* * *
Can I just take a moment to say that credit unions ROCK? Our personal checking and savings accounts are at a local credit union where Fred’s had an account since he was a wee one, and our business account is at a local bank. If we go out and use our credit union debit card to buy something at a local store, we can immediately come home, go online, bring up our account, and the transaction is already there. If we use our business debit card, it takes days for it to show up online.
The credit union has started something new, too. If a check has cleared, you can click on a button next to the check number, and SEE THE SCANNED CHECK, front and back. That fucking ROCKS.
On the other hand, last week we transferred money from PayPal to our business bank account (we were woefully unprepared for just how many padded envelopes we’d need during the first week), and although the money was shown on our account as available, it didn’t actually go into the account until midnight, and so when we bought envelopes at Staples, our bank charged us a THIRTY DOLLAR NSF fee. Which they reversed when Fred called to complain. Fuckers.
I would say as a general rule, credit unions rock and banks suck. If we could switch our business account over to the credit union, we’d do it without hesitation.
* * *
I’m FAR too excited by the fact that I just saw TWO hummingbirds at the hummingbird feeder. We’ve had one visiting the feeder all week long, sucking down the sugar water so often that I swear he’s developed a little pot belly, but today is the first time I’ve seen two of them.
Unfortunately I’m not having any luck getting a picture of the little guy because he likes the side of the feeder that I can’t see from my desk, and if I get up to get a picture, the movement startles him and he flies off. I think I’m going to get Fred to move the pole a bit further away from the window, and maybe I’ll have more luck.
It’s so funny to see one not in flight, isn’t it? I finally ran out of the red commercial hummingbird mix and made my own yesterday – boiling sugar and water together – and they seem to like the homemade stuff even more.
Yes, I am a dork. And proud of it!
* * *
I was walking through the library – the windows of which look out onto the bird feeders – and I saw that our squirrel was back dining at the And3rson buffet.
“Miz Poo!” I said. She was sitting on my desk, waiting impatiently for me to get my damn water and get my ass back to her for some belly-rubbing. She looked at me with interest. I gestured toward the library window. “Squirrel! Go get the squirrel!”
I’m trying to train her to understand what the word “squirrel” means, because when my parents’ dog Benji hears the word, he loses his mind and hauls ass into the back yard, yapping his fool head off whether there’s actually a squirrel or not.
Miz Poo looked at me, her eyes darkened, and she looked out the front window rather than the back window where the squirrel actually was.
“Miz Poo! Squirrel!” I said, waving my arms in the air. “Squirrel!”
Her tail began whipping around, and she made a chattering noise, all the while staring out the front window.
“Get the squirrel, Poo Pie! Go get the squirrel!” I encouraged, and she jumped onto the floor, ran to the front window, and stared out at the front lawn.
I finally had to go pick her up and show her out the library window where the squirrel was before it all clicked in her mind.
And sadly she’s one of the smarter cats.
* * *
We were watching
The Amazing Race last night (no spoilers here, because once the clowns were gone, I didn’t really much care who won), and when they landed in Hawaii, I started having a yen to visit Hawaii.
“We could go in a few years. Hey! We could go for our 10th anniversary!” I said. “That would give us plenty of time to save up!”
I think Fred got the impression I wasn’t serious, but won’t he be surprised in 5 years when I tell him to pack, we’re leaving for Hawaii for a week?
* * *
1. When was the last time you laughed? When Fred had his nightly snack – a bowl of popcorn – and stuck his face in the bowl because he had a glass of tea in his other hand. He was so damn cute I had to go over and hug him ’til his guts shot out his mouth.
2. Who was the last person you had an argument with? Fred, I’m sure. Can’t have been too important, though, ’cause I don’t remember when or what it was about.
3. Who was the last person you emailed? My sister-in-law, who comments as Kate. She sent me pictures of her DAMN adorable cat Dulcinea. I had to go find Miz Poo for a belly rub.
4. When was the last time you bathed? 8:30 this morning. I shower every morning, although Wednesday I didn’t shower or take a bath, and felt grungy all day. That’s probably the first time I’ve skipped a shower in 10 years.
5. What was the last thing you ate? A Grilled California Cobb salad from McDonald’s with homemade honey-mustard dressing. And a super-size Diet Coke!
* * *
Y’all have a relaxing weekend!]]>
I have a credit union account too and I have to agree, they’re the best. Except for the $5.95/month fee they wanted to charge for Electronic Bill Paying. I’ll stick to writing checks until they do away with that. They’ve since lowered it to $2.95/month but still!
Robin — How big is that hummingbird feeder, anyway? Your hummie looks so small compared to ours (I’m in California) and I’m wondering if it’s a baby … and usually they won’t share unless one it’s a male and female. We’ve got 3 feeders out and it’s amazing to watch the “hummie wars” — there seems to be 1 main male who decides who gets to partake and who gets chased away to the olive trees. We also found that once we stopped using the prepackaged food and mixed up sugar and water they drink even more than before. (It’s 1 part sugar to 4 parts water, if you’re interested.)
By the way, thanks for my daily laugh!
It’s me again … sorry for not reading better … I see you already know how to make your own hummie food π
On another hummingbird note – the red coloring is not necessary, they’ll drink it staight up clear! I’ve often thought the red dye was added just to please the human eye.
Debi – the feeder is about 6 inches tall and probably about 6 inches around. The two hummingbirds are both the same size, but one is more aggressive and chases the other one off, so I’m going to guess it’s the male. They’ve been at the feeder every half hour or so all day long – I think I could just sit here and watch them and do nothing else all day.
Renee – Yeah, and the red food coloring can make them sick, I’ve read. The stuff in the feeder in the picture is the commercial stuff (the picture’s from a few days ago), and when I made my own from sugar and water (and so much less expensive than the commercial stuff, what was I thinking?) I didn’t add food coloring.
Heh. One just chased the other away from the feeder. I guess he’s very protective of his food source.
Hi Robyn,
just in case your visitor stats show you that some mad reader has spent an average 12 hours on your site – at odd overseas daytimes – over the past three days … that would be me. I’ve read and giggled myself through the archives, although I think I am still missing a few days here and there. I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you that I love this site, both your journals – and I love you, as far as that’s possible by reading about another woman’s life and thoughts like mad π
Bis zum nΓ€chsten Mal! (Guess country – win a long swim π
My family has been feeding hummingbirds for years. At some points we’ll have nine of them simultaneously dive bombing one another around the feeder. They are VERY territorial – one of our feeders hangs from a drain pipe, and usually every year one hummer stakes his claim to that feeder and defends it fiercely against invaders, sitting above it on the pipe and giving the evil eye to any hummers who dare to cross his path. We’ve found the best times to watch them (when they are most active) are dawn and dusk.
Depending on your location, you can get a bunch of different types of hummers of all shapes and sizes. The ruby-throated ones are especially beautiful. It seems the south gets better variety (my parents in AZ get many different ones, while up here in PA we only see about one or two types).
Also, we’ve never boiled the mix, although I guess that can make the sugar dissolve more easily. I think we may also make it sweeter though – 1 cup sugar and 3 cups water.
The more time passes that you have a feeder out and filled, the more you’ll get, too. AZ is warm enough to have hummers year round, but I think even the ones who migrate stop by our yard year after year (I may be wrong on that though!) We refer to their food as, “red stuff” and are fairly convinced that there are signs all over the neighborhood that direct hummers to our yard for the best red stuff in the area. We’ve said that if we ever sell the house, we will stipulate that the new owners must continue to provide hummingbird food for our friends. We’re odd like that though!
Oh – and if you fill the feeder up and walk out really slowly to replace it on its stand, occassionally they’ll feed from the feeder while it is still in your hands. That is REALLY cool.
Here’s a texas hummer to add to the bunch!
I forgot to add, my sister rescued it from my parent’s garage. that’s why he looks so stunned.
Thanks for avoiding the Amazing Race spoilers – I actually managed to watch it last night, although a couple hours tape-delayed. I was too afraid that someone would spoil me, the race being over and all, so I stayed up late to watch it. Exciting stuff – let’s hope CBS gets its head out of its ass and signs on for a 5th season!
Robyn I too mix my own hummingbird food. I use
1 1/2 cups boiling water to 1/2 cup sugar
OMG..Peaches does the same thing with squirrels. All I have to do is say…Peaches…squirrel!! and she is off to the door and jumping around. Once I open it she tears over to the tree and practically climbs it..then I say..Get the other one and she races to the other tree and leaps about 4 ft in the air…I do it over and over and she runs back and forth between the two trees jumping up and biting the bark. See..I’m a dork too! Here’s a shot of one of the squirrels that teases the shit out of her!!
OH MY F’ING GOD is that a cute picture. I am having seizures from the cuteness.
Hehe..I see we have another Kay… I guess I will sign myself the
“You say tomato…. Kay”
Oh and to the other Kay..when I found Robyn’s site I was the same way. I read for a week to catch up on all her journal..(whew) and it was sooo worth it!!! I read alot of other Blogs but this one is the best for me. I love this place!! I find myself nearly daily, finding we have so many of the same thoughts, tastes and experiences. My hubby and I are even the same age as her and Fred and I have a 15 yr old from a previous marriage….too funny all the coincidences…..Robyn ROCKS!!!!!!!!
Hey, my grandson told me that Hummingbirds have no legs. Would you prove or disprove this for me?
You have the best view possible.
Love your journal.
Umm … how about I sign myself Kay the Hun? π
Sure and I will be the “un” hun…. :o)
Hi Robyn,
Just wanted to say that I have been reading you for about a year now, and you totally ROCK! I look forward to my notifications so I can get ready to lmao! My friend found your site when he googled for pictures of garages! He started reading you (it was the entry about the jet dry) and found you so hilarious that he told me about it and I’ve been hooked ever since. I even went back and read all your archives – I mean ALL! You make me laugh everyday. Thank you!
Ha! i think your cat knows EXACTLY what you are saying…..he just wants to see you jump around like a mad woman! That cat is probably getting a kick out of you flailing your arms and pointing. A cool cat does not get hyper spastic over any human command….unless it’s the can opener or sounds of forthcoming food. Growing up we used to run the can opener to make the cat come so we could scoop him up and play with him!! Poor kitty.
Take care!
Um. I forgot you had comments on this! lol
I emailed you.
You’ll get an email with HAHA in the subject line and an attached file. You’ll laugh. You might even cry. Then you’ll hold Miz Poo like a baby, all the while babytalking until she runs away in fear.
Awww, it’s a love fest in my comments! π
Fran, I can’t say whether they have legs, but they definitely have feet, ’cause they use them to perch on the feeder. I’d guess they have some sort of leg-type appendage to hold the feet on, though. π
Banks DO suck ass! I could go on and on what a dinkus my bank is and how at least once per week it does something to wreck my head, but I guess that’s why I have my own blog.
Fekkin’ banks.