
* * * Folks, Sydney has slipped to #2. Go vote! Go on, I’ll wait here. And don’t forget, you can vote once a day!

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I have a confession. On Sunday nights at 8:00 Central Time, when Sex and the City comes on, if no one else is in the room, I do a little dance to the theme song. And if no one else is in the room I do it again at the end of the show while I’m waiting to see what next week’s show will be about. It’s kind of like a samba.
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And like Nance, I really like The Sopranos theme song. Fred always fast forwards through it, though, because he’s a bastard.
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Speaking of Sunday night’s episode of Sex and the City (Sex AND the City, folks, not Sex IN the City), I have things to say. *I am simultaneously drawn to and repelled by Evan Handler. And I’ve seen WAY too much of his ass. I never wanted to see his ass, but he showed it so often that it’s burned into my memory and that’s not something I really want to have to think about. *Tatum O’Neal looks unfortunately EXACTLY like her father, poor thing. Between her and John McEnroe, their kids don’t have a chance in hell of growing up good-looking. *I know I’ve said it before, but to pay $485 for shoes is just insanity. I could never pay that much for strappy little heels, not ever. Of course, let me loose in a book store, and I could easily spend twice that. I guess it all depends on what interests you, eh? *I could relate to Miranda saying “I don’t like any kids who aren’t mine.” I’ve always said that I wasn’t interested in any kids that weren’t related to me. Of course, once I started thinking about it, I realized that I love reading when journalers tell stories about their kids, and that if I’m in a restaurant and a kid takes an interest in me, I’ll do the peekabo thing ’til the cows come home, so I guess I like other peoples’ kids more than I realized. Although when I was sitting in the waiting room with the spud last week waiting for her to have her thyroid ultrasounded, I could have done without the 1 year-old who toddled over and started going through my purse. (Yes her mother was horrified when she realized what was happening, and yes I smiled and said “That’s okay!” when she apologized profusely.)
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And speaking of television, we watched The Restaurant the other night, and the whole thing where the three cooks (chefs? Kitchen staff? What was their fucking job, anyway?) pretended that one of them had been in the hospital and the three of them didn’t show up for work left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. Now, I KNOW that those three were wrong for doing what they did, and I would think that it would have been enough for Rocco to know that they were going to come across as childish idiots when the show aired. But, no. First he had them separately tell their story, and when they thought they were home free and going to leave on good terms, he felt the need to confront them and let them know that he knew no one had ever been admitted to the hospital. To me, that was childish. Why not let them leave and then see that they weren’t fooling anyone when the show aired? Did I mention that DAMN I love that show, fake reenactments and all?
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We rented and watched Chicago last night. I liked it, and I really liked Catherine Z-J. I thought that Renee Zellweiger’s voice was going to get on my nerves, but I adjusted quickly enough. And now I have a new song to sing to Miz Poo. “All that Poo!”, of course.
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A couple of pictures from Maine: We saw this bumper sticker in Portland when we were shopping, and it cracked me up. If you can’t read it, it says “For a small town, this one sure has a lot of assholes.” This is the building that housed (houses?) the first apartment I ever had. 16 years ago, that was. You can’t even see the tiny-ass windows to the apartment that was mine, because it was on the top floor. It was a crappy, crappy apartment, with a hole in the kitchen floor that let me see into the apartment below (which belonged to a guy in the Navy, who was hardly ever home). Rumor was that the city had been trying to condemn the building for years and years. The water pressure sucked so badly that it took half an hour to fill up the bathtub. I only lived there for about 3 months before I fled back home where the water pressure was decent. The landbitch and her husband lived in the building. Her name was Alexis something, and she was a money-grubbing bitch who held back $100 from my security deposit because she “suspected” a friend of mine had messed with her husband’s bike, which was tied to the sign in front of the building. This building is located on Main Street in Brunswick, a fairly busy road, and the dumbass leaves his bike tied to a sign, and he’s surprised that someone messes with it? Yeah. Let’s blame it on the 19 year-old in the building! She was a lawyer, by the way, and I hope she’s lost every single case since 1987. 220 Maine Street, Brunswick, Maine, in case you were wondering.
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Such a happy, happy boy. ]]>

18 thoughts on “2003-08-20”

  1. At least the mother was horrified and apologized profusely for what her toddler had done. Too often today you see people just expecting people to put up with the atrocities their kids want to inflict on other people.

  2. I saw “Chicago” in the theater (which was packed close to a month after it started) and my favorite scene hands down was when Amos did “Mr. Cellophane”. Who’d a thunk that he could sing and dance and do it so well!

  3. Hi there:) Have you seen Tatum’s kids? They really are nice looking kids. It just goes to show you that you can put together two really icky looking people and come out with beautiful children. I know — My spouse and I did it:)
    And if I had trillions of bucks, hell yes I’d spend lots of money on shoes — I admit to being a shoe whore:)
    Am so enjoying your dieting. I am down 35 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I, too, love the theme songs from both “Sex and the City” and “The Sopranos”. And my damn VCR didn’t tape “The Restaurant” on Sunday night while we were out. I was so pissed. It’s time or a new one. Anyway, can you tell us more about that episode?

  5. I’m hooked on the “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” theme song myself. So happy! So carefree! It makes me so happy – I actually rewound my tape last night just to hear it again!

  6. MS7168 – We were pleasantly surprised by John Reilly’s voice. I love that guy in every role he’s ever been in.
    Trinity – I haven’t seen their kids recently, but you’re right, two not-so-goodlooking people can definitely have good-looking kids.
    Martha – email me your snail mail address, and you can have my tape (my email address is (the first letter of my first name)@robynanderson.com).
    Lori – I have GOT to check that show out!

  7. Robyn,
    I KNOW! I was watching the restaurant and I thought those 3 were so odd. I too would HATE not getting my paycheck when expected…but just quit…don’t make up stories and not show up. Also, what was up with that Pete guy’s comedy? Telling a bunch of New Yorkers to feel for terrorists? And then he’s all surprised they booed him off the stage. Whatever. He should have saved that for another state, or chucked it altogether. I am hooked on that show and my husband hates it, but he lets me watch it just so he can make fun of it in the background.

  8. Is it creeping you out yet that I read your journal? No? Just wait. Bwwwwaahhaaa!
    You have BURBER!! I want burber!

  9. Lee: Not yet. 🙂
    And, we hate the burber. The cats have messed it up. I also hate the floor in the kitchen and the carpet on the stairs. I need to win the lottery so I can redo the house… 🙂

  10. Hello, this is a different Michele with a further comment about the same thing the previous Michele commented on… weird ain’t it? 😀
    My comment was just an agreement that at least that mother of that baby had apologized, even if you didn’t mind what the child had done.
    I was not so lucky….
    Once while I was browsing greeting cards at a local wal-mart, a child backed up into me, I said excuse me, the child turned around, gazed at me for a moment, and then smacked me on the arm. For effect I said Ow!, the child didn’t reply. This entire scene was witnessed by a lady(an adult responsible for this child, perhaps his mother) who came up, grabbed the child’s hand, and dragged him away… no explanation or apology to me, in fact no acknowledgement of my existence, nothing said to the child etc.

  11. Funny bumpersticker. Know what mine says? I had it designed at a speciality shop on the internet and it says:
    “I Brake For Paws…
    Now, the REASON I have this bumpersticker is that I live in a moderate-size city, there’s lots of cats and squirrels out on the streets at various times. Early on, I hit a squirrel…and it just made me SICK. I watched carefully thereafter, and since the speed limit is about 20 miles per hour, I stop if I see a critter heading across the street. Soooo, once (before I had the bumpersticker) I stopped abruptly to avoid hitting a cat that was sauntering across the street, taking its own good time as cats do 🙂 and saw this person in the car behind me acting as if I was stopping them from getting to an URGENT, IMPORTANT event — like the ER for serious blood loss or something, when it was probably just a usual so-so drive to the mall –and I decided I’d order the bumpersticker so drivers behind my car would know EXACTLY why I was stopped in the street.
    Whew, long story…sorry!

  12. I saw a very original bumper sticker the other day. It read “You say tomato, I say fuck you.”
    Simple but it really made me laugh!!

  13. Robyn, the band that does the Sopranos theme song is called Alabama 3. They’re a British band and a friend was married to the drummer’s brother (or something). I really like their music — it’s energetic, fun and particularly good for driving. I think their track “Ain’t Goin’ to Goa” is pretty representative of their work, if you want to download it.
    Sorry, but I love ’em!

  14. Ditto on the bumper sticker.
    Robyn you’ve outdone yourself with the term “landbitch”.
    And thanks for the name of the band who does the Soprano theme song.
    When I flew to NY from Tokyo in January, I had this 50 year old guy from NJ next to me. Because it was business trip, I was in business class (supposed to be all hoity toity.) Anyhow he asked me if it was my first time to NY and I said yes, and he asked me where I was going to go see, and I said the first thing would be the “Badda Bing”. He had this shocked look on his face and says, “But that’s a peeler bar!” And I started to laugh. He only then realized then where I had gotten the name. (The real strip bar is actually called something else.)
    BTW in NYC you can do a Sex AND the City Tour and a Sopranos tour, but alas I did not have time ;-(

  15. Oooooh, other people’s kids! Generally, they don’t bug me, because, well, if they’re really annoying (badly behaved), they aren’t mine, and I don’t have to deal with them.
    The only exception being the 2 yr. old daughter of an neighbor of mine, who had a, ahem, “biting problem”, and once while they were visiting us, she bit my oldest boy on the arm, hard enough to draw blood, and I mean he was bleeding profusely, while her Mom did nothing in the way of discipline, except offer a lame “sorry”.
    I had to take him to the Doctor the next day, and boy, were they ever offended when I told them my boy was put on a course of antibiotics to prevent infection from their little angel’s dirty mouth. Needless to say, they were never invited over again.These are the same geniuses who sold their house in California to move to Montana, then when they couldn’t stand the hellish winters (duh!)They moved back to California, only in the 2 yrs. they were gone, real estate prices had skyrocketed, and they are now renting a crappy house in their old neighborhood, for more than what their old house payment was. Smart,huh? I wonder if the inability to discipline one’s children, has anything at all to do with intelligence?

  16. Further to the comments about kids, I was driving back to Ottawa from Montreal (a 2-hr. drive) and stopped at McDeadlys for a bite to eat. There was a woman behind me with 3 kids, all of whom were clearly over the age of 5 and should have been smarter than to assume that the tray on the counter that I was standing in front of WITH MY ORDER ON IT was theirs to pick food from. I lost a fry before their mother clued in and made the girl responsible for the theft of my fry apologize to me. I burbled something about how it was only a french fry and scuttled off with my tray to a corner of the restaurant where I hoped I wouldn’t be followed by that family.

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