
Englands Daily Mail reported Wednesday that Lopez is forcing Affleck to sign a no-cheating pre-nupital agreement. In the event that Affleck is unfaithful, Lopez could go after half his money. Man. They’re not even married and she’s worried about him cheating on her? How insecure do you have to be? All a pre-nup like that means is that if he cheats on her, he’s going to be extra careful about it. I’m pretty much of the mind that if a man is really determined to cheat, there’s not anything you can do to stop him. You can only control how you react to it – do you stick around and work through it, or do you cut off his penis and toss it in a field on your way out of town?

* * *
Honestly, I had no idea that the nekkid German guy was going to be such a hit! What above the Bumsen is up with that? Y’all are pervs, which is probably why I love you so. The same guy actually sent another picture – I think he sent 3 in all – so for your viewing pleasure, here’s AKT, the artistic version:
(click on the picture for the uncensored version) I’m not quite sure what’s going on in this picture – is he pretending to be dead? Or is he playing the part of Sleeping Beauty? The lilies are a lovely touch, though, the color contrasting nicely with the black, uh, suit thing that he’s wearing. And also, note the way his penis casually dangles out. Very artistic. A+ (plus! plus! plus!) for this one.
* * *
Pet store kitties are hither.
* * *
1. Is the name you have now the same name that’s on your birth certificate? If not, what’s changed? The same first and middle name, yes. The last name has changed a few times. 2. If you could change your name (first, middle and/or last), what would it be? When I was a kid, I wanted desperately to be a Kimberly, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve started to appreciate my name, and I couldn’t imagine being anything other than Robyn. I’m not crazy about my middle name (Leslie), but I don’t know what I’d change it too. Maybe Ann? Leigh? Marie? Maybe no middle name at all. I like my last name, though. 3. Why were you named what you were? (Is there a story behind it? Who specifically was responsible for naming you?) Well, I was GOING to be Kimberly, but at some point before I was born, my parents were kicking around different names just for the hell of it, and my uncle said “Robin. I like Robin.”, and they decided they did as well, and changed the “I” to “Y” to make it a little different. 4. Are there any names you really hate or love? What are they and why? I don’t have much of a love or hate reaction to names. I really like my brother Tracy’s middle name, and I’ve always liked the names Jeffrey and Christopher (if the spud had been a boy, she was going to be Jeffrey) for boys, and I’ve grown to like the name Molly for a girl. Did I ever mention that before Fred and I met in person we’d decided that the names of our children would be Seth Forrest and Samantha Jayne? 5. Is the analysis of your name at kabalarians.com accurate? How or how isn’t it? My analysis states: As Robyn you are rather serious-minded, responsible, and stable. I don’t know how serious-minded I am, but responsible and stable are pretty true. You have the gift of tact and diplomacy, and possess a charming, easy-going nature which endears you to others. Tact and diplomacy? I don’t think so. Well, when I put my mind to it, maybe so. I also don’t think I’m terribly charming (she said charmingly), but I’m definitely easy-going. You have a serious desire to understand the heart and mind of everyone, and could be very effective in a career or in volunteer work where you are handling people and serving in a humanitarian way. I do have the desire to understand the heart and mind (and motivation) of everyone, but I don’t know that I could work around people all the time, because people can be mighty fucking annoying. Heh. This name also gives you a love of home and family, and as a parent you would likely be fair and understanding. As a parent I’m probably a little too understanding at times and have some difficulty being the “bad guy”. The rest is true, I think. You remember the thoughtful little expressions of affection and appreciation that mean so much to others, and you have the ability to create a warm and loving environment. Hm. Maybe. However, you tend to put things off and avoid facing issues because of a lack of confidence and uncertainty. You often need encouragement from someone before you can come to a decision. Oh boy, ain’t THAT the truth!
* * *
The sunset, from our back yard. “Meh–yawwwwwwn” (I just never get tired of taking Yawning/ Bitching Tubby pictures)

42 thoughts on “2003-09-12”

  1. He goes from camo gear and holding a big chain to………….FLOWERS??????
    The man is clearly insane and destined to be single forever.
    The clunky watch is a nice touch. Hahaha!

  2. Wow. Just, wow. This AKT guy is just something else. Something else ENTIRELY. He had to go somewhere and BUY that thing he’s wearing, you know. I think it’s an X-rated wrestling singlet.
    I am really having a hard time thinking of anything to say besides “Wow.” So, wow it is.

  3. Funny German Man: So as I was noticing the super fake casual positioning I was wondering… who did he get to take these pictures for him? or did he take them himself which gives me the funny mental image of setting the timer on the camera, jumping into position, positioning all the (ahem)parts, and then relaxing into that oh so casual position in time for the click! heehee!

  4. yesterday the german guy looked uncircumcised and today he looks circumcised. Is that silver ring a piercing? I guess I’ll just keep studying the photos. Please don’t take down the photos and put up that “it sucks to be you” thing for a few weeks. Pretty please.hehe.

  5. Michelle – I wondered that very same thing! Perhaps a friend helped out? And if so, you’ve gotta wonder if the friend was like “Okay, look dead! But wait, put your hand down by your crotch. Perfect! Beautiful!”
    Joni – I’ll try my best to leave the pictures up for a while. I’m just hoping I don’t get an angry email written in German! 🙂

  6. The juxtiposition of the splayed naked man and the pet store pics link is making my head swim.
    Tracy likes his middle name too, but not his first. I LOVE the name Leslie, but more so for a guy (Leslie Neilson.) But at least with you and Fred, people don’t forget who is who, as with me and Tracy.

  7. Kate, you know, I never even realized until just now that you and Tracy both have names that could be either male or female.
    Tracy’s middle name would be a good soap opera character name. It would go nicely with Ridge and Thorne and Storm. Hee!

  8. omg I hadn’t even thought about the fact that he had to buy that outfit somewhere! Can you imagine him going in and trying it on, and then looking at the price tag and saying to himself “What above the Bumsen is up with that price?!” hehe

  9. OH MY GOD. I am laughing so hard there are tears in my eyes and I am at work so I am getting some interesting looks from my co-workers. I have to get off of your site before I get in trouble. hehee.

  10. A tutorial on the uncirc’d penis, by Jenniffer:
    1.) As the penis becomes engorged, the skin slides back. Sometimes, an uncirc’d guy’s erect penis looks just like a circ’d guy’s.
    2.) Even when an uncirc’d penis is flacid, the skin can get “caught” behind the glans and just kind of hang out back there.
    Some photos of the uncirc’d penis for your edification:

  11. I keep imagining the pictures of the German and Tubby next to each other. That’d make for an interesting couple, heh?

  12. That…thing he’s wearing? I’m really just speechless. Suspenders without the bother of pants. Niiiice.

  13. I can’t get over the retard in the unitard. The entertainment value of your website just keeps leaping the boundaries more and more each day!! You should be ever so proud 🙂

  14. Okay, I know everyone is absolutely fascinated with the funny penis man, but I had to comment on this:
    “In the event that Affleck is unfaithful, Lopez could go after half his money.”
    If this is true, SHAME ON HER. No wonder some women who marry rich men are viewed as golddiggers. But what’s really incredible here is that Lopez is already filthy rich! And what does it say about her that she would do that anyway, even if she wasn’t wealthy?
    I really, really, hope Jen doesn’t ever breed …

  15. Ew. That’s all I have to say about the German guy and his uncircumsized/circumsized/engorged/flacid unit. How can he look at that photo and go, “Ja Mann. Ich schaue gut.”? (Translation: “Yeah, man. I look GOOOOD.”)

  16. OMG, Robyn, I just read that story you linked to. What a greedy bitch. I think her music is crap anyway, but now it appears to be a lie, too. Doesn’t she sing about being “real” and being “just Jenny from the block”? Well, if she was still “Jenny from the block” she would have been happy with Ben tipping that dealer $5,000. After all, for a dealer, getting a $5,000 tip could make a huge difference in his/her life. It could pay for a couple years of community college or maybe be a great start on a downpayment on a house. It might pay off a medical bill or allow him/her to buy a car instead of taking the bus.
    But for that bitch J-Low, $5,000 is just another Prada purse.
    I wanted to like her too, but it’s getting more difficult every day.

  17. Wow Robyn..this entry is all over the place….Ben and J-Lo (Keeping my comments to myself on that one)…..almost naked German guys in stretchy suits, pussy…I mean kitty pics, Bitching Tubby pics, A beautiful sunset……and an anatomy lesson too!! Now I know why I love coming here every day..I can get everything I need all in one place 😉

  18. THANK YOU for your excellent journal. I’m SO enjoying the new International Flavor of bitchypoo.com and only have one question:
    “What above the Bumsen will she post next?”

  19. Ya know…if this guy’s got your e-mail addy~~is is possible that maybe he’s paying you a visit and that he’s thinking he’s got himself a new woman?? Hehe!
    I actually USED the “what above the bumsen” line today at work. Yeppers, just doin’ my part to spread the joy!

  20. You need to get in here and tell us what above the Bumsen happened last night. Fred (the bastard) left us hanging.

  21. Oh god, Cheryle, I’ve seen that page, and I love it! This picture always kills me, because of the pictures hanging on the wall over the staircase. At some point, someone looked at that wall and then looked at those pictures and said “Hey! That’d be a perfect place for those!”, and went and got nails and a hammer and DELIBERATELY hung them there. Amazing!

  22. Whenever I see rich people draped in costly faux-furs, tacky decorations in their home, it kind of makes me sad. If you can afford to spend $6,000 on your tub faucet, why do it? Im probably a naive ass, but why go so expensive when you can achieve the same look for much less? I can understand rich people paying for security and privacy since I value both and would pay any price to have it, but since they’re hounded, and the press baits them when necessary, why buy their huge homes and still try to look ‘street’?
    Arent all the street people trying to get out of that? Why is it ok to flaunt your fortunes as long as you name-check some town you lived in?
    JLo grew up middle class, she wasnt some ghetto hard-core person. Why is that not more marketable than constantly reminding everyone that she took the ‘6’ and is Jenny from the ‘block’?

  23. I just love how he has gone from the strong man in picture 1 with the big…..um chain AND then in picture 2 he is showing his softer side! The lovely flowers and pretty leotard just sends shivers up my spine. This man is obviously such a great catch! He is someone who will protect you if trouble arises and will be the sensitive flower that so many of us ladies are looking for in a man! The only problem I could see arising if you were to have a relationship with this man would be keeping him out of your closet! He obviously loves to wear womens clothes! Could he not tell that outfit was not make for such a large bendy package!!!!!!!!
    I love it Robyn! I think along with the kitty pictures you should start a “Stud of the week”!!!!!!!!
    Bel – Australia
    Would you like a nice steaming cup of……what the fuck is that dangling under his penis???? I’m thinking kinky……I’m thinking car battery and jumper leads!!!!!!!!!

  24. Ekaube (hee!)/ Elaine – I can only imagine how many hits a day I get from people searching on the word “penis”! 🙂

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