Damn you, Andrew and Jen! DAMN YOU!
(After Fred told me about it yesterday and I wailed and moaned, I said “That makes me sad!” He said “It makes me sad that something like that makes you sad.” Heh. Bastard.)
* * *
Pet store kitties pics are up,
here. That’s not how it’ll look, or where it’ll be permanently, but that’s where it’ll be for now until I can decide what to do. Go check out Mason, who is SUCH a cutie-pie!
* * *
I’ve been to the post office every day this week, mailing a package of Christmas presents every day. By the end of the week the majority of them will be mailed off! Whee!
I also mailed the rest of the holiday cards going to non-US countries. Tonight I’ll start on the US cards.
I think my Christmas spirit is slowly returning.
* * *
The Bean’s nickname for today is “Stanley Rotten.” Not because he’s being so terribly horrible but because it amuses me.
And speaking of that, I had decided on “Fear the Bean” and uploaded the graphic and made the change on all the Bean Swag. Then I checked out my comments, and saw Dana Michelle’s suggestion of “Bean to the Bone”, and almost swallowed my gum. Fred laughed out loud when I read it to him.
I think we have a winner!
* * *
One day a while back, I was looking at the Bean (frankly, I spend FAR too much of my day looking at his troublesome self) and I noticed that one of his toes looked weird. Kind of scabby and there was no hair over the top of it.

“Look at his toe,” I said to Fred. Fred looked at it and touched it to make sure that it wasn’t painful to the Bean; it appeared that it caused the Bean no pain. Since the Bean was going in for a booster shot of something or another in a few days, Fred decided to wait and ask the vet.
“I bet it’s ringworm,” I said.
When Fred got home from the vet, I asked what he’d said. Apparently they have to scrape some of the infected area and try to grow fungus (um, EWWW) before they know for sure. (Note: ringworm is a fungus, not a worm. Just so you know.) Sure enough, ten days later, the vet called to let us know that it was, indeed, ringworm and the best way to treat it was with a topical ointment.
And then we realized that Tubby had a raw-looking spot on the back of his leg.
I can only hope and pray that ALL the fucking cats get ringworm so that every night we’ll have to chase them ALL down and put ointment on their crusty, nasty bald patches. Because, really, what could be more fun?
* * *
I think that perhaps
Jane might – MIGHT, I SAY – be correct when she insists that the cheap ‘n crappy hair styling products don’t do as good a job as the expensive shit. Of course, she’d probably swallow her teeth if I confessed that most days I don’t bother to put anything, cheap or not, in my hair.
So, for your viewing pleasure, I took comparison pictures.
(No styling products. Also, late at night, thus the look o’ looniness on my face)
(With TEN DOLLAR Short Sexy Hair Blow It Up Gel Foam applied, and blown dry. Also, early in the morning, thus the look o’ tiredness on my face)
Admittedly, the second looks better but I still like the first. Because some days I just don’t want to mess with my hair and so I don’t. And oddly (though I didn’t get a picture to illustrate this oddity) it looks better with nothing at all than it does with the $5 Physique gel.
I’m the ultimate in low maintenance.
* * *
On the occasion when the Bean wants love, he jumps up on my desk and drapes himself across my arm – the one I use to control the mouse – and lays there until he falls asleep. At which point he purrs so hard that his entire body and my arm shake.

And then when my arm starts to hurt or fall asleep, I try to gently move him over a little. But he always wakes up and moves to a more comfortable position, draping himself over my arm from the other direction.

Eventually Miz Poo gets jealous and comes up to investigate, and sits around looking like she’s about to kick some ass.
Oh Robyn! I am SO sorry about the ringworm. I remember my few months of HELL when our two cats got it. I had to do the ointment, shove a pill down their throats, AND give them a bath with some stinky stuff that had to sit on them for five minutes THREE TIMES A WEEK! Ugh. And the kicker is, I GOT THE RINGWORM TOO!
Ugh, ringworm, that is just never fun. My cat had ringworm for nine months because apparently, it was an extra nasty strain that the five different methods of curing it didn’t work well. So our other cat got it and of course, everyone who came in my house and touched either cat got it. Fun stuff I tell ya.
I think your hair looks nicer in the first picture, LOL. Seriously! Maybe it’s cause I use cheap, crappy products too.
What???? Humans can get ringworm???? Blech! How do the cats get it in the first place? Are they like warts?
By the way, cute hair Robyn and cute sleepy Beanie.
I can send you some COLLOIDAL SILVER ! It kills the fungal spores REALLY fast and you can use it in a spray bottle so you don’t even have to touch the ringworm spots ! Let me know.
I must confess that I use ultra cheap hair products now- Suave is the fav choice of late !
Oh Lord, not ringworm! Make damn sure everyone in your house washes his or her hands vigorously after handling the cats. Our dogs had it, and what a mess.Worst of all,it can spread to humans, Please be careful!
Thanks for the offer, Rugbypet, but we like the Bean in gray, not blue. 🙂
Amy – here’s all the info you’d ever want on ringworm. 🙂
Everyone else – we’re being very careful and inspecting ourselves and each other to check for sings of ringworm. Nothing yet, thank god!
I like the first picture too — I love the wavy curls. Very purty!
Jen and Andrew were just on Oprah — the bums! Oh well…
Can’t wait to get my Xmas card way up here in Canoodlia! I’ve just sent you guys one today.
Yeah, uh, hrm. I like the first picture better too. Damnit all to hell.
Good luck with the ringworm.. I had it at 16, it was really yucky, and the ointment stunk too. *L*
I just adopted 2 kittens and they both have ringworm. Both my daughter and myself contracted ringworm from them. My mother in law hates cats and if she finds out my daughter got it from the cats I will never hear the end of it. I have all kinds of stuff to treat us all, if only my daughter can keep a secret (fat chance).
Like everyone else said – the only thing that could be more fun than trying to medicate 5 cats for ringworm is getting it yourself. I got it once – yech. It’s horribly itchy, and I didn’t know what it was at first (I got it from someone else’s cat and fortunately didn’t pass it on to either of mine), so I kept thinking it was getting better when the middle started healing up, only to have the whole thing get bigger and bigger. I got a cream to put on it and I think the doc gave me pills, too, because by the time I got my head out of my ass and went to have it looked at I had about five patches of the stuff.
I like your hair in the first picture au naturale.
Well..maybe I’m not the norm..but I REALLY like the second picture the best! Of course I am full makeup..blownout hair 24/7 so it figures I’d say that! 🙂
I actually really like the first one of your hair WAY better than the second! More body, wave, etc… it’s not flat against your head. I like it!
Ringworm REALLY sucks. My cat had it, and she and my Fiance passed it back and forth for the entire summer. Now the cat doesn’t have it, but my fiance does – and he has taken two rounds of antibiotics and cant get rid of it.
Thankfully, I have some sort of aversion to it and have not been infected. Thank goodness.
I LOVE the first picture! And please, don’t even try and make an excuse for the look o’ loonieness – you know it’s ALWAYS there. Snort.
I can’t even *touch* the subject of ringworm. I get itchy thinking about it.
Robyn – first picture for me, too. Lovely hair you have, that tousled, shexsay look. Reeoow.
Looniness be damned, the first picture is way better. I love the curly hairs. 🙂
One more ringworm story? You know you want it. I brought home a cat and the fungus made the rounds through almost all the animals, dogs and cats included. Z-girl got it in her head, thankeweveramuch. For her, we used the brown shampoo from Neutragena, on the animals, we were given an oral flea medication, that also kills the ringworm fungi. So far, I have not had it *knock wood*, but it was a bitch to cure the animals of it. Ask about the flea medication (I have the brand name downstairs, but I can get it for you.)
It cracks me up that y’all like the first picture more than the second, because *I* like the first one too, but I figured y’all would go for the second. Hee! (And Jane – bwahaha!)
Also, although I already KNEW that people could get ringworm before you all started mentioning it, I am SUDDENLY feeling VERY VERY itchy. Grrr!
My vote goes with the first picture too; it’s very flattering to you, and I’m one of those people who uses 2 or THREE products to either blow my hair out all straight or to make curls.
I agree–I like the first pic best. And you’ve got the most beautiful skin…you could do Noxema ads! 🙂
My vote is for pic #1 – very flattering, very natural.
Surprising about Andrew and Jen – I actually thought they would make it. Did you catch the last episode of Average Joe? Very disappointing – I actually liked her for awhile… I console myself with the fact that Adam’s social calendar will, I’m sure, be filling up. Girls will be on him like white on rice.
I love the first’s cute & it’s YOU.The second is a nice picture but every hair is in perfect look uncomfy though.The second pic is not “you”.
Ahh! Your hair looks so pretty both ways!
I like the first picture better too! You have a great natural wave.
Well, I’m just tickled that Bean to the Bone might be the winner. However, I would never have thought of it if it wasn’t for the person who suggested Bad to the Bean. It was just a natural progression. Therefore, I will be more than happy to split the million dollar prize with the other person (whose name I am way to lazy to go back and find at 11:30 at night 😉
Aww…I wanted to be the first to say I liked the first picture of you first!!! Hehe
It looks healthier and shinier in the first pic! (I find most hair products make your (my) hair duller and feel wierd anyways)
ALL OF YOU…the best thing you can do for your hair, unless it’s naturally oily…is to put hand cream (regular intensive care vaseline) in your hands and run it through your hair when wet, and then again when it’s dry. OMG, your hair gets SO silky! Try it! 🙂 You’ll spend WAY less on hair products!
Nooooooooo! I can’t believe the broke up! Does anyone got the dirt?
We women can’t explain why we feel so attached to things like that but we are!
P.S. I liked the first picture too, Robyn!
— Sonia
Both pictures of you are nice – but the first one makes you look thinner and younger than the second one IMO. But then, who cares about looking thinner and younger?
I like your hair in the first pic. I call dos like that “artfully tousled.”
I dreamed I had ringworm last night, right where my hair naturally parts. Lovely.