Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and The Red Tent) off of my wish list, which took me completely by surprise (surprises are good!), and I’d like to thank you properly.
* * *
Notifylist.com, you sure do piss me off. I’m not getting my
Jane notifies. I’m not getting my
Allison notifies. What other notifies are you failing to send me, motherfucker? I hate you! I HATE YOU!
I joined the goddamn notify lists so that I wouldn’t HAVE to type their urls in with my dainty little fingers, and also I don’t have all their sites saved in my “favorites” folder, because the reason I JOIN notify lists is so that all those bookmarks won’t clutter up my “favorites” folder, and YES, I do have a list of journals and blogs I read, but it is woefully incomplete, to wit: I began reading Allison AFTER April 16, 2003, and thus she is not on the list, and it is only because I was perusing Jane’s guestbook and saw an entry by the lovely (and now engaged!) Allison that I thought to myself “Hey. I haven’t gotten a notify from her lately!”, and went to find that she had updated TWICE since the last notify I got from her, AND I HATE YOU NOTIFYLIST.COM!!!
(And of course as soon as I typed that, I got notifies from BOTH Allison and Jane.)
* * *
Fred and I had an adventurous roadtrip down to Deliverance country today. He wrote about it (or at least
the first part of it) in detail today, so I’ll wait until both parts of his entry are up before I address the whole adventure here.
Just know that it was a little SKEERY.
Not our destination, but very close to it.
* * *
On our way home from Deliverance country, we stopped at a roadside stand in Hartselle to pick up some apples (’tis the season, y’know) and a bag of plums, and while we were there we bought a small bag of raw peanuts to put in the back yard for the squirrel, who is visiting the bird feeders several times a day as he prepares for winter (there were actually two squirrels in the back yard yesterday – the regular one, and an interloper, who got his ass handed to him on a platter by the regular one, who has apparently claimed our yard as his own).
Miz Poo went out into the back yard with me as I refilled the bird feeders and scattered some peanuts in the platform feeder on the ground. When I was done, Miz Poo came running over and sniffed the peanuts, then looked up at me with her mouth hanging open.
It cracks me up when the cats do that, because they look so damn brain-dead. One of these days I’ll actually get a picture of it.
* * *
Speaking of cats (aren’t I always?), Fred and I were laying in bed talking about the point in the future when we might get a new cat (which won’t be soon, so calm down!), and trying to come up with names. We tossed forth a bunch of “S” names.
“Shibby!” I said.
“Scooby!” Fred said.
“Skanky! Skanky ho!”
There was a long pause while we thought hard. Fred turned to me, his eyes shining. Spanky, who was laying on me looked expectantly at him.
“Shizzle!” he said. “Shizzle M. Nizzle!”
I hooted so loudly that Spanky hauled ass away from me as fast as his little legs could carry him.
Now if we only knew what “Shizzle my nizzle” meant…
* * *
This is Dulcinea (Gizmo’s big sister)…
..and Gizmo, in the same window. SHE IS SO CUTE! Perhaps I’ve mentioned? 🙂
* * *
Another sunset from our back yard.
Ooh… am I the first?
Here’s an interesting website that defines “shizzle my nizzle” and proper uses of the phrase
Woohoo! I was! and the second?
ok stopping now
I HAD to comment on the pink sky…my god that’s gorgeous!
Hey Robyn! I know what you mean about the notifies. I got two this morning from Jane, neither were for today’s entry. Go figure! Incidentally, I called my mom ‘nizzle’ the other day and have been giggling at the look on her face ever since. She dropped off some stuff for me at work and as she went to leave I said “Thanks Nizzle!” heh, she was not amused… I don’t even use that lingo. Maybe I’ll start, it sounds so gleefully odd coming out of my mouth. 🙂
Our kitty always, without fail, made that face whenever he sniffed on a ball point pen, LOL.
Stanky Franky makes that face when he sniffs the throw carpet by the front door that Ozzy sleeps on while I work on the computer. It’s like he momentarily goes retarded. His eyes go all big, and his mouth all slack.
HAHA from that link above:
Fo’ Shizzle My Nizzle:
A slightly aborted version of a declined McDonald’s slogan:
Hamburglar: “Come robble my knobble.”
Okay, I’ll stop now.
A modernized and extended version of the infamous Shakespearean Hamlet line, “To be … or not to be?”
“Fo’ shizzle … o’ no’ fo’ shizzle? Dat be the quizzle, my south-central British nizzle.”
Mo is on a roll.
I’ve always wanted to know what Fo’Shizzle my Nizzle means! Now I know, and I’m laughing my ass right off! (I wish!) Hoooo!
HEY! That’s MY house! I find that hurtful. =(
The inside is fixed up real nice ok?
Okay, I guess we need to rethink the cat name!
(Mo, you muffinhead!)
Amy, you would let us trespass, wouldn’t you?
Is Dulcinea named after the love interest of Don Quijote? (I believe that was the name.)
That open-mouthed thing cats do is called “flehmen.” From an online cat info site:
Your cat is exhibiting what is called the “flehmen reaction” or “flehming”. He is drawing in air, capturing the scent and transferring it to a small specialized sac called the vomeronasal organ or Jacobson’s organ. This organ is located high up in the roof of the mouth, and has a large blood supply. It traps the odor molecules and sends signals to the brain regarding the scent.
Flehming can occur with a number of scents but most frequently occurs when the cat smells urine. Many male cats will exhibit this behavior when they smell the genitals or urine of a female cat in heat.
That said, yeah it’s really goofy looking. LOL
Another “S” cat name suggestion…How about Shimmy Sham?? I heard the dad on “King of Queens” (Jerry Stiller, a real hoot) tonight say “and no shimmy sham tonight, either!” ….referring to “no sex tonight”….We all howled at my house over that one….You could shorten it to “Shimmy” OR “Sham” ….oooh that also reminds me of my favorite toast, stolen from that movie “The 25th Hour”….”Champagne for my real friends, Real pain for my sham friends”……woo hoo I need to get to bed..!
Well…I COULD be persuaded into showing you around the place…if you bring me gifts of Nascar t-shirts and old couches!
Don’t bring amy an old couch, she will just use it as lawn furniture.
Your parents are here! Your parents are here! They brought me dishes. Nice ones, too. 🙂
Linda – I don’t know, actually. I know “Dulcinea” is the name of a “Toad the Wet Sprocket” album, though. 🙂
Okay, Dargie, I am somehow creeped out by the name “Flehmen.” It’s like “phlegm” and “semen” combined or something. Ick!
Kathy – Shimmy Sham! Hee!
Amy – it’s okay that the couch is covered in cat pee, right?
Kate – Are the dishes pretty? My mom was worried you might not like them; I have no idea what they look like, though.
Well, I feel better to know I am not the only one not recieving notifies!! I didn’t get a Jane and a Say notify. Strange!
Aldonza is the name of Don Quixote’s love interest in the musical “Man of La Mancha”. He’s a bit addled and believes that this kitchen wench is Dulcinea, a lady he serves and adores but has never met. He, of course, sings her a gorgeous ballad called “Dulcinea” with lyrics like:
Dulcinea … Dulcinea …
I see heaven when I see thee, Dulcinea,
And thy name is like a prayer an angel whispers
Dulcinea … Dulcinea!
If I reach out to thee,
Do not tremble and shrink from the touch of my hand on thy hair.
Let my fingers but see
Thou art warm and alive, and no phantom to fade in the air.
It’s one of my favorite songs from a musical.
OH the guilt! Jesus Harold Christ, don’t you all know that I’m such an ass kisser that I will now have to send personal emails to everyone? THANKS A LOT.
Seriously, though, Notify List DOT com does indeed suck, and I hereby cast aspersions on Andrew of Diaryland, who built an inferior product. However. It’s not like I can complain and ask for my money back, because, uh…it’s free and all. I get what I pay for, my nizzles, fo shizzle!
In the book, Dulcinea is a whore. Apropos for our little kitty. 🙂