
that hair cut looks like crap, why do you let your husband go on day trips with your daughter, are you out of your mind… you’d better get back on track with the weight loss honey or keep looking over your shoulder. Get a CLUE! First of all, that’s a rather sad and pathetic little life you have, isn’t it? Secondly, you would be the one who needs to get a CLUE! (not a clue, but a CLUE!) My husband – perhaps you’ve heard of him – is a computer geek who specializes in computer security. So, Jackie, how’s the weather up there in Vancouver Washington? And what would your deceased father – the retired Navy man – think of you posting such a cowardly, anonymous, ugly comment? PS: You really should consider getting an unlisted number. It would probably cut down on all those pesky “wrong number” calls.

* * *
And also, for anyone else who immediately thought “Sandra!” when they saw that, alack and alas, there are two separate assholes who feel the need to post in comments. Sandra’s on AOL. Jackie is not. Also, she has an Angelfire email address.
* * *
Speaking of my comments, someone – hi Kerry Anne! – posted and pointed out that the tiles we put in the box that holds the litter box are the same tiles she currently has in her bathroom, and that she picked them out herself. I have to say, when I first saw the tiles, I liked the pattern, too. In fact, I suggested to Fred that we rip up the floor in our kitchen and replace it with those tiles (I HATE the floor in our kitchen. Hate it!). He wouldn’t go for it, though. Hmph. Also, Rachael asked what I thought of Average Joe, which premiered on Monday night. We taped it and watched it Tuesday night, and the verdict so far? I love it! I don’t know, watching gorgeous model guys cavort around the pool is fun, but watching dorky average guys is even more fun somehow. I was a little annoyed at first by Melana – “She needs to shut up!” I said to Fred. “She’s cute, but she’s NOT all that. She’s no Trista!” – but as the show went on, I started to like her a little. It’s a little early to have any favorite guys, but that little Tareq sure is a cutie. Too young, though. If you’re interested in seeing Average Joe and missed it on Monday, they’re rebroadcasting it at 9 pm eastern time.
* * *
POSSIBLE THE BACHELOR SPOILERS IN THIS SECTION!! Was I shocked to see Mary go? Not at all; I expected her to go last week. I love the way she handled it all, though, because that kind of calm dignity you don’t see a lot on that show. I still expect to see Kelly Jo win, but if he chooses Estella, I still think he’s got one hell of a girl. That would be true if he’d ended up with Mary or Meredith too, for that matter. Also, every time Bob is kissing one of the women and he pulls back, he always looks like he’s going to giggle. Or is it just me?
* * *
Thanks, y’all, for all your kind comments about my hair. I just got out of the shower, and I already like it more than I did yesterday, because my hair’s doing the little flippy thing, which I like. I was playing with it last night, and although it’s much shorter than I’ve had it in years, I can still pull the top back or put barrettes in the side (must steal barrettes from the spud) or do any number of things. Not that I will, mind you. But I could if I wanted to!
* * *
I think the Bean has a little crush. He spends the majority of his time in the same room with Miz Poo, if not laying right next to her. They fight a lot and Miz Poo hisses and growls, but I think she really likes it more than she’s willing to let on. She cannot resist his Beaniness.

67 thoughts on “2003-11-06”

  1. Robyn, I think the next time you get a crappy comment like the one posted yesterday, we should all ignore it, as that is what they are looking for – a reaction. By – the way – i love the cut and color too! Doesn’t it feel good to have so many admirors!! (OK – I don’t know how to spell)

  2. To hell with Jackie. I hate cowards. I think you look very stylish!
    Didn’t you kind of shed a tiny tear when Mary told Bob that it was ok for him to follow his heart. Or maybe it was just ‘cos I was PMSing. She is a classy gal. But she was just too much into the having kids thing. Bet she finds another dude really quickly though ‘cos she handled herself very well!

  3. Hmmmm…..somebody jealous of Robyns beauty?? I recall a Fred journal where he said he was suddenly hit with the overwhelming love for Robyn so me thinks someone best stop being so catty. Anyhooo Fred doesn’t look like the type to chase little girls. I do love your new doo and color, looks fab on you!
    Is The Bean in all his beanyness Miz Poos’ boy toy?? LOL!

  4. Hey Robyn…have you seen the catnip bubbles that they have? I saw them in the pet section of Target the other day and it made me wish that I had a kitty to play with. Alas, I am allergic (ah-chooo). My dog, Sydney, likes to chase the candy bubbles so I was wondering if the cats would chase catnip bubbles. πŸ™‚
    Also, I like the cut and the color is great. Nice and shiny.

  5. But Estella has such an annoying, high-pitched little baby-talk voice! That would drive me batty in two seconds. I don’t know how Bob takes it. . . except I guess he dosen’t really notice that much since his tongue is constantly in her mouth! That show is the best!Hee!

  6. Oooohhhh Robyn, A mystery!! What is the story behind Shannon’s mystery emailer???
    I lurve your hair, your kitties, your site, your links, but mostly I lurve getting the email every day letting me know you have posted!!! Thanks for making my days brighter!!

  7. Sometimes I think about putting up a journal JUST to try and attract freaks who post nasty/bizarre notes. Then I get lazy. They make me laugh. It’s really the only way to deal with such a bitter bitter witch. πŸ™‚ I enjoy reading your journal!

  8. Robyn-
    What a great journal you have! I am coming out of lurkdom to tell you how awful that comment was yesterday and that I adore the new cut and color. I’m a cat person without any cats (I have a greyhound who thinks cats are for eatin’) and I love hearing about the antics of all your felines – especially Tubby.

  9. I really liked Mary, but thought all along she wasn’t Bob’s type. It was great to finally see one of the girls handle rejection with dignity. Afterall, they come into this show knowing the way it works…only ONE is chosen in the end. Mary was the oldest of the girls this season and it showed with the graceful way she handled herself.
    I’m pulling for Kelli Jo because she seems “playful” whereas Estella seems a bit too serious for Bob. It appeared from last nights show as though he’s favoring Kelli Jo. I’m leery of believing it after watching Trista “appear” to favor Charlie and then chose Ryan. Ratings, ya know.

  10. FRED KICKED ASS! You must be so proud. Bitchy? I love your hair. I think it makes you look young and adorable. Don’t tell Jackie but I take my step kids on day trips. I hug and kiss them, I tell them I love them, but shush-that’s a secret.
    Okay, enough gushing. I do have a bone to pick with the both of you. Ready? Why don’t you post on the weekends and why doesn’t Fred post during the week? Do we only get one And3rson at a time, dontcha think we can handle a double dose???
    Thanks for sharing, you two crack me up!

  11. Robyn, some people just don’t have 2 brain cells to rub together… Jackie from Vancouver seems to be one of those unfortunate fools.
    Even trolls should be able to tell that you have self esteem as big as your heart, and their comments will not hurt you.
    The comment was icky. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.
    April in Oklahoma

  12. I’m catching up today and want to tell you that I really like your hair cut and color.
    I was not surprised to see Mary go. I liked the way Bob was honest with her about why unlike other bachelors have been in the past. I also thought Mary handled herself well. I started crying when she told him she would miss him. I think Bob will pick Kelly Jo but I agree with Ann that after the Trista/Ryan surprise you can’t really go by what they decide to show us. I think they really try to edit these things to make us think it’s going one way when really it’s going the other way.
    I also liked Average Joe. I think it has potential.
    Survivor tonight!! I cannot wait!

  13. I can’t believe some people don’t realize that every move they make on the net is traceable. But, to us non-super-computer-geeks that was like a really neat magic trick!

  14. Thanks for the heads up on the Average Joe rebroadcast, for some reason I forgot to watch on Monday! Love your hair, love the Bean!

  15. Robyn,
    I SO love what Fred did for you and that you posted all her info. Some people are just so toxic. I’m glad she lives in Vancouver where her mean spirit is far enough away to be diffused.
    I like your hair, and I’m working up the nerve to get mine cut short. Since it grows about a centimeter a decade, I am committed to short hair for a long, long time if I make the move. You have convinced me I can make it work.
    I am envious of the wonderful relationship Fred has with your daughter, and I think that twit in Vancouver is twisted.

  16. Robyn, I think your hair looks fantastic! I don’t usually post in the comments (though I am a faithful reader), but after the twat incident, I felt like giving you a shout out. Also? I think I might be in love with Tubby. Shh…don’t tell anyone…my boyfriend is convinced that I just may take off in the night to relieve you of Tubby.
    Heather in Santa Barbara

  17. i wonder why she wastes her time reading your website if she dislikes you so much. guess she has no freakin life of her own so she has to obsess about someone else. what a loooooo-zeeerrrr! robyn rocks! πŸ™‚

  18. The way you handled Jackie is the best thing I’ve seen in a while. I hope she’s shitting her pants right about now! You go girl – and Fred too!

  19. Well, first I was really angry, and feeling quite defensive, well until the glee I got watching Fred kick her cyber ass! πŸ™‚ I guess we know who got the last laugh on that one!
    YOU GO!!

  20. Your hair looks so good! Love the cut and color, hate Jackie. And you don’t look so psycho in your picture to me – at least your eyeballs aren’t bright red, right?

  21. Seriously, nothing taught me better the old adage “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all” than the knowledge that people can track me down and make my life miserable if I were to be such an asshole that I posted mean, anonymous comments to somebody’s web site.
    Your hair looks fabulous, Robyn, and you and Spud are lucky to have such a great guy as Fred. And I’m not just saying that because he could track me down and make my life a living hell. πŸ˜‰

  22. Yo Jack(ass)ie – me thinks the legions of Bitchypoo fans have put the smack down on your sorry ass! There are plenty of places to be malicious on the web – but this site is not one of them. People here care. And how dare you accuse Fred of being an ass who would ever do something like that! He’s her parent, and parents don’t do that! I raised 3 step children and let me tell you: I am their mother, physically, emotionally, and financially. Some families just get put together that way, and the step-parents are the parents no matter how things unfolded birth-parent-wise. Fred’s her parent no matter what because he stepped up the the plate. That’s the meaning of step-parent. You dumb ass.

  23. I like your new ‘do’. I know exactly what you mean by it feeling flippy. It reminds me that I need to make an appointment to get mine cut. I always feel cute when my hair is ‘flippy’.

  24. I think you should give Me her number and address. I live about 20 mins. away from Vancouver! : ) Maybe I could deliver some tubby pee to her? c’mon, you know you want to… lol

  25. Hello Robyn !!! I read and look forward to your journal every day …. with that said, most of the time I agree with you … BUT the average Joe thing…. uughh … that poor girl, these are guys that she would NEVER Date!!!! And the first guy to go would have been that annoying little arab guy !!!!! He just went all over me !!!! ehhh.

  26. Dang! I was kind of hoping the nasty lady was Lee-Ann from the Bachelor. I hope that Jackie in Vancouver was appropriately mortified when you let all of us know that you can tell who and where she is. Hee. That was funny!

  27. I’m so glad for you and the Spud having Fred and vise versa. That was just an awesome thing for him to do. I always wonder if twatty people like Jackie and Sandra come back and see the fallout and maybe, just maybe, learn from it.
    Loved Average Joe. Already want that Zach guy to go, he may be the best looking but he’s an ass, at least so far he is.
    Did you see the Ellen Show this week? When she called Bob Wed. she kinda scolded him for letting Merideth go. But she’s now picking Kelly Jo for him. He told Ellen that the reason he let Merideth go was that he felt a better connection with the woman he chose. Oh well. I don’t watch the show but reading all of your comments and watching Ellen calling him every Wed. is pretty fun.
    Oh yeah, Robyn I think you should take Renee up on her offer. hehehe

  28. Oops, I thought I noted here…sorry. I am REALLY hoping the Twatly Jackie isn’t one of the readers I sent over. Most of my reader rock, so I can’t imagine it was…but still.
    I am in awe of your hubbies digital skills. Nothing like a cyber smack down to keep things interesting. Oh, and remind me never to piss you off. Heh.

  29. Does Fred like the hair?? By the way- you guys are the coolest. You should have called that Jackie Twat on the phone and said “Hi How the $^&$%# are ya Bitch!” That would have been fun.
    Poo Loves the Bean. The Bean loves Poo. All is right with the world.
    But- is Tubby still a pissing machine???

  30. Hey Robyn…Vancouver’s not that far away. Iffen you want, I can do the flaming dog turd trick on her front porch!
    Fred reminds me of my hubby. Computer geeks ROCK!

  31. Aren’t computer geek husband’s the best? Mine has done the same thing on occasion hee! Glad you’re liking the hair better today. I always go through the same thing, waffle back and forth on hating and loving it the day of, and then like it better the more I style it myself.

  32. I think your hair looks great!!! Let’s leave Jackie alone….she is obviously troubled & miserable all on her own!!!How very sad.
    The best revenge is being happy!!! And, I think, at 15, and with her background(ing) the spud can handle herself even if Fred was a perv…..which I seriously can’t see being the case.

  33. OK, anyone who reads about a man going on a trip with his stepdaughter and immediately assumes that something bad is happening is either A) a perv B)screwed up and deserving of pity.

  34. Michelle – I really did! But Bob wasn’t right for Mary. Hey, maybe she’ll be the next Bachelorette!
    Debby – The Bean is TOTALLY Miz Poo’s boy toy. She wouldn’t leave him alone this afternoon, it was hilarious!
    Tammy – We have a bottle of the catnip bubbles! We need to get them out again, it’s been a while.
    Beth – I swear to god that Bob has kissed EVERY SINGLE BACHELORETTE. I hadn’t noticed Estella’s voice, though, I’ll have to pay attention next time I see her. Next week is the reunion show. I SO hope they give LeeAnn a hard time.
    Lori – It would be no fun unless you made it a total trainwreck journal! Heh.
    Karen – I don’t post on the weekends because I’m a lazy bitch, of course. Fred does occasionally post during the week, though!
    Kel – Oh, I liked the little arab guy, but maybe only ’cause I liked listening to him talk. That Zach guy’s GOT. TO. GO.
    Katrina – I forgot to watch last night. Wah! I need TiVo!!! πŸ™‚
    Missy – I bet I could totally make some of those. I may have to give it a try!
    Kate – We know where you live!!! πŸ˜›
    Niki – he says he likes it, and my BS detector isn’t going off, so I believe him! πŸ™‚ As for Tubby, so far, so good. No peeing yesterday or today, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed!
    Patty – the Bean’s not as big as Poo, but he’s getting there! She’s a small cat, and I’m pretty sure he’s going to be big. She’s going to be in trouble when he’s bigger than her!
    Fitchypoo – amen, my sister!
    And to all of you who heaped on the hair compliments – thank you so much! My hair is now too short to contain my ego. Heh!

  35. That comment you received was really sick and twisted. To even say those words! Jesus, people are mean. Last time I checked, we were all adults!
    Anyways, I too, like your new do (or is it doo?) hehe It looks so healthy and shiny! πŸ™‚

  36. I am just catching up today! Love your hair and once again you and Fred just rock!! Jackie has some major issues and she needs help! Average Joe – I loved it!! Can’t wait for next Monday.

  37. Robyn,the thought of someone being mean to you actually made me cry-and no,I’m not premenstral.( I LOVE you guys !!!)
    Your hair looks great. It really shows off your gorgeous eyes !
    I just cut off ten inches of my hair a week ago and I feel so SASSY !
    I really love your Stanley photos. They make me smile-as do all of your cat photos.

  38. Twathead is my new favorite word, I can work it into almost any sentence. Your hair’s really cute and flattering, and I always love your kitty pix and stories. Your hardwood floors are just gorgeous! They glow. Is there any certain product you use on them?

  39. I like your haircut and color too. Anyone who doesn’t can take the advice off of your main page πŸ™‚ The GFY one I mean πŸ™‚

  40. In times of trouble with (not so) anonymous insults on the internet, just turn to Double-Oh-Fred (he with the license to trace IP addresses). Even TVOR (the voice of reason), who is a computer geek with all his heart, was duly impressed and promised to make some changes to our set-up, so that he could take action if something like that ever happened at “my place”. So, Fred once more served as his usual inspirational self and even made other people feel a little safer about putting things on the internet. πŸ™‚ You truly deserve each other, Fred and Robyn, because you are both very inspiring and loving people. Oh yeah, you also rock! πŸ™‚

  41. That poor woman. Just think of what a miserable and frightening life she must have had to jump to that kind of conclusion and spew that kind of venom. Very sad.

  42. Robyn,
    I am absolutely shocked about what people will say in the comfort of “anonymous”. Could you imagine, accusing someone (whom you don’t know at all!) of child molestation? There are plenty of single moms out there who would LOVE to have a caring man like Fred in their own spud’s life. I am so glad that Fred helped Jackie come out from under the “anonymous” name so she could be known to all! I mean…if you are going to be an asshole, you might as well own up to it.

  43. Nance and I are packing up our stuff (though we’re not driving in her Meatmobile) and coming to your area to prepare for Kick Ass 2003, during which we kick the retarded asses of all fools who post nasty things in our Robyn’s comments.
    Nancy’s tougher, but I’m rounder. So people had better watch out.

  44. I too am a faithful reader who never comments, but I have emailed you a few times. I feel the need to proclaim publicly that I like your site very much, okay I love it and I do not even love cats! I cannot believe someone would be such an anonymous ass to you. Kudos to Fred for outing her.

  45. I love reading your and Fred’s journals. Anonymous comments by a coward like Jackie really make me angry! Fred seems like a good and caring Step Dad. She may have bee molested herself and thinks all men are the same.
    If this new litter box doesn’t help you could make a ramp for your cat to get in the litter box. We made one for the dog when she got too old for to get up the steps. Big fat cats needs help!!!!

  46. Oh! Chilling!! Awesome detective work πŸ™‚ Much better than just calling her a bitch and moving on. I love the whole personal info link.
    And Jackie: I’m sure you’re reading this:
    And the whole assumption on the child molestor….

  47. First off, I think the hair is kickin’.
    Secondly, kudos to Fred for the detective work. And Jackie, babe, this sort of stuff always comes around to where it started. Heh.

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