* * *
When the spud got home from school Wednesday, she asked us whether she had gone to church last week. When we reminded her that she hadn’t, she sighed and said “Then I guess I’ll go this week…”
Fred and I thought that was odd – we were under the impression that she was going to church every week because she wanted to – so later, Fred went upstairs to talk to her.
It turns out that she’s been going to church every week because her SO CALLED FRIENDS have been pressuring her into going by telling her that if she DIDN’T go, she’d go to Hell. Fucking Jesus freaks.
One of the problems that comes along with growing up in the Bible Belt, I suppose.
Fred told her that she should tell her friends we wouldn’t let her go to church anymore, and if they had a problem with that, they could give us a call. The spud seemed almost giddy with relief – “I like the singing part,” she said. “But then we have to listen to Anthony talk for a long time.” – and was happy and cheerful for the rest of the night.
We really should have seen this coming, I suppose. Not only did the spud seem to have problems with Anthony’s anti-gay lecture, since she has a friend who is bi, but last week she came and asked if she would GO TO HELL if she watched Charmed. Apparently Anthony has a problem with it what with the witchcraft aspect of it and all.
I believe the attitude around the And3rson household at the moment is “Fuck Anthony, for he is the one who is the ball licker.”
We’re kind of hoping that the spud’s friends tell Anthony that the spud’s heathen folks won’t let her go to church anymore and that he shows up at the house. I think I’d have to break out the camera to record THAT little confrontation.
* * *
I meant to mention this yesterday when I was talking about Nairing the fuck out of my face. Years ago, I had a device that would yank the hair out by the roots – it wasn’t an Epilady, but something similar – and I’m only sorry that I don’t have it anymore. It hurt like hell to use it on my facial hair, but once I got it done, the hair would stay gone for a good, long time.
I think someone out there should get the hair lasered off their face and tell me whether it hurts or not.
* * *
My god in heaven, what is WRONG with those people in Drake? Why is Jon’s ANNOYING FUCKING ASS not gone with the wind? WHY? He acts like he’s perpetually high and he’s definitely a perpetual annoying asshole.
I think that Rupert made some serious brownie points with Drake when he went back to them without taking part in the reward challenge he helped Morgan win. God, I love Rupert. And how cool is he for working his ass off for Morgan instead of sitting around and pouting? Osten continues to annoy me.
I hate listening to Darrah; that is one horrible accent she’s got, and I can hardly understand a word that comes out of her mouth. Like Fred said to me last night, she’s really pretty until she starts TALKING.
* * *
Poor Stanley. All he wants to do it play, and none of the big cats will play with him. This morning, Miz Poo was snuggled up to me, and Stanley hopped up on the bed, saw her, and got so excited that he galloped across me on his way to her. He jumped at her and put his arms around her neck, hoping to play, and she freaked out and smacked at him.
She’s hissing and growling a whole lot less than she did when we first brought him home, though. I guess she’s decided that you can only hold on to that state of hysteria for so long before it gets too stressful.
Stanley’s developed a big, round belly in the last week. He’s so funny looking now, because he’s a skinny cat and you can feel his spine when you pet him, and then he has this big round gut. I suspect he likes the food we provide more than the food he was eating at the shelter. Also, he’ll eat anything even remotely food-like. Fred gave him a piece of popcorn earlier this week, and he hoovered it down.
That cat sure does crack me up.
* * *
1. Name five things in your refrigerator. Mini Babybels, cottage cheese, Diet Coke (for me), Diet Vanilla Pepsi (for the spud), a gallon container of tea (for Fred).
2. Name five things in your freezer. A stack of Lean Cuisine Pepperoni pizza, Lean Pockets, leftover seafood gumbo (for Fred’s lunches), Blue Bell vanilla ice cream, frozen blueberries.
3. Name five things under your kitchen sink. A spray bottle of ammonia and water, extra sponges, Oxi-Clean, a spray bottle of Clorox Clean-up, Electrasol dishwasher tabs.
4. Name five things around your computer. My Steakout cup, filled with water. A can of compressed air to scare away the kitties when necessary. My digital camera (Sony Cybershot DSC-P50). Our digital camcorder (JVC GR-D7OU). A pile of papers that need to be dealt with (but that won’t happen anytime soon, I’m sure).
5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet. It seems to be a weird thing that in the south there aren’t medicine cabinets in the bathrooms (or perhaps it’s just the houses in this area?) We use a cupboard in the kitchen as our medicine cabinet, and it contains: Tylenol. Aspirin. Advil. Pepto-Bismol. Metamucil. Nothing too exciting, obviously.
* * *
I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but recently I was in the spud’s bedroom, and saw a list on her bed entitled “Things I will need when I get my own apartment.”
Naturally I read it. Oh, shut up. You would have read it, too!
Number three on the list after bed and tv/vcr? Pepto-Bismol. At least she’s got her priorities straight.
* * *
I love the look on his face.
For some reason, during the day he prefers to stretch out next to the cat bed, instead of stretching out in it.
He likes to sit in this chair and watch the kids play outside. We’ve been talking about buying a halter and leash for him. It would crack me up to be able to take him for short walks down the street. That would also put me firmly into “That crazy-ass woman who has all the cats” territory.
Miz Poo could probably crush Stanley by dropping on him from this height.
Heheee! Anthony’s the ball licker!! 😀 Sorry, haven’t even finished the entry yet, but that was freakin’ funny.
Robyn, I too, like you, wonder why Jon is still there. He is such a freakin’ asshole and I really can’t stand him!!!! The only thing I can figure is that he’s doing most of his bullshit talking to the camera man and the others don’t really see it yet. They’re probably home now watching the series of t.v. and kicking themselves for letting him stay so long.
I agree that it was nice of Rupert to be so nice to Morgan and was a little dismayed to see him abandon them so quickly, although he does have to do what is best for him and is supposed to be a member of the Drake tribe, after all. My vote goes to Rupert so far to win the whole thing. He truly is the hardest worker . . . and that alone makes me wonder if they’ll vote him off just to eliminate the competition.
I liked Michelle but she really blew it last night when she gobbled down her “smoothie” so quickly. What was she thinking?
Can you tell I’m a real survivor junkie??? I’d love to find a decent chat room on it.
Have a great day!!
I LOVE the look on Stanley’s face.
“Hellloooo Ladies…I am ze ladies man…I know you all want my furry bod,yes, yes you do”
Ah yes, the Jesus freaks. I call them bible thumpers. You know the ones I’m talking about. They tell you what a sinner you are as they thump on their bible for emphasis. One of my childhood friends became a bible thumper. When she starts lecturing me about going to church and how I’m going to hell I just tell her, “You have got to be kidding me. I remember when your idea of a good time was crawling into the backseat of Eddie’s car to smoke pot and who knows what else. Don’t pull that holier than thou shit with me.” Needless to say, I don’t hear much from her anymore. 😉
Did someone ask for a Survivor chat room? Well, here ya go Michele: http://forums.televisionwithoutpity.com/index.php?showforum=602
I’ve become a junkie too – and got my boyfriend and his son into it because I’m evil!
LOL at the Pepto. 🙂
Regarding Jon, did you know that he and Jeff Probst did not get along at all while taping? I can really notice it now that I found out, esp. last week’s episode when Jon was drunk. I’m a Rupert lover, too!
Just wanted to let you know the new kitty is way cute!
And don’t even get me started on the born-again-delinquents!
For a minute there, it almost looks like Stanley is swimming on your bed 🙂
As for the popcorn deal, our Siamese has two snacks he adores and comes running out of nowhere to eat: beef jerkey and smartfood popcorn. You open said item(s) and Emmet comes running into the room, demanding treats. He must smell it. He’ll get his head into the bag of popcorn if possible. Or sits at your feet crying (loud siamese style) for jerkey. At least w/ the popcorn, he only wants a few bites, but he demands jerkey the entire time Bob eats it.
Oh, and Anthony…total ball licker.
i have done the laser hair thing. it doesn’t hurt anymore than waxing or pulling the hair out with an epilady type thing! i am all for it. it took more than a year of treatments to get rid of most of it, but i was doing my chin and moustache area. viva le laser!
*SIGH* oh why do people need to tell others where they are going if they don’t go to church? Salvation is clearly written in the bible and going to church, giving money etc. is not it! That does get my blood to boilin’ when I hear these things (I am a christian y’all, read me bible and try to pick up my cross daily to follow christ) BUT I don’t feel the need to pressure others as judging just ain’t my job. Tell spud to find another group of friends in a church that will lift her up, not try to scare the “hell” out of her.
I’m in the south and even when I was in Jacksonville we have medicine cabinets….sounds like someone stole yours LOL!
Stanley is too adorable! I want a kitty but my mean husband doesn’t like them. Did ya ever hear of such a thing??? =)
I’ve lived in NC for >7 yrs and haven’t had a medicine cabinet in the last 3 or 4 places I’ve lived. We use part of the closet in the bathroom for our stuff, too.
There used to be a lady who lived in an apartment near mine (when i lived in an apt) who put her huge, fat, orange kitty on a leash and walked him around the complex. It was pretty funny to watch; the cat would walk a few steps, then just flop down and lay there, switching his tail around, looking like nothing in the world bothered him. Then she’d pull him along and he’d saunter on some more. I got a kick out of it, I’m sure your neighbors would too!
I just wanted to say that I cracked up hysteriaclly with a picture in my head of Miz Poo opening up her paws and dropping down and squashing Stanley.
Stanley looks EVIL in that first picture, like he’s plotting some horrible revengeful act. He looks like he should be twirling a moustache. If he had one. Or fingers to twirl it with.
We walk our cat, Toulouse, all the time. He’ll even drag his leash to you when he’s ready to go outside and meow until you either let him go or tell him no and put the leash up.
I -heart- Stanley! More, more, more Stanley pics. (I can’t wait until Miz Poo gives up her reign of terror for the little fella!)
I love Stanley ears/look on the last picture!!
I agree with Debby in regard to the “Jesus freaks.” I’m a Christian too and I would NEVER tell any of my friends that they’re going to hell if they don’t go to church. I have quite a few friends who are agnostic/atheist/Wiccan/aren’t sure and I feel the best way to show my faith to them is to LIVE my faith. As for if they are going to Hell, I would not make such an audacious presumption. God alone can determine who is/isn’t going to Hell. Humans should not assume that they know, because they DON’T.
Anyway. Rant mode off. Tell the Spud that her friends aren’t worth having if they tell her stupid things like that.
Stanley’s just adorable. It makes me wish our landlord allowed us to have more than one cat!
One of my cats eats everything, give her anything, she’ll love it! Her favourite? Broccoli!(Which is great, because I hate it:-) Last week I gave her a pepperoni,a whole one! and she ate the whole thing! Doesn’t she have any tastebuds whatsoever? Popcorn, boiled carrots? Yes!
The only problem is, you have to keep your food within your line of sight at all times, or she’ll steal it:-) Answering the phone in the middle of supper is at your own risk! Leave a plastic bag with bread in it on the counter over night? Don’t expect it to be much left next morning.. At least my kitchen looks neater..:-) Her name is Alice.
My other cat, Emmy, eats only catfood. Nothing else. On the other hand, she can’t drink like normal cats do, so she bats all the water out on the floor with her paw, and then licks the paw! Maybe she’s trying to build an indoor swimmingpool:-)
Maybe the Spud could join a youth choir instead?
(Sorry for the length)
Dude, I saw these people at PetSmart a couple of weeks ago who had THREE cats on leashes, all trotting along merrily behind them like little doggies. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open… then looked at my cashier and said “did I just see that?” She assured me that they’re in all the time and yes, those cats are leash-trained. Unreal! I tried to train my cat Einstein a long time ago with a leash, and he would just go as far as he could, realize he couldn’t go any farther, and then plop down onto the ground and pout at me.
Have always told my kids to use me as a back-up for peer pressure if they didn’t have enough confidence is just saying no. I would much rather be the bad guy than have them doing something they really don’t want to do. I am sure the spud is relieved…big time.
Stanley is tooooooo cute. Not only should he have a leash and such, he should have his own TV show!!
As you know, I am not afflicted with the MANLY FACIAL HAIR, but my mother is, and she had the lasering thing done and she said it didn’t hurt one bit, and she and I actually went to lunch like 2 hours after she had it done and you couldn’t even tell. A far cry from the inflamed goatee you were sporting the other day, woman. The funny thing is they do it at her obgyn’s office. Yeah, you can get your pap smear and then get your ‘stache taken care of! One stop shopping!
Boy I could go on and on about this ball licker Anthony but I think it has been said enough..ok one more time..ball licker.
I love love love that pic of Stanley watching the kids play. How cute is that? Very, I must say.
I know you always called Poo, “portly” and next to Tubby it was hard for me to see.. but putting her up against Stanley really earned her title..she seems to be the most affected of all your cats to this newcomer. I bet she is jealous. Poor Miz Poo!!
Stanley is adorable & looks identical to the kitty my parents just adopted from the shelter. His name is Sidney and a wild thing on wheels. Props to you & Fred on the “religious” freaks – I am pretty sure God doesn’t give a $^*@ what you watch on tv, but I don’t think he cares much for threats & judgements!!!!!
Remember those pictures we used to draw on our PeeChees. You know, the ones of the guy peeking out over the top of the wall? Then we’d write “Killroy was here.” Well, that’s what that second picture of Stan the man looks like!
Hee! Stanley’s face in that first pic kills me. He looks sort pissed off, but a bit of “oh well, it’s a chore being this gorgeous, but if you really must pay attention to me, I supposed I will have to bear it. Worship away!”
I think that people that preach hate are what’s driving younger folk away from churches in droves. Bigotry is about ignorance and younger generations actually know people who are out of the closet and people who belong to other faiths (Hey, when my mother was in high school, she wasn’t allowed to mix with those dangerous Catholics) and have personal experience of people who are different, and know that they’re just like everyone else.
So people who’ve grown up with that experience find churches that preach hate hypocritical I think. People like Anthony need to remember that stupid slogan “What would Jesus do?”- the personal ministry of Jesus was to the marginalized and disenfranchised (ie, Jesus hung out with the lepers and the prostitutes). It makes my blood boil to hear people making stupid statements in the name of God.
The Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver just ended a highly lauded program sponsored by a local credit union that taught kids about financial responsibilty because the credit union had an advertising campaign that reached out to the large gay community here with slogans like “I want to bank where all people are valued.” The local paper got flooded with letters supporting the credit union and lambasting the Archbishop. It would be interesting to see how if the membership of the credit union gets a nice little bump out that flap- I was tempted to switch, but their locations are not that convenient for us and we don’t have a car.
Anyway, good on you guys (and ZB too!) for giving Spud an out and volunteering to be the big bad. If Anthony does come to tell y’all you’re going to hell, please please please get it on digital video so you can share it with everybody.
Ahh. Well Joanna said what I was going to point on: “God alone can determine who is/isn’t going to Hell.”
I’m a Christian as well, and it is an important part of my life, but handing out judgements (or speculating on them) isn’t my job.
Too bad about said Ball Licker. I think that gives Christians a bad rap.
God, I LOVE Stanley. He is sooooo adorable. I want him. I want a kitty. I want one now.
And, I totally agree with everything you said about Survivor. Go Rupert!
Have a great weekend!
Two good Bible verses you can throw at Anthony, should you ever need them (nothing’s more fun than beating a Bible-thumper at his own game):
“Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.” – Matthew 15:11 (in other words, watching a TV show won’t send you to hell). and “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Matthew 7:1
my kitty goes out on a leash and she loves to go for walks, you should try it while he is still young, so he can get used to it
My kids grew up in the bible belt as well . They were hauled off crying ,to ride the bus to church as young as 3. Then when they were grade school age we had to make them go . (It was the only time we could have sex in peace)
Now, due to the outragous “you’re going to hell for everything”attitude that they endured, they all hate church.I regret now , not trying to find a more realistic “church environment” .
About 4 months ago we got a new kitten and Mocha , our Burmese still hisses ,growls and hits him. She has become a wreck and my 8 year old siamese has recently started crapping all over the house. Advice???? Anyone???
Or does anyone want a 3 legged incontinent cat?
I was really hoping they would vote off Jon this week. I can’t stand him!
What was up with Michelle anyway? She was supposed to act all freaked out about eating something nasty to trick Morgan into picking her to go twice. What does she do? Guzzles that nastiness down faster than anyone.
Rupert is the best. He really does deserve to win. I wonder if they will vote him off early because he’s such a risk.
I am so addicted to reality tv.
Hee Lena! You make him sound so appealing…who wouldn’t want him. I made note in my entry for today how all the Non-Journal-Con folks now have a duty and responsibility to get up off the bench and go write their little hearts out.
Robyn, we keep our medication in a kitchen cupboard as well! I always thought it was weird that people kept theirs in the washroom! Washroom water eeewwwwwwwwwww!!! 🙂
I had the laser thing done on my legs. They said it would feel like, “a rubber band snap.” They weren’t kidding. A big ol’ wide rubber band stretched out full length and then snapped at just the right distance away.
Though really, you get used to it. It was a teeth-clenching experience but not a screaming one. Much like the Epilady device.
BTW, the laser got rid of about 1 hair out of 10. Hardly worth the money. I guess I’m supposed to go back for ‘follow-up treatments’ until the hairs give up, but I’m not convinced I’ll live that long.
ahh.. laser..
it does work with a few treatments.. .i saw a dramatic difference in two…
The place I went was super cheap because there’s a ton of competition in the area… but it was a really nice place… it cost about $60 for each treatment… it takes all of 3 minutes.. if that, for your face… it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as plucking/waxing/electrolosis…and definitely not the aftermath of nair… and it is permanent…
great stuff..
do it if you can!
And spud’s better off without em.. damn stupid kids… they’re gonna be so fucked if they ever step foot into the real world.. or definitely college… good for spud… 🙂
LOL about the pepto too…
have a good one.
mmmm…. babybel! I have some of those in my fridge right now too…
Hey Robyn,
You might want to watch the other kitties for any kind of OCD. I got a new kitten last year and one of my twin cats decided to start chewing on her left paw for attention I like to have died laughing when the vet told me to put her on kitty prozac.(I choose not to do the prozac thing he said she might get better with out it.) The chewing doesn’t hurt her it just looks funny with no fur there. I would hate to see Miz Poo back at the vet for that.
Just curious…for those of you who walk your cats by leash…is it with a collar or with a harness? Thanks!
Someone should tell Anthony to stay out of the ‘tard cookies. How pompous for him (and his many brethren) to consider himself the purveyor of all that is true. Has God truly spoken to him? Cause God spoke to me and told me not to listen! My daughter is dating one of those types, and I cannot wait for that jackass to hit the road.
You have to use a harness, or the cat can escape(by backing out of the collar). Also, cats don’t go where you want them to. Let the cat choose direction and follow it. If its to a road or something, carry the cat to a better place. Good luck!
i was gonna recomend this http://shop.store.yahoo.com/buyinprivate/braunsilelfa.html because i bought it off of home shopping a few years ago and it’s totally rad, but it looks like its discontinued. Nair gave me chemical burns everytime i used it, even when it was the supposedly delicate kind. You might wanna try surgi cream, i use that when im in a pinch and it doesnt give me burns, it seems milder than nair.
My friend had the laser thing done and it was very expensive. She said the same thing like Juju up there said. It felt like she was getting snapped with a rubberband every time the DR zapped the area with the laser. Ouch!
You say “ball-licker” like it’s a bad thing.
I’ve had my bikini line lasered. It stings… about like a rubberband snapping you (as others have mentioned). They give you some lidocaine cream to help reduce the sting.
After 5 treatments, I can now get a treatment and I don’t get any hair regrowth for about 4 months. Also what does grow back is lighter and there is less of it.
I would highly recommend it.