* * *
Fred pointed me to
this link over at FARK. Some of them are really funny – go check it out!
* * *
I finally finished
Wolves of the Calla (Dark Tower 5) last night, staying up ’til after midnight to finish it. Earlier in the evening, Fred and I went to bed early so that we could read for a while before lights-off at 9:00. Somehow, we started talking about my book, and Fred asked “Are the Wolves of the Calla really wolves?”
“I don’t KNOW!” I said, all bent out of shape. “I don’t get to know yet! The whole ka-tet gets to know what they really are, but
I don’t! And I consider myself a very important part of the ka-tet!”
“Does the whole ka-tet really know?” Fred asked. “Everyone but you?”
“Well, not the
whole ka-tet. Eddie knows and he told Roland because Roland’s the dinh, but I don’t think Susannah and Jake know.”
“Does Oy?”
“No. But I still think I’m important enough to know, I don’t know why they gotta go whispering about it and not tell ME.”
Yep. When you have a crush on a fictional character and whine about how no one in a NOVEL is telling you anything, it’s about time to get a life, say true.
* * *
Also while we were talking about Wolves of the Calla, I said to Fred, “That bastard Roland is cheating on me. He’s getting some in this book!”
“Who’s he getting some from?” Fred asked. “Susannah?”
“NO!” I said.
“Oh right, she’s with Eddie.”
“Is he getting some from Jake?” Jake is a 13 year-old boy.
“Har har,” I said.
“Oh no, that’s right. If anyone was getting some from Jake, it would be Father Callahan!”
We guffawed over that for far too long.
* * *
Damn that Malena, or however the hell you spell it. I cannot BELIEVE she sent
Dennis packing, he was my favorite! Hell, even
Zach the ass was teary-eyed about it. But as Fred pointed out to me, Dennis is probably getting all the women he can handle, now.
How useless is it to have a host when she’s only going to show up for a few minutes at the beginning of the show to tell us what’s going to be going on? Where is she when Malena has to tell the guys who’s going? And that whole “And the next person I chose to leave is…” thing is very awkward. Why isn’t she handing out footballs to the guys she wants to stay or something?
I don’t know what the “big twist” they keep talking about is, but Fred has suggested that it has something to do with model-type guys, like she can choose a certain number of the average Joes to go and be replaced by hunka-hunka-burnin’-loves.
Poor Dennis. ::sniff:: I still think
Tareq is cute, by the way, but perhaps a bit impressed with himself.
* * *
The Bachelor tonight, it’s the reunion! I hope there’s a slapfight between LeeAnn and… well, anyone! Whoo!
* * *
I think Fred’s getting the itchy feet. He’s been talking more and more often lately about selling the house. A good part of it is that the kids on either side of us are starting to really get on our nerves. They think nothing of tramping back and forth across our lawn, playing in our driveway, and this past weekend they were playing kickball on our front lawn, complete with hitting the front door with their ball several times and TROMPING THROUGH OUR FLOWER BED.
I don’t know about you, but my mother probably would have smacked my ass for tromping around in someone’s flower bed and hitting the front door with my kickball (hee! ME playing kickball!). I would have deserved it, too.
I know that kids will be kids and that having them occasionally cross our front lawn is no big thing. And if it was just that – OCCASIONALLY – I wouldn’t have a problem with it. But it’s constant, and the kids next door have a HUGE back yard, and yet they insist on playing in their front yard next to our driveway. I just know that one of these days they’re going to break a window in the house or the windshield on my Jeep, and then I might have to have a shit fit.
(Probably not, though)
I will only point out that 2 years ago when
I liked the house in the nice subdivision on a 1-acre lot and front porch, Fred complained that it was too old and he didn’t like it. I bet he’s kicking himself now.
* * *
My best friend from high school, Liz, is coming to visit next week, arriving Wednesday and staying until Sunday. It’ll be fun to have her here. Fred’s not so sure – she’s very into sports, and he’s afraid she’ll try to talk to him about sports. Heh.
* * *
Someone asked in my comments yesterday if we’d gotten all the cats when they were kittens and if I had pictures of them when they were little. Naturally, I’m happy to share!
This is Mr. Fancypants when he was about 2 months old (for you new readers, here’s the story on Mr. Fancypants – he went missing at the beginning of this past summer and hasn’t been seen since).
Miz Poo, at 10 weeks old.
My favorite Miz Poo picture. I don’t remember how old she was – four months, maybe?
We have no baby pictures of Spot, but here’s one of him when he was about two years old.
And here’s Baby Tubs at around two months old. He had (and still has!) such pink little ears!
Miz Poo is going to give me nightmares if her eyes don’t stop following me around..night..and…day!
Tracy, you KNOW you harbor secret love for the Poo!
Laura and the Rats (rizzo, ben and lucky)
What about Spanky?
Spanky’s was in yesterday’s entry, Michelle. 🙂
AArrgghh!! Wolves of the Calla spoilers!! I’m only halfway through! 😛
It’s almost as if Tubby’s body ballooned, but the spot stayed exactly the same size… It looks HUGE on his widdy biddy kitty self!!!
But not BAD spoilers, Rachael. I didn’t tell you about when Jake accidentally shot Roland and then… Oh, oops… 😛
Aw. I love Spanky.
Oh and Robyn, didn’t you want to smack Bradley on the Average Joe? Why did he think getting into the mud bath would impress Melena? ‘Cos he’s freaking weird! Who do think is the next to go?
Baby Tubbs at 2 months was huge no wonder he’s a big boy. Oops I almost said “pig boy”! Hee! I agree on the triangle. His face grew, but the triangle did not. I do want to know how you got two cats that are all or mostly white with black tails. I love those black tails!
I finished Wolves of the Calla too…I have twins. I AM a twin. Ya wanna know how personally invested I felt in this book???
I really think it’s one of his best.
I LOVE the picture of “little” Tubby! And Mr. Fancypants was quite handsome!
What adorable kittens they all were–makes me with I’d taken more kitten pictures of my babies, but that was before I had a digital camera. Remember what a pain it was to finish a roll of film, take it somewhere to be developed, and then go out AGAIN to pick it up? (Maybe it wasn’t that much of a pain, but I’m incredibly lazy.)
Uh, yeah, that should have been “wish” instead of “with” up there…
Yeah, I decided I didn’t like Melena after monday’s episode. I think what one of the guys she sent home, whose name I can’t remember, was right when he said she was superficial and not really interested in people’s personalities more than anything else, like she said she was. I think she’s already got it in her mind that she’s going to pick Zach(k?). And he’s the bullying asshole of the group! Conceited bullying asshole, demonstrated by the comment he made in his narrative: “I think she would be lucky to be with me.” ARRRGGGHHH! And he’s not even hot (to me).
I also think the twist is going to involve brining in some really hot, typical-dating-show guys, to see how sincere she was about not caring so much about looks. It’d be interesting to see Zach’s reaction to that, too, considering how he thinks he’s too good to be the “best of the average.”
I didn’t think it was possible for Tubby to be any cuter than he already is but I obviously hadn’t seen his “baby” pics yet….SO CUTE!! ALL OF THEM! Thanks for fulfilling my request Robyn 🙂
Great kitty pics, love the Fancypants, too damn cute.
Robyn, don’t forget Ellen tonight! She’ll be calling Bob. And you really do need TiVo, it’s the absolute best!!!
Possible Average Joe Spoilers:
Yep, I think it’s gonna be cutie guys comin’ in. I told my BF that after the first episode. And I so agree about Dennis, love him, I actually had tears in my eyes when she let him go. But you’re probably right, he’s gotta have girls all over him by now. And I’m still ready for Zach to go although he did redeem himself a little with his tears over Dennis going. Did you notice that he hugged some of the guys but didn’t hug her. They just held hands. Besides Dennis I haven’t chosen a favorite yet. Not sure now who I’d want her with, as long as it isn’t Zach. But it sure seems that’s the way it’s going, at least right now it does.
How cute! I have to comment that I love how you call ur Stanley…Bean….Stanley is so beanie..just cracks me up! I have a black cat named Sam..short for Sambo…..and I call her Bean….Black Bean…Beaners…Little Bean…lol So this totally cracks me up. More pics of the Bean please! 🙂
>>>A good part of it is that the kids on either side of us are starting to really get on our nerves.
Oh BOY do I feel your pain! Or rather, I did until recently.
We live in a community of small condominiums (1000 – 1200 sq. feet). For about a year, we had a family with five small children–FIVE–living directly across the street from us. And even though they had a nice grassy area behind their condo, they chose instead to play on the street. (which isn’t a public street, but the main thoroughfare for our condo community)
The worst part was, they seemed absolutely bent on playing basketball EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and we’d get to listen to the BAM BAM BAM BAM of the basketball against the pavement and against their garage door for hours on end. We could never open our windows to let in the fresh summer air, or sit on our balcony to enjoy the view because of all of the noise. This went on for a good solid year until they moved out. Now we just have to deal with the occasional irresponsible dog owner … and that’s ANOTHER story!
My cat has been named “the Bean” for years even tho his real name is Fabio. We call him the Mean Bean because of his attitude with the other cats.
And get this I was talking to someone online yesterday and they mentioned their cat Caz Bean (he added that he’s a Beany Bean!)
LOL Lotsa Beans out there!
Love to you Robyn, Fred and the Spud!
I miss Mr. Fancypants!
I know you hate Tubby with a passion but Baby Tubby is so irresistible! But I love fat cats too. Do you have any other pictures of Baby Tubby you could share with us? Thanks Robyn.
OMG Your babies are SO CUTE!!! I love baby pictures of fuzzy ones. Miz Poo was ADORABLE, and still is!
Do you all know how ‘cats’ …got their name? No? Sure I will tell you. Now understand …I am new to this information and it came to me in a dream but I am sure of its authenticity. While browsing a local flee market, I came across an oil painting – on velvet of course – and the subject had a remarkable resemblence to my Nedward. Nedward is a princely specimen of a cat …regal and stalwart and I always suspected he came from a royal bloodline. I, of course, bought this painting …brought it home and proudly leaned it against the wall …put my feet up and fell asleep while gazing at such a fine art example. Following is the information that I have been trusted to pass on.
Nedward T. Pindercat came into this world in the broom closet of the Royal castle in Moondovia. He was the bastard son of the mother kitchen feline …his father …the Royal Felineness himself.
No one knew of this tawdry affair until the Royal Felineness fell ill. Having no heirs to the throne …and his rogue of a nephew the only one left to carry on the Royal Felineness, he summoned Nedward T. Pindercat to his bedside …and with his last breath ..told Nedward of his royal blood. Of course the rogue was furious and rounded up his hoodlum buddies to end Nedward T. Pindercats life. Fearing that, Nedward left Moondovia for the Americas where he changed his name to Nedward T. Cat ..and lived happily ever after.
The End
I’m going to steal me a baby Poo.
But only because the baby Tubby is shaped like a big headed pug dog.
I LOVE the baby pictures of Tubby and Fancypants! Something about those longhaired kittys with fur everywhere.
I don’t watch joe average because I can’t stand Melena…she is on billboards all over town here for some laser hair removal thingy and she graduated a few years ahead of me at my highschool. I always saw her as your typical “in-crowd” popular person type thing and when youre not in that crowd…well, you know the rest…
Awwww. I loved the baby pictures. BTW did you see Diddy Runs the City? P Diddy ran the NY marathon.
I love the baby pictures!!’s so cute seeing them as little ones! I can’t get over Tubby & Miz Poo.They look the most different to me..bigger & “wiser” looking now!