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Did you notice the huge article all about ME in the New York Times today?
Okay, so the only part about me was the part that said Not everyone who indulges in weight loss blogs is unequivocally supportive. Robyn And3rson, 35, a homemaker in Huntsville, Ala., wrote about “naysayers” � people who, after she had lost 100 pounds, sent messages telling her that she would soon realize how much harder it was to keep it off. “The unspoken, `I can’t wait until you put it all back on and more,’ is there,” she wrote.
Heh. Homemaker. You’d think with a job title like that, there wouldn’t be so many dust bunnies running rampant through the house, wouldn’t you?
Good article, though, and a great picture of our adorable Erin.
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I don’t know about y’all, but I had one HELL of a time getting anything done online this weekend because that FUCKING virus (or one of them, anyway) gummed up the works at our ISP, and I shut down my computer and stalked away in exasperation not once, not twice, but THREE times, which is pretty much an all-time record for me. The third time, after dinner, I shut down the computer, yelled “I GIVE UP!”, grabbed my cup of water and magazine (last one! I’m now completely caught up on my magazines, and there’ll be a big-ass box headed your way in the next day or two, Say!) and began stomping up the stairs, stomping as hard as I could with every step. I was about 2/3 of the way up the stairs when Fred stopped me and asked if I wanted to go for a drive. We did, and by the time we got home I was calmed down and less likely to put my foot through the monitor.
Goddamn internet.
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Pet store pictures are
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Saturday we had our very own
Jeff Corwin experience, did you read?
And then Sunday I spent a good part of the day (when not having temper tantrums about the GODDAMN INTERNET) getting our business accounts caught up, with which Fred helped me by going to buy me a calculator that prints out, because I cannot for the life of me add up a column of numbers without fucking it up somehow.
Math is haaaaaaaard!
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Did I mention that we’ve started watching
It cracked me up big time when Fred discovered that this guy:

Tobias Beecher, from Oz
was played by the same actor who played this guy:

Terry, from Wayne’s World (on the right).
And I’m sorry, but how freaky was it to see Woodman from
Thirtysomething getting it on with Carmella from
The Sopranos? Pretty damn freaky indeed.
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There are definitely at least two hummingbirds visiting the feeder all day long every day. One flits up, sits on the rest and drinks and drinks and drinks, then flits off. The other flits up and drinks while flitting around, stops every few seconds to look around to be sure he’s not about to be attacked, and drinks out of every hole in the feeder. They’re damn cute, but I think I need to take the screen out of the window to get a decent picture.


I can’t swear to whether they have legs, but they definitely have feet, Fran! 🙂
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Small cat, big bed. Big cat, small bed. What’s up with that? And there was a perfectly good big cat bed going unused over on the other side of the bed. If that makes any sense.

First comment dance!
I love Oz! But I can’t get HIM to watch with me. Too much buttsex, he says. Well, yeah, says I.
Well, we’re up to episode 5 of the first season and haven’t seen any buttsex yet, though there’s been some disturbing nipple play.
that cat bed has a thing growing out of it.
It’s a loaf of Tubs, Mo. 🙂
My weekend was not nearly as exciting. ( no celebrities here..sigh) I did have a few rousing moments moving from my computer chair to the kitchen though.
Tubby appears to be in denial – just like women when they swear they can fit into those jeans that are 2 sizes too small.
My isp has been fine, but my damn in-box has been flooded with over 200 e-mails in the past 24 hours. Obviously I have them set to automatically delete, but damn. Who is still naive enough to open an attachment when they don’t know the sender. DOH!
Er, about Jeff Corwin, is it just me, or did he look heavier in person, too?
Glitterkitty – now that you mention it, he kinda did.
Val – hee! Exactly!
The pics of Tubby in the too-small cat bed so remind me of Lena (one of my kitties). We have a little carpeted ledge that juts out from the wall on the way upstairs that’s quite a bit narrower than she is, but she insists on hanging out there anyway. She’ll go to sleep there, all stretched out with her claws dug into the carpet so she can’t topple off in her sleep 🙂
The buttsex occurs later when Chris Keller shows up. Yum. Welcome to Oz!
What is it with cats, anyway, that the smaller the container (bed, box, whatever) you put down, the more they NEED to squeeze into it and pretend to sleep?
Oh yeah. Chris Keller. Yum. The consentual buttsex is ok, it’s the buttrape that freaks me out. Hey! It’s a buttsex orgy in your notes!
Uh. Aren’t you glad I found your journal? 😉
Oooh, your cat spilleth over!
I love the way Tubby overhangs the cat bed, but he sits in it anyway. Go Tubby!
Oooh, Chris Keller (I had to look him up on IMDB, but I second the “yum” once I realized who he was).
And yes, Kate. I am glad. 😉
NOTHING stops the Tubs! Meh.
Oh, I am soooo with you about equal time for all the religions. Slap a copy of the I Ching up there while you are at it.
Also, did you know that Kate is having trapeze-flying-monkey-sex with your brother? She tells us all about it.
Hi! 🙂
Lalalala, I can’t hearrrrrrr youuuuuuuuu.
I actually have pictures of them doing it. And audio tapes gathered with a parabolic microphone.
I’ll be opening a net store soon.
I am here to apologize for my friends. NO I’M NOT — THEY ROCK!!!
Too cool about the mention in the NY Times – and they picked up a very good quote from your journal – I might say!
Heheh. You troublemakers!
Well, buttfuckers unite!!
OZ is like a man’s soap opera. I love it. And, with the husband working in a prison, we just *have* to watch it. It’s silly.
Sorry, all, the buttfucking totally icks me.
Oh. And, uh… magazines? *Drool* I think Tubby’s eyeing me up, by the way.
the voice of reason in this house (not mine) bullied me into bringing it to your attention that he holds you partly responsible for the “I need a new kitten” discussion that recently erupted during morning coffee. Apparently my argument of choice (to wit: But I only want one tiny new kitty. See, other people have lots more!) did not quite showcase my admirable restraint and resonable request the way I had intended.
Since I’ve always maintained that one cannot write well without a kitty as a muse, I will now A) blame my utter lack of success on HIM, and B) continue to get my vicarious kitty fix right here. Go Tubby!
The White Stripes do an excellent version of “Jolene”. He even keeps the pronouns the same as Dolly did.
Was that a “meh” for or against buttsex, Tracy?
Kay: I could send you Tubby to have for your very own. He’ll keep you busy running to the food bowl, though… 🙂
Say: They’ll be on the way tomorrow. I got two more in the mail yesterday and want to finish them up and send them along too. Those boxes that Fred’s book came in are coming in very handy!
I KNOW you don’t want me to comment on whether Tracy is for buttsex or not.
So I won’t.
Well count a great big MEH for buttsex from me, especially if it’s two hot guys doing it. (Not MY butt, no ma’am.)