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So, my sister’s friend Kristine has adopted two adorable little gray kitties, and is having a hard time coming up with names for them. One is light gray and white, and the other is a darker gray tabby with white. Oh, and they’re both girls. Got name suggestions? Leave ’em in the comments!
Debbie, if you love me you’ll borrow Mom and Dad’s digital camera and take pictures of them and send them to me. Because I love the little kitties, dontchaknow.
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Kat sent me another absolutely hilarious “cup of shut the fuck up” picture.
Go check it out. I think it’s the big smile that makes me laugh until I wheeze.
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The hummingbirds are apparently going to stick around for a while – I’m fairly certain they’re nesting in one of the trees in our neighbor’s next yard. There are at least two of them, and one of them is always chasing the other one away from the feeder. I have no pictures to share at the moment, because I’ve been too busy watching them to actually take pictures; they’re so freakin’ cool.
Fred must certainly love me a lot, because I think I’ve said “Oh! He’s eating… Oh! The other one chased him off. DAMN they’re cute!” approximately 45,000 times, and Fred hasn’t killed me yet.
He’s probably just tuning me out.
* * *
Have I mentioned that the spud goes to a youth group at the church every Wednesday night? Well, she does, and no – we
don’t know where we went wrong. Last night we picked her up from church, and as she got in the car, she said “Guess what the subject was tonight?”
“What?” Fred and I chorused.
“Homosexuality,” the spud said, and then went on to tell us the many wonderful things the youth minister had told them about homosexuality, and how god cried when the Texas courts
overturned the law against sodomy.
Fred lectured the spud that it was GOOD that the law against sodomy was overturned, because what two consenting adults do in their bedroom is no one else’s business,
especially not the government’s.
(Though personally I think there should be a law against noxious farts)(And in the interest of full disclosure, I’d be doing jail time at certain times of the month)
It’s at times like these that I’m thankful my husband has such a keen analytical mind and knows the Bible so well, because he can pretty much counteract the teachings of Anthony the youth minister when necessary, whereas if it were left at me, I’d probably end up spluttering “Yeah, well FUCK Anthony!”
As we pulled into the driveway, the spud said “Anthony said a gay guy came on to him, and Anthony felt really sick and thought he was going to throw up!”
I think Anthony needs to get off the farm a little more often.
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Jeez. I just did a virus scan on my computer and it took almost 90 minutes. There’s something wrong with that. But hey! At least I didn’t have any virii.
* * *
I haven’t had to vacuum the bed even once since I put these cat beds on the bed.
Spot does seem a bit cramped in the small bed, though. I might need to buy one last big cat bed.
“Get OUT of my face, or I will chew your eyes out!”
The word “addled” comes to mind when I look at this. It also makes me giggle a lot. Damn he cracks me up.
2002: What I’ve been doing.
2001: I’m wise to your stalker ways, Margaret!
2000: No entry.]]>
As much as I (and everybody else) love Tubby, Spanky is GORGEOUS. Mmmmm.
And it’s very important not to forget that he’s the happiest! kitty! in the world! Seriously, he’s unendingly happy. I’ve never seen a cat so damn happy ALL the time. And he’s always willing to share the happiness.
Your cats rock. I love them.
I just have to say I LOVE your kitties!! I am so addicted to your journal, don’t worry I am not a psycho stalker heeee heeeee.
Take Care and have a great week!
That whole Anthony story killed me, Robyn. 🙂 My response would have been just like yours.
One wonders why Youth Pastor Anthony would even feel compelled to share that little tidbit with the flock….
I guess that whole denial not being just a river? 🙂 Perhaps I’m just a pessimistic gal…
That Anthony sounds dangerous. . . hope he’s not spending too much time alone with the children. . .
“God cried?” And Anthony isn’t gay…..hmmmm
I’m with you and Fred on that one Robyn. Honestly, that last picture of Tubby is just toooo funny!!!
That Tubby pic is scary. And — Good for Fred! The Spud now has an Auntie Sodomite, you know. (Uh, my sister, not me. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) 😉
Your brother took me out to dinner last night (crab soup — yum!) and I hurt my back AGAIN! Or still, either way. Dammintalltohell.
Not to run the risk of being completely off-topic, but how about Cumulus and Cumulonimbus for grey cat names?
Your cats slay me.
And thanks for the plug, buttercup!
Sounds like Anthony needs a nice big Steamin’ cup of Shut the Fuck up!!!!!
Kitty names:
Thunder and Lightening
Stormy and Weather
Ashley and Pewter
Virginia Slim and Salem
Mira, I might have made up that “god cried” part. Maybe. 🙂
Kate – silly girl, lesbians aren’t homosexuals. Ask any man. They’re really just heterosexuals who like to kiss other girls. Heh. And stop with the hurting your back! Isn’t Tracy making you stay in bed and waiting on you hand and foot? (Crab soup – yum!)
Adrith – I like those. 🙂
The rest of you – Anthony means well, I’m sure. What can you expect from a Baptist youth minister? (Uh, no offense, Baptists.)
I was thinking of Orca for the grey and white kitty and maybe Beluga for the other one. But I’m not sure what color Beluga whales are….hmmm, perhaps they’re not dark grey, in which case it wouldn’t work.
Or we could go another route: how about Neela and Vindaloo?
And what the hell is this Anthony guy lecturing young kids about homosexuality for, hmmm? It’s a hot topic for him – I agree with the others- he’s at least been thinking about the possibility that his own gender prederence might not be in keeoing with his religious beliefs. Poor Anthony.
Heh – y’all are cracking me up with the kitty names. Very creative!
Eleanor and Abigail
I tend to like people names for animals (hence my own cats -ben and asa) but lately my b/f and I have been talking about if we ever got girl cats, how funny it would be to call one brenda and one carla. simply because you would not think most people would name their cats brenda or carla… it cracks me up. maybe you had to be there…
Oh anthony.
I love what your response would be best! That would be me, because I would just think Anthony was stupid.
Send him some pepto bismol next week in a gift bag with a note that says ‘In case you run into a gay man again’
Phlox for one kitty
Lily for the other
no reason.
Wow. Anthony is a piece of work. Any youth minister who had the nerve to utter those words here in Boston, MA would be run out of town with torches and (recycled) pitchforks. One of the reasons I like living here in the land of “stupidest weather on earth”
i agree with anthony needed a steaming hot cup of your favourite beverage.
im also smitten with kittens
cat names: rumsfeld and ashcroft? 🙂
Vapor, Shadow,Mist, Flint,Rocki,Geo,Ribbon
Let me tell you, the comments about Anthony the youth minister are SO much funnier when your husband’s name is Anthony! I think I say the “Yeah, well, F*CK Anthony!” line on a daily basis!
don’t forget ‘Zephyr’
that’s what I’d name a cat if I had a grey one.
Sounds like ol Anthony has some “issues” that should not be addressed in church. He must be in the closet..hehehe
Loved the kitty pictures!
My new mantra (Have a cup)
Kitty names: Chloe and Jasmine
Some names: Velvet, Ghost, Ghoul, Chase,Shortcake, Puddles, Paddington, Slate, Whiskers, Mummy, Kookie,Biscuit, Kane, Kissie, CarryBeary, Rum, Kola, Koma,Mourning, Krypt, and Porticia.
Allison it is strange/funny that you said you were cracking up w/ your best friend about naming your cats Brenda and Carla, because MY best friend and I spent half an hour on the phone last night laughing ourselves silly thinking of naming different types of pets different human names, such as a hamster named Laura, a dog named Robert or Steven, a snake named Linda, a cat named Jessica….you get the idea. It made ME laugh, anyway.
We named our little girl kitties, Cleo and Patty.
Both of them.
Now see…people like Anthony in the church are why people don’t go to church. Does he ever mention the “love your neighbor as yourself” speech that Jesus commanded? Wonder how many of those youth will be active in church 10 years from now when they are on their own, exposed and accepting to other lifestyles, and feel like the church is too judgemental for them.
Love your kitties!!
Oh, and kitty names, I don’t have any EXCEPT, do NOT yet your brother name kitties. We have one named “Dulcinea” and he wants to name the next one “Amiana.” Can you think of anything WORSE than a four-freakin-syllable name to saddle a poor innocent kitty cat with? Me either.
Where the hell did you find him anyways Kate? 😛
how about rhythm and blues (R&B) or jazz and blues or rock and roll – or peanut butter and jelly – you know, two things that go together. or she can call one smokey and the other miracle – like smokey robinson and the miracle and upon finishing this i realized that my suggestions were kind of lame 🙁
I have two cats (Boys, Emmet Ray and Simon) and the next cat we get will be named Peregrine Took (from the Tolkien books) but Pippin (or Pip) for short. Its asexual really…
I dunno about the names that go together. Remember, you hafta call these cats, perhaps loudly, throughout the neighborhood.
Debbie, my husband or my cat? LOL! I found my hubby the old fashioned way — I met him in a BAR!! LOL! The cat (who is a she) we found on the side of the road. So far, both are working out pretty well!
Robyn, are ALL your siblings this funny? Oh that’s right– THEY ARE!!! Bwaaahaaa.
Yeah, we had to learn to laugh to get us through the pain (heh).
Deb – Name suggestions: Britney and Christina.
Oh, and Kate – does this mean there’s going to be another one??
Damn, I love Tubby.
Aw, damn, I was rushing over to suggest Britney and Christina thinking I was being all clever and shit. Well, I second that nomination then.
The first two kitty names that came to mind were “Robyn and Debbie or “Debs” in honor of you and your sis.
I am in the middle of naming three baby cockatiels. So far on the list I have Jules and Verne for the two lookalikes and Cindy for the cinnamon colored baby. They will join Papa,Harley,BigBoy,BabyMary,Snowball,Budgie,and BabyBaby. What’s cool is that they know their names and give their heads a little shake when you call their name.
How’s about Thelma and Louise? Just a thought. I’d considered Madonna and Britney just in case they wanted to get their freaky kiss stuff on.
We have three precious kitties: Mustachio (for his thick, white mustache on black coat), Peaches, and Smokey. The latter two are about 6 months old.
You just crack me up, Bitchypoo…it’s good to laugh like a fiend again.
p.s. I love your kitty pics. More! More!
Don’t listen to ZB. She is always laughing like a fiend. She IS A fiend.
And yes, I am afraid there WILL be another. But I am gonna name her!
Pictures of Tubby CRACK ME UP! Keep em coming.
I. love. Kitties!!!!!!!!!
I think Libby and Abby would be cute names for girl kitties.
I am SOOOOOOO anti-church that I probably wouldn’t let my kid even go to church. (When I have kids, that is.) I don’t want them to be to be told that kind of bullshit. It makes me SOOOOO angry.
OK, cats names: Ashes and Dust(y). ~ I was thinking of religion and Anthony and that whole ashes to ashes and dust to dust thing came to mind.
Anyways, I can totally relate. My 13 year old decided to go to vacation bible school this summer, as well as the occasional service on Sundays at a local chuch. I am still trying to figure out what the hell happened there because neither of us do the church thing either. When she came home with their propaganda, I about blew a gasket. Apparently, alternative lifestyle is a euphemism for sin. So is pre-marital relations, extra-marital affair, little white lie, etc. Perhaps some, but not all, the thing that really got me was when they said that you should only be friends with Christians. When I asked what the fuck they were teaching, she just rolled her eyes at me as if I were the stupidest person on earth and said, “Mom, they are just teaching me what the bible says, you can’t argue with that.” Trust me, I could and I do but I didn’t.
Kitten names:
Phaedra and Kendall
Such big names for little kitties!!
Tubby looks like he just had a serious “date” with a lady and needs a smoke!
Oh yeah- Anthony— DO you think he is a litte homophobic- he told a youth group that a guy came on to him??? That’s just wrong! I am very angry about it- so if there was some poor kid in that group struggling with their sexuality now all they feel is dirty. What the frig year is this?? 1803??