
Sum up your thoughts about me in one word and leave it in a comment. Then post this in your journal to find out what everyone else thinks of you. Please remember – ONE word. “Freakass freak” is two words.

* * *
Fred called from work this morning to let me know that Strong Funds has been up to some unethical shenanigans, and that Morningstar and Motley Fool were strongly suggesting avoidance of Strong Funds. You know, Strong Funds. Where Fred has his retirement account, we have the spud’s college fund, and we have an additional investing fund. “Hey!” I said. “Maybe we could lose all our money! That would make this month even BETTER!” So, we’re pulling out of Strong, even though the customer service rep Fred spoke to claimed that it was nothing but a bunch of lies. “Well, Morningstar highly recommends pulling out,” Fred pointed out. “You know, Morningstar. Whom you guys LOVE to quote in all your literature.” The rep had nothing to say to that.
* * *
I watched Madonna on Oprah yesterday. I’m not a big Madonna fan, but it was a fairly interesting interview. Oprah pointed out – and I agree – that Madonna seems calmer and more centered these days than she used to. I think she needs to keep the platinum blond hair, too. She looked great. Speaking of TV shows, we only got a chance to watch the first 10 minutes of Joe Schmo last night and taped the rest (we had to pick the spud up from her youth group at the church), but after reading Mo’s post on the subject, I’m definitely dying to know what happened! But don’t tell me, ’cause we’re going to watch it tonight. Oh, and SURVIVOR STARTS TOMORROW NIGHT! WHEE! Thanks so much to reader Alice, who emailed to remind me. For some reason I had thought that it started next week, and I would have been SO pissed if I’d missed the first show. Luckily, I won’t! I still think we need TiVo.
* * *
Okay, no nekkidness in our German Man picture today – I’m saving the last AKT picture for Friday – but note that yesterday we had a Phil Collins/ Kevin Spacey/ Dave Matthews lookalike today we have…
Bill Murray!
Oh, and someone pointed out in yesterday’s comments that the guy in yesterday’s picture appeared to be wearing panties. Which reminded me of when my nephew Brian was small and he’d be running around the apartment nekkid, and Debbie would say “Brian, come put your panties on!” Our friend Liz would have the biggest fit about that, yelling “They’re not PANTIES! They’re underwear! If you keep calling them PANTIES, he’s going to grow up to be gay!” Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course. I’m just hoping that Brian grows up to be really famous so I can sell the picture of him at the age of two wearing a pair of the spud’s pink tights, one of Debbie’s bras, and a pair of cowboy boots to the tabloids for BIG bucks.
* * *
Also, for those of you who think that Fred should make a movie of himself scaring me so that I scream, this is what that movie would sound like: “::gasp!:: GodDAMN you scared the shit out of me! ::smack::”
* * * Spot’s such a sweetheart. Even though he was chasing Spanky around trying to kick his ass last night. I’m sure Spanky needed his ass kicked.

57 thoughts on “2003-09-17”

  1. Jen, I try to keep up the creep factor, here at Bitchypoo. It’s just one of the many services I provide, creeping out people on a daily basis. 😉
    Mo – hopelessly devoted to youuuuuuuuuuuu.

  2. Ummm…yeah…uh…one word… Is this an intelligence test? Obviously the only answer could be…drum roll please…bitchypoo! What’d I win??? 🙂

  3. Kathy took my word! Hilarious describes you perfectly. Your journal was the first one I started reading and after 2+ years, it’s still the best one out there!

  4. OK- how ’bout “Bombdiggaty”– it’s not a REAL word ya see, but the clerk at Piggly Wiggly used it in a GOOD way so I’ve adopted it to describe the folks I like. You’re straight up “bombdiggaty”, it sort of rolls off the tongue. hee!

  5. Riot. I was going to use ‘hilarious’ as well, but rather than blindly follow the crowd like a sheep…
    …I’m sticking with ‘riot.’ As in, “You are a…” or “Robyn is a laugh…” You get the picture.

  6. See, I totally thought Madonna had a severe case of head-up-her-ass-ness. She seems calmer, yes, but i wanted to kaballah her right in the face. But I am cranky, so who knows.

  7. Y’all are awesome. Really. Thank you so much Robyn for the link. I am at a loss for words! And that is REALLY saying something for me!
    Thank you!
    And the pic, I agree! Bill Murray! LOL!

  8. Heroine
    Per Merriam-Webster:
    1 a : a mythological or legendary woman having the qualities of a hero b : a woman admired and emulated for her achievements and qualities
    2 a : the principal female character in a literary or dramatic work b : the central female figure in an event or period

  9. One word: regular (i.e. regular journal updates!)
    Try Schwab. I did fairly well in some of their funds, but I’m now moving into real estate investment — not funds, but the real thing: property.

  10. Robyn, thanks so much for the Strong Funds head’s up. I’ve got an IRA with them that I rarely think about since retirement is a long way off. I don’t read money magazines anymore so odds are, I wouldn’t have heard about it. Man, I’m getting my money management information from web journals. Think I need to be a little more proactive? 🙂 Although, I do love the idea that “Bitchypoo saved my retirement!”

  11. I don’t watch Oprah – so, did Madonna finally grow a brain, or what?
    The way Oprah sucks up to her celebrity guests…blech!

  12. benevolent
    -anyone that would care enough to scoop pet store kitty poop is unselfish; the giveaway page…how fun was that!?!; links to others in need…etc.

  13. Isabel is inconveniencing me…AAARGH! I just know the power will go out before or during Survivor! Is everyone out there taping it? I might need to beg for a copy.

  14. One Word: TIVO!
    I’ve been reading for over a year, and honestly when I read all your entries about your TV watchin’ all I can think is…TIVO!!!!! As a matter of fact all your recordings of cool shows (you and Fred like the shows that The DH and I do..how weird!) made me decide that I’m getting one, just as soon as I can swallow the $225 purchase price from my sattelite company (that’s a lot of money for some TV, but I’m getting closer and the wad ain’t as tight) 🙂

  15. Thoughtful. Pet store kitties, giveaway page, postcards, thank you notes…. you are a very thoughtful and generous person!

  16. I love your journal! I’ve been reading it for a long time – I should probably thank you for all the laughs & time spent not actually working. : ) Anyway, here’s my word…inspiring!

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