
Cujo (don’t give me that look; I read Carrie when I was younger than she is. Yes, she’s old enough to read Cujo.) last night and today was looking at our collection of Stephen King books. “Does he have any that aren’t so… BIG?” she asked. Heh. (Oh my god! She was looking at the list of books by Stephen King and said “Do we have Dance Mack-a-burr?” I stared at her for a minute blinking before I informed her of the correct way to pronounce macabre. Which is not the funny part. The funny part is that years and years ago when Danse Macabre first came out, I was all excited and checked it out from the library, and that night my brother Tracy called from wherever he was (Colorado? Maybe?) and I told my mother, “Ask him if he knows that Stephen King has a new book out!”, and my mother asked him and relayed back to him that he had said “No, what’s it called?”, and I said “Dance Mack-a-burr!”, and then my mother (and I assume Tracy on the other end of the phone) laughed for a good long time at me. Hmph.)

* * *
I don’t think I mentioned this, but when we did The Big Reformat on my computer a few weeks ago, the one and only thing I forgot to back up was our Quicken file. This means that all of our checking, savings, and loan information was dust in the wind. (Thank god I *did* make sure to back up the company Quickbooks files) Fred reacted better than I expected when I told him; there was no wailing or gnashing of teeth, just a moment of closing his eyes while silently asking himself how he could have turned all the family finances over to the biggest airhead in the south. The day after I realized what had happened, I got an email from the bank letting me know that our eStatement was ready and I could download it whenever I wanted. Have I mentioned that our credit union ROCKS? So I downloaded it, created a checking file in Quicken, took the ending balance from the statement, and then went online and printed out all the transactions there had been since the ending balance, so I could enter them in Quicken. I think at this point that we’re pretty much caught up, thank god. I may be an airhead, but I solved the problem! Of course, if someone wants to see a copy of the check I wrote to the spud’s school for her lunch fees from three years ago, we’ll be screwed since I won’t be able to bring up the check number, but eh. How often does that happen? (Famous last words, right?)
* * *
GIZMO UPDATE! Kate said that Gizmo is getting along well with her big sister, Dulcinea. There’s been no cuddling, it’s all play-fighting and chasing each other around. I suspect it’s just a matter of time before they’re doing this.
Dulci and Gizmo. It seems to be a toss-up as to who’s winning this one. She’s so cuuuuuuuute!

28 thoughts on “2003-10-07”

  1. Fred’s adamant that Gizmo is a boy. Kate says that Gizmo is a girl. Gizmo belongs to Kate, so she wins. 🙂
    Besides, I was so sure that Gizmo was a girl when I adopted her that I just can’t think of her as being a boy!

  2. I contend that a weiner and an empty nutsack makes one a boy, despite what anyone else says. 🙂

  3. Um….so…how *do* you pronounce “Danse Macabre”?
    I’ve been able to spell it correctly since middle school, but I don’t remember ever hearing it pronounced. I had a similar problem with “melancholy”, by the way. I pronounced it “mel-ANK-uh-lee” until I was (strikethrough) humiliated (end strikethrough) corrected after reading Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven out loud to my Honors English class. How embarrassing!

  4. Heh – mel-ANK-uh-lee! I love that!
    I thought “whore” was pronounced “war”, until I heard one girl call another one a “horr”, and I was thinking to myself “She’s pronouncing that wrong!” Then I rethought, because no one made fun of her for mispronouncing it.

  5. I really don’t know you two well enough to make a penis joke about Fred’s comment and so I won’t.
    It’s hard, though.

  6. Hee! Pun totally unintentional.
    I’m obviously still experiencing withdrawl symptoms due to the conspicuous absense of naked german men. Checked that account lately?

  7. I check that account a couple of times a week, but it appears that the nekkid German men pics have petered out. So to speak. Hee!

  8. I wondered if you had thought about getting The Dark Tower Series by Stephen Kin for the Spud. I have only read the first one but it wasn’t too long (they do get bigger but she might be hooked by then, lol) and I really enjoyed it. Just a thought!

  9. Aly – I love that page! I’ve seen it before, but it always cracks me up.
    Jennah – we do have the Dark Tower series (new one coming out in November! Whoo!), but the spud has opted to give The Shining a try. I’m going to recommend The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon when she’s done with that one.

  10. How’s come I don’t get my notification that you updated until the following day?? It isn’t really a problem as I just go to your site to see if you did…..just curious as to why it is a day late?
    I mean, isn’t that the point of the notify list?? heheheh I am kinda snarky today so ignore me…..

  11. Stephen King…PET SEMETARY scared me soooo much that it took me awhile to get up the nerve to read THINNER (not such a thick one). To this day, I don’t care so much for cherry pie. My daughter wants to try Stephen King. She is only 10 and I’ve put her off for awhile on that. She is very hard to scare as far as movies go. She’s so practical and tough when it comes to scary stuff.

  12. Kathy – it’s because your notify subscription was set to “digest”, which means the notify script only sends the notify out to you at the very end of the day. I’ve changed it so that you should start getting them as soon as I send them out. You muffinhead.
    Kristi – Oh, Pet Semetary creeped me out! It didn’t put me off on trying the next Stephen King, though. 🙂

  13. Brian read The Brethren by John Grisham……I told him next time to read something that he can pronounce:P

  14. I read Stephen King’s IT when I was around 13, and I didn’t sleep well for a few days, but I’m a well-enough adjusted adult. She’s definitely old enough to read Cujo.

  15. Am I cruel and unusual? My kid empties the dishwasher nearly every night. Lucky for him though, now that sis is a bit older, she unloads the top half and he does the lower half.

  16. Kellie, you are not cruel and unusual. The spud empties and refills the dishwasher every night, but doesn’t usually have to in the middle of the day; that’s generally my job.

  17. Robyn, thanks. Now I can satisfy my Bitchypoo Jones ASAP, heheh. Weeeeeee!
    hugs from the muffinhead.

  18. I hate to break it to you, Fred, but Gizmo is a vet-confirmed FEMALE FELINE. It was a swollen slit, not an empty nutsack. That, and the scars on HER belly from the fixin’ = female. No weiner. Not even an Oscar Mayer.

  19. So she IS a girl! And a gorgeous girl at that!
    I know you love Stephen King, Robyn, but I just couldn’t in good conscience let my daughter read the preteen gang bang right before they face off against the spider in IT. After I read that, I put the book down and never read another SK story. That was some not-right shit.

  20. I read Pet Semetary when I was 14 and IT when I was either 14 or 15. Neither put me off of any other King books, still a huge fan to this day.
    Aidan, as far as the sex before the spider, even at 14 I knew it was an act of love, it was the only way she had that could help them. I never saw it as a “gang bang” although I can see why a lot of people would. I mean, it definetely wasn’t done in a banging way, purely loving and most of the boys didn’t even want to do it. Just my 2 cents. 🙂
    But if you did like it up to then you should check out most of his other work. Especially the Dark Tower series. Can not wait until the 5th book.

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