
logo for December – this one created by the lovely and talented Desi. Thanks, Desi!

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We went to see Jesus Christ, Superstar yesterday in Huntsville. It was absolutely awesome. We were in front row seats, so close we could smell the sweat rolling off Jesus while he died on the cross. Fabulous, fabulous show. And the apostles were very pretty and had amazing bodies, so that was a definite plus. Judas rocked the house and so did Mary Magdalene for that matter. I didn’t much care for Jesus at first; his voice made my ears hurt. He had the look down right – Fred said he looked like a BeeGee – but I hated his voice. I liked him a little more in the second half – “Why, because he died?” Fred said – but who goes to see Jesus Christ, Superstar for Jesus, anyway? Not me. I was there for Judas and Mary and a little bit of Simon. The show was marred toward the end after Judas sang Superstar and the fucknuts sitting directly behind us had to have a fucking discussion about what exactly was going on. Which I UNDERSTAND, because if you’ve never seen the show it might be a tad confusing to have Judas out rockin’ the house after he’s killed himself. But damn people, just because YOU don’t know what’s going on doesn’t mean no one ELSE does. Fuckers. The conversation continued while Jesus was up on the cross dying, and I wanted to turn around and scream “IT’S JESUS DYING ON THE CROSS! HOW CAN THAT POSSIBLY BE CONFUSING YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS?” But I didn’t. That’s definitely my favorite show of anything we’ve seen so far. We’re going to see Les Miserables in May and I can’t WAIT. Shows I’ve never seen but want to: Grease, Joseph, Rent. The only problem with going to see a show is that for the three days following, all I can think of are the songs from the show, and it slowly drives me crazy to think “Oh I need to balance the checkbook… hmm… Every time I look at you I don’t understand – Why you let the things you did get so out of hand. You’d have managed better if you’d had a plan. Why’d you choose such a backward time in such a strange land? If you’d come today you could have reached the whole naaaaaation. Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication..*.” and the next thing you know I’m dancing the Bean across the room inviting him to join in. *Lyrics done by memory. They may or may not be correct.
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Pet store pictures are here. The giveaway page is back! Free stuff, here. That page will be updated every Friday for at least the next few weeks. And while I’m sharing links, in honor of the holiday season, you can buy a Tubby ornament here. If anyone’s interested in buying that Tubby Santa picture on a t-shirt, let me know and I’ll switch the pictures so you can do so. Have I mentioned that Tubby Loot would make a faaaaaaaaaabulous Christmas gift? Only for those crazy Tubby lovers though, I guess. As always, the price set is base price (what Cafepress charges) plus $1, and any proceeds will go to the no-kill cat shelter for which I volunteer. You can also buy a 2004 calendar featuring the And3rson Kitties . I was putting a calendar together as a Christmas present for the spud and thought some of you out there might be interested. Disclaimer: I’ve ordered, but not received, the calendar, so I have no idea how it looks in person. Cafepress stuff is usually fairly good, though.
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Speaking of calendars and such, I decided to put a calendar together for my parents of various pictures of their grandkids. I went through my vacation pictures from last summer in Maine, and I must say this: I sure do tend to take FIFTEEN THOUSAND FUCKING PICTURES OF THE EXACT SAME THING. Oh look, here’s Brian. And here’s Brian again in the exact same pose. And again. And again. AND YET AGAIN. It was tough coming up with 12 good pictures to use, believe you me. (And no, Debbie, Kate and Tracy – I didn’t use any pictures of y’all. I had some good pictures, but I knew I’d be quartered and drawn if I did such a thing so I didn’t. Hmph.)
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Did I mention that I spent part of Saturday installing Windows 2000 on my computer? Fred’s hoping like hell that it will stop my computer from locking up 15 times a day. I’m not holding my breath.
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The Bean goes on the attack, jumping on Tubby to clean behind his ears. Stanley, getting high off the (still-unplanted) lily bulbs. Miz Poo looks on disapprovingly.

20 thoughts on “2003-12-01”

  1. Well, I am glad you avoided the whole “drawn and quartered” thing. I would miss your journal, but alas, you would have to die. You can send those good pictures to me, if you like.
    Your mom is gonna LOVE the calandar. What a great idea. Fuck. Wish I’d thought of it.
    Does this mean that Tubby had taken to having his ears cleaned by the bean (poet, know it) or is this a rare bit of footage before Tubby puts the smack down?
    Hey, I bet this is the longest note on this entry so far. Heh.

  2. Hey, have you thought of getting your dad t-shirts with pics of the grandkids? I think he would LOVE those.

  3. Hi Robyn: I did a calendar from Ofoto for my mother for Christmas of my children. Since she was here for Thanksgiving when it arrived, I went ahead and gave it to her anyway and she LOVED it. It turned out really nice.
    I’m the same way when it comes to taking pictures. That’s why scrapbooking is just not for me. Why say with 3 pictures what you can say with 300???!!!!

  4. The Bean looks particularly Bean-y in that picture.
    I think that you guys should write a series of children’s books. The first one could be called “The Adventures of Tubby and Bean.” It could contain deep, insightful lessons, such as Peeing On Stuff Is Bad.

  5. I looooooooove the calendar!!It’s better than any cat calendar out there & there are many!! Your cats are just TOO cute & you all take awesome pics of them.If I can afford it..I am ordering one next week!!

  6. I saw that show put on by a rather third-rate company last year, and the only redeemable part of it was Judas. He was *good.* Everybody else… well, they sucked. heh. Glad your show was such quality! (even if the audience wasn’t…)

  7. I’ve been walking around singing, “I sing the body electric. I celebrate the me yet to come. I toast to my own reunion…when I become one with the suuuuunnnn!” I watched “Fame” for the first time last week and dude, I can’t stop singing. Before that I was going around doing, “I’m so pretty and witty and briiiight!” after watching “West Side Story,” also for the first time ever. I never wanted to be an actress in movies. I always, always wanted to be in a musical–to run around a stage singing and dancing and being all wonky. 🙂

  8. Robyn-just saw the Tubby movie of the week-Fabulous! I love his little “waddle” as he heads for the stairs. Man, he sure does like to bitch, doesn’t he?! 🙂

  9. So in the petstore pics, is that poo in the floor near the trash can? Just curious what that funky little lump was. The calendar is such a great idea!

  10. Andrea – probably because the Bean is about 1/3 the size of the Tubs. 🙂
    Rasee – you’re making me want to rent and watch “Fame” again!
    Rose – you did spot Fancypants, not once, but twice. We still consider him one of our cats, even though he’s PROBABLY off living the high life with another family (or so we hope…)
    Starr – it’s a toy mouse, actually. They’re scattered all over the place, because the cats knock them out of their cages. 🙂

  11. Cool. Glad to hear it’s harmlessly not poo. 🙂 Bean just rules. He’s such a cool little kitty.

  12. I love the December logo. The Bean with a bow around his stubby little tail is just too cute for words!!

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