
you, the heat from the gas fireplace doesn’t go around corners!). The neighbors apparently got a new computer recently, and they left the box out for the trash guys to pick up. In today’s wind, the box got tossed around, and instead of ending up in my miniscule front yard, which is what usually happens, the wind tossed it in their front porch, where it appears it’ll stay. I never got my daffodil and lily bulbs planted, and now I think it’s probably too late in the year, since the bulbs are supposed to hibernate in the ground for some certain amount of time. Of course, I suppose I could plant them anyway and see what happens. If we have a somewhat nice day this week, I just may do that. Or I could force them. But if they really take 12 weeks to bloom, that would be close to March, and about time for them to start blooming outside, for real. I ordered a calendar of pictures of all my parents’ grandkids for them for Christmas, I think I mentioned. This calendar I ordered through Shutterfly, and I have to say that I think it came out nicer than the calendar I made for the spud over at Cafepress.

My plan is to get some really good pictures while I’m in Maine, and make myself a calendar for 2005. I always buy a Maine calendar, but having pictures of some of my favorite places in Maine would be a great gift from me to me. (“Thanks, me! I’m so thoughtful!”) The spud and I went to Kohl’s earlier because I needed to look for some gloves, and while I was there, I started thinking about how I was only going to send my nephew money for Christmas (good color, always fits!), and while money is cool, it’s not so much fun to open. I looked around at the clothes in the men’s section and bought an obnoxious t-shirt for him. I hope he likes it, but if not, well, there’ll still be the cash.
* * *
All the Boys on one bed. And all sound asleep, too! Cute…. …yet bitchy.

7 thoughts on “2003-12-14”

  1. Robyn,
    I hope you know we are getting very spoiled by your weekend entries…maybe you can make it not just for this month????
    As far as Saddam, what a brave, brave man he is….hiding out in a small underground hole beneath a farmhouse. They said he is insisting he was a “fair and just” leader.
    I am so glad they caught him.

  2. I agree- I love the weekend entries. And the cat pics. We are def. getting spoiled by all the cat pics- so thank you thank you thank you!!!

  3. Yes, LOVE the weekend updates too! Thanks, Robyn, we all feel the lurve =)
    Aren’t the kitties so innocent looking when sleeping? Especially the BEAN! hee

  4. Ditto on the weekend entries and the Saddam capture!! And might I add!!

  5. Robyn – is that not the bed that Fred bought with YOUR comforter on it?
    I thought I remembered you saying something about hoping it mysteriously appeared in your bedroom…
    Hope you are having a good weekend!

  6. I agree completely on the weekend posts 🙂 Great.
    Go ahead and plant those bulbs. They will be fine. The period of time they need to be out in the cold can be just a few months.

  7. About the bulbs, you can still plant them now, as long as the ground is not frozen (does the ground actually freeze there?) you can plant them. There is more than enough time for them to be in the ground to bloom in the spring. No excuses now!

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