“I see the Poo looking at me, but if I stay very very still, maybe she’ll go away…” “Hmm… she’s still looking at me. Why won’t she go away?” “I’m tired of waiting. I’m going to haul ass for the nearest fence, and trust that I can go faster than those portly little legs can carry her.” (The squirrel was pretty much over the fence before Miz Poo knew what was going on) Such a purty boy. “I am NOT too big for this thing, I am NOT too big for this thing…” “Meh.” “Me-yawwwwwwn.”]]>
Robyn, LOVE the kitty pictures. Is Spot the Purty Boy? His eyes are so beautiful and expressive. I was wondering why mostly Miz Poo and Tubby end up in your photos. Don’t you have 2 other cats? Are they more camera shy? Thanks for the photos. Kitties are the best!
No, that purty boy is Spanky. Spanky’s also known as Mr. Dumb ‘n Happy.
Miz Poo and Tubby tend to end up in my pictures more, because they hang around me all the time, whereas if I want to get a picture of Spanky or Spot, I have to go looking for them.
And of course Miz Poo is my favorite. But don’t tell the other cats!
Hey! I hurt my back last night, too! (Want I should tell you HOW? Bwwaaahhaaa!0
Seriously, hope you feel better soon!
Amy read my mind and stole my question!
But I do have another…a while back you bought a little fountain and put it on the floor and the cats were drinking out of it. Are they still doing that? My Sidney loves to drink out of the faucet and I want to make sure he’s drinking plenty of water. They also have a pet fountain that does the same thing but the ones with rocks seem so much prettier.
Hey again! You didn’t put a link to go backward on this entry. Does that mean you don’t want me slogging through your diary anymore?
Last night, I fell asleep with my computer on and opened to your archives. It didn’t really take me 12 hours to read one entry. Really.
Sorry you hurt your back, Robyn. Don’t let the pain get ahead of you, go ahead and take the good stuff now. xo
Kate – I SO do not want to hear about how you hurt your back. Hee! Mine is feeling much better now that I showered. It’s amazing how quickly you can go from “Kill me now, god” to “I feel just fine!”, isn’t it? And to get the navigational arrows, you have to go up to the calendar and click on the entry for today, and there’ll be navigational stuff; I’m not sure why it works that way, I’ll have to look into making it different, I think.
Bonnie – They sure do. In fact, I think that somehow the water in the fountain (which we never turn on) is better than the water in their water dish, because they’ll be upstairs and come all the way downstairs to drink out of it. Crazy cats!
I’m crazy and I bought my cats a $50 drinking bowl– a drinkwell fountain!
Thank goodness they love it and no longer pester me to turn the faucet on for them. 🙂
Joy, we bought something similar to that years ago, but it splashed all over the floor. Do you have that problem with the Drinkwell at all?
“turning over Olympics”
Oh Robyn….you spoil me with the whimsical weekend entries!! The pic of Spanky is to die for 🙂
Hope your back feels better….have you tried those new pain patches? they’re like icy hot patches for precise areas. You’d find them near all that menthol pain stuff.