi. It’ll be me. Maybe I should make a trip to LL Bean while I’m in Maine to get a decent bag. I have one of the boat and tote bags, but it’s the one that’s big enough to put the spud in, and so I would guess that it won’t easily fit under the seat in front of me. Hmm… this is kinda cute. In an ugly sort of way, I mean… Okay, I’ve rambled on long enough, don’tchathink? I’m going to slap up some pictures of the Bean and call it an entry. I have to go yell at the spud to get her laundry done so I can finish mine, and I have to start packing, as well as vacuum the entire upstairs and maybe even clean the bathroom a little bit so that Fred won’t wallow in filth the entire time I’m gone. I plan to update from Maine, though I expect the entries won’t be terribly long, and there also won’t be pictures. I’ve updated every day this far – just a few more days and I’ll have done the entire month. Go, me! Anyway. The next time I update, I’ll be in Maine. Whee!
* * *
The Bean’s not sure what he thinks of this whole “outside” thing. It makes him a little nervous, really.

11 thoughts on “2003-12-28”

  1. Have a ton of fun in Maine!
    Just in case you don’t know, I saw on TV where when you are going to fly, you should take along a big zip-lock bag to put your cell phone and keys and all metal stuff in to make going through the security easier.
    Have a safe and fun trip!

  2. Come on up, the weather’s pretty good. Hope you have a nice time! My family lives in Topsham, just down the road from your neck of the woods, and I’d invite you over to help tackle the fifty or so pounds of chocolate we received over Christmas, but I know if I were you I’d avoid invites I received over the internet, so I’ll just say welcome back to Maine!

  3. Robyn, have a wonderful holiday! I notice that Fred is hinting around that he may be persuaded to make a trip to Maine this summer. Once he experiences everything “it” has to offer, he may decide it would be wonderful to have a cottage near the ocean…trails…and mountains!
    Happy New Year and safe travels~~~~~~~~~

  4. Sorry about the house! I know you talked about moving..maybe this is another sign to go ahead & start looking! Hope it isn’t too costly fixing the leak.
    Have lots of fun in Maine!!!

  5. Hey Robyn, i didnt know you went to maine except in the summer..thats great, i know you love it there..Just too bad that Fred is not going with you…
    have a happy and safe trip…enjoy all the lobster for me…love lobster…

  6. I remember the 1st time we let Bob out on the porch. He freaked. The crazy cat does not remember that I brought him to a nice air conditioned home. (I got him in May.) I retrieved him from under my parents house. Where he lived with the other brothers and sisters that were not smart enough to let me touch them. Since my Mom lives in the “country” they are now outside cats, whereas, “kitty” Bob lives in the splendor of a 3 bdr, 2 bath home. : )
    Have fun in Maine!

  7. Robyn: I know what you mean about feeling younger than you appear to the “untrained eye.” I recently turned only 25, but I feel the same as I did when I was a teenager in high school. It was a bit of a rude slap in the face when, within the last few weeks, I was referred to by a 14 year old boy as “that lady over there.” LADY?!? Dude, I still call myself a GIRL.

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