
here, let me know.) Here’s to year number five! Woot!

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After being informed of the meaning of “Fo’ shizzle my nizzle” (thanks Michele!), I decided that Shizzle M. Nizzle was probably not the best name for any future cats we might adopt. Instead, we should probably go for “Shizzle M. Andersizzle.” (I laughed so hard I snorted when I came up with that one) Fred also likes the name “Shmuley.” And talking with Nance and Mo this morning, I came up with the name “Scabby.” Heh.
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No spoilers, but wasn’t Survivor awesome last night? Rupert absolutely rocks! Go Rupert, go Rupert, go Rupert!
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Man. The spud and I went to Applebee’s for lunch, and I’m all drugged up from the sugar (apple chimicheesecakes, don’tchaknow) and salt (the honey-soy dipping sauce that goes along with the oriental chicken wrap), so I’m going to slap up this week’s Friday Five and a couple of cat pictures, and call it an entry. Way to celebrate the journal-versary, eh? 🙂
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Oh, wait. I meant to address this: someone posted in my comments yesterday and asked why I spell our last name as And3rson and also disguise the names of some of the places we visit. It’s pretty simple, really – I disguise our last name so that anyone searching on our names (first and last) won’t find this page. It’s probably a losing battle, but anyone searching on “Robyn And3rson” (only with the “e” where the “3” is) will come across the weight loss website before they come across this one. In like manner, I would hate for Digg3r to become suddenly internet-savvy and search on his name and town, and end up here. Because I’m sure he really would get out the rifle then.
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1. Do you watch sports? If so, which ones? Is figure skating a sport? Because if so, then yes. Yes, I do. 2. What/who are your favorite sports teams and/or favorite athletes? Y’know, I don’t really know any of the current skaters. I like Kristi Yamaguchi, and that skinny little white girl who won a medal unexpectedly (that narrows it down, eh?) 3. Are there any sports you hate? Most sports bore the ever-loving shit out of me. 4. Have you ever been to a sports event? I’ve been to my share of high school football games. Also, I played SOFTBALL when I was in middle school. Also, I once went to a wrestling match (?) when I was 19. There was a Russian wrestler, and the audience took great pleasure in screaming “Go home, commie!” at him. 5. Do/did you play any sports (in school or other)? How long did you play? The aforementioned softball in middle school. (I sucked, did I mention?) I took a gymnastics glass when I was younger, but was never good enough to compete (again, imagine that).
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Miz Poo, hangin’ out in the sun. “Mehhhhhhhhh!”

27 thoughts on “2003-10-10”

  1. The cutest pictures of Miz Poo and Tubby, ever. I love watching kitties sunbathe!
    Happy Journalversary!

  2. HEH, I laughed out loud at ‘andersizzle’… I think in honor of that I will go by ‘allisizzle polenskizzle’ for the rest of the day. as if people don’t have a hard enough time pronouncing my last name already. 🙂

  3. CONGRATS!!! And thanks for the Urban Dictionary link, my whiter than Wonder Bread self shall be hip to all the dope phrases now 🙂

  4. Thanks for answering me on the name thing and it does make perfect sense. Also, I can understand you not wanting D1gger to come a callin’ anytime soon. He sounded skeery and unfortunately resembles a couple of my neighbors.

  5. Yay! Someone else who comes up with odd names for their pets. My cats go by Tubby, Mooshie, Nitwit, and Wheezie. People look at me funny when I tell them their names. Like, helloooooooooo, can’t you see he is a “Mooshie”? 🙂

  6. Why not just wait till you get the cat and see what its name is? How can you name a cat before you get to know it?? You can do that with kids, but not cats, for heaven’s sake!
    Congrats on “Four”. Onward and upward …

  7. Am I the only one having trouble with Sydney’s link today? I’ve been voting for her whenever I think to ’cause I think she’s cute as hell and it’s great that her person would be donating the dog food. But when I tried to go there today, instead of a place to vote, I saw a line of text that said “I’m not participating in the contest”. Any idea what’s up with that?

  8. I am getting the same thing on the Sydney’s site.
    It says i am not participating in the contest

  9. I tried to vote for Sydney, and also got “not participating in the contest”—-searched on the name sydney, and came up with a lab mix that had no picture—what’s up?

  10. Hi Robyn….Happy 4th Anniversary! I am glad someone pointed me toward your journal, it is the first one I have ever read and I enjoy it immensely, also like to read some of the ones you link to.
    I kinda feel like we were twins seperated at birth, too….we are alike in many ways and share the same sense of humor.
    I, too, only like to watch ice skating and I also have a brain full of information that I have no idea where it came from or how useful it is….and it tells me that maybe the name of the skinny gal you are refering to that won that medal out of the blue is Sarah Hughes. I watched her perform and loved her joy at the end when she found out she had won!
    But…..I digress….
    Once again, happy 4th. I hope Fred is making those Simply The Best Chocolate Brownies for you tonight to celebrate!!

  11. I’m a little late, but Happy Anniversary! Here’s to many more episodes of Bitchypoo!
    Shizzle M. Andersizzle…. BWAHAHA!!

  12. “Fred and I were laying in bed talking about the point in the future when we might get a new cat (which won’t be soon, so calm down!)”
    Famous last words, eh? 😉
    Congrats on the new kitty! Yay!

  13. Hey– I just went to vote on Sydney and it says that Sydney is not participating in the contest. I know I have voted at least twice.

  14. yay, just read fred’s latest entry… i want more pictures of the new kitty! 😀
    congratulations on your journalversary too 😉 what a way to celebrate!

  15. Rupert is the best! This past weeks Survivor was great! My husband is not watching this season with me and I really wish he was because so far it is my favorite one. I was laughing my ass off at tribal council when you know who was voted off. I can’t wait for next week!

  16. I freaking love rupert!!!!! HE rocks! This show is looking up thats for sure, although how dumb can you get to throw a challenge?

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