Playboy (last month’s or the month before, I don’t recall which), I have come to like Lisa Marie Presley. This surprises me, frankly, because I expected to think she was a whiny little brat. She’s not, though – she seems to have a sense of humor and doesn’t take herself too seriously.
And DAMN she looks like her father. Who’d’ve thunk Elvis would be so good-looking as a girl?
I’d even like to see her in concert, but she’s going to be in Maine when I’m in Alabama, and Alabama when I’m in Maine. Bah.
It should probably be noted that I was certain, as a child, that Lisa Marie was my separated-at-birth twin sister, because in a picture of my father as a young man, he strongly resembled (at least to my eyes) Elvis, and Lisa Marie’s birthday is only about a month after mine. Too bad it’s not true – I could definitely have used some of those Presley genes. (Insert joke about how she got the “Young, good-looking Elvis” genes and I got the “Old, fat Elvis” genes. Heh.)

Fancypants, it appears, is missing. The last time I can definitely say that I saw him was Sunday night, when I got up to go to the bathroom and saw him laying in the chair in the corner of the room, which is an unusual place for him to lay. I may have seen him sometime Monday, but if I did I’m not remembering it. I didn’t notice that anything was amiss until last night around 6 when Fred said “Have you seen Fancypants lately?”, and I realized that I had not.
It’s not unusual to go for most of the day without seeing him, because he spends part of his day sleeping in the guest bedroom, and part of his day outside wandering around the yard or jumping the fence to do god knows what. I usually catch sight of him when I go upstairs to take my shower after working out, and he almost always comes in and visits while we’re watching TV in the evening.
We went out driving around last night, hoping to see him running fancily across a yard, or jumping over someone’s fence, but didn’t see a thing. As I told Fred, though, we don’t really know where he goes once he’s over the fence. He might stay in the back yards in our neighborhood, or he might cross the busy street our back yard faces to go into that neighborhood. We just don’t know.
He’s wearing a collar (hot pink!) with his name, and our address and phone number on it, but it’s a breakaway collar, designed to come apart if he gets hung on something.
Fred called Animal Control and made a report. They hadn’t seen any fancy black cats, but they’ll keep an eye out for him, and they’ll check with the guy who goes around cleaning up roadkill.
Yeah, roadkill.
I know it’s only been a few days, and I also know that cats tend to roam and it’s entirely possible he’ll come sauntering home in a day or so, but it’s hard thinking that he’s out there, possibly hurt, possibly dead, and just not knowing.
I’ll say that I do rue the day that damn neighborhood cat jumped over our fence, and Fancypants was sitting there watching. I could see the light go on over his head at the realization that – “Hey! I don’t have to try to go UNDER the fence! I could jump OVER it!”, and there was no holding him back from there on out.
There have,
you’ll recall, been times when I’d have liked to toss Fancypants out the door, lock it, and never set sight on his fancy little ass again. But as much as I’ve hated the little bastard from time to time, I love him too. He’s the bad-ass kitty of the family, out tomcatting all night long, then coming in and making Tubby groom him all the live-long day, then swishing across the floor, meowing pitifully for attention. Mamas always secretly have a little extra love for their bad kids, and as much of a pain in the ass as he can be, I love to pick him, flip him over on his back like a baby, and rub his belly. And as much of a badass as he pretends to be, he likes to have his belly rubbed.
Fred and I were talking last night, and I suggested that maybe Fancypants has become close to another family in the neighborhood and decided to throw us over for them.
“Yeah!” Fred said with a grin. “They saw that his name is Mr. Fancypants, and said ‘Oh, we’ve GOTTA keep this cat! Poor thing! Who would name their cat Mr. Fancypants?'”
Oh, I know it’s unlikely, but I’d rather believe he’s living like a king somewhere else than think of the alternative.
I will, of course, keep y’all informed if we learn anything.

i will pray for fancypant’s return tonight 🙂
he’ll show up!
Poor Mr. Fancypants! I hope he’s just pissed at you guys for shaving his fancy self and is now hanging out with the long-hairs ’til his coat is back to it’s former glory, whereupon he will return, triumphant, to strut a fancy display, teaching you your respective lessons.
Oh dear, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Mr. Fancypants’ safe return home!
Hey Robyn, remember it’s Springtime, so Mr. Fancypants may well be out tom-catting around, giving all the lady-cats in the neighborhood a little dose of his Supreme Fanciness (this Springtime tom-catting seems to happen whether they’re fixed or not, I’ve noticed…). Here’s hoping for his speedy return! xoxox Kathy
I expect that he’ll turn up just when you’ve become the most frantic … but in the meantime, I’ll keep an eye out for him here in Houston in case he decided to hitch a ride west.
Oh Robyn! I’m sure he’ll turn up! I’ll send good thoughts down your way!
I am sorry fancy is gone! 🙁
My mom found a cat in her backyard in New York and she’s been feeding it salmon in a can- maybe fancy is getting some good food somewhere?
I pray for his safe return!
Oh I hope he comes back very soon. I’ve had a pet disappear on me before and was devastated. (we had moved to a new house so I thought for sure she was gone forever) A few days later she came back…a bit skinnier but nonetheless happy. I know Mr. Fancypants will come back to y’all.
Here’s some more “come home” vibes—and a short story to boot: a couple years ago one of our cats disappeared. We found him a week later hiding under the neighbor’s porch of all places. We were sure he was dead (where we lived at that time was heavily populated with wild animals & big logging trucks), so it was a very happy day for us when we found him. 🙂
Hang in there—hopefully your little wanderer will get his ass home soon!
Oh no! I hope Mr. Fancypants finds his way home soon. He’s probably off having some grand adventure, and he’ll show up swishing across your living room in a day or two. My parents were feeding a cat in their backyard for over a month – it turns out the cat belonged to a neighbor down the street!
I’ll be sure to keep Fancypants, Fred and you in my thoughts. Fingers crossed!
I bet in the middle of the night he’ll come flying through the cat door hot on the tail of a little baby skunk. 🙂 The cat I had as a kid used to go on extended holidays. He always turned up just as we were about to give up hope. Hang in there, Robyn — Fancypants will return home just as soon as he discovers no one rubs a belly like you.
Adding my good wishes that are being sent your way. All my missing cat stories have sad endings, so I won’t share. I’m sure Mr. Fancypants will come back!
I pray he will be back soon. And push away the thoughts of the “alternative,” because it will drive you crazy. He will be sauntering up the the door any minute, hungry as hell and needing to be loved. Good thoughts your way.
Robyn, I sure hope Fancypants returns soon. He’s just like my Poo, bad, but lovable…they even look just alike.
*Please come home, Fancypants.
I had a cat once that disappeared for 2 weeks! He was old and I think he may have gotten locked inside someone’s garage or shed. (That or he forgot where he lived..he was 17 years old) This was in the middle of July when it had been really hot (this was in NJ, not TX thankfully!). We thought maybe he had gone off to die as we heard some cats do..but one night the neighbor kid was calling me and said he thought he saw Max under the car. I went and looked and it was him! He was wide eyed and scared so I was afraid to try to drag him out. I lured him out with a bowl of food till I could reach him to pick him up. He seemed fine and never got lost again. I am thinking maybe Fancypants got locked inside something and can’t get out. Maybe ask the neighbors if they have had their sheds opened in the last couple of days?? I am sure he will turn up fine and continue to make you think those nasty thoughts 😉
I hope Mr. Fancypants gets home safe soon! It is *so* scary when they decide to go off on a little walkabout like that.
Robyn, as you know I recently took care of a cat that hit by a car in front of my house. I put up signs and the owner finally saw one of the signs. Can you do that in your neighborhood? Also, Animal Control told me that sometimes a cat can go further than you think from home because they have been chased by a dog. Consider widening the search if you can. This owner didn’t bother putting up signs of her own but gladly picked up her cat when she could (and she stiffed me on the vet bill, canyabelieveit??).
We’ve decided that we’re going to spend part of the day Saturday putting flyers up around our subdivision and the ones around us, as well as put them in peoples’ doors.
Thanks, y’all, for your concern. I suspect I’ll look up sometime in the next few days and see him casually strolling through the cat door!
Fancypants will be home soon for sure. It’s spring and, if you’re a cat, there’s always a first time for an extended sniff around the neighbourhood. That said, I know how worried you + Fred must be.
Oh good i was going to suggest to you to get some flyers up. I wouldnt wait til Sat though.
Do it now
Hopefully Fanncypants will show up all smug and proud in thte nenxt day or two!! Hey, maybe he moved into the house that those people moved out of the other day = you know, he wanted more space of his own! 🙂
Sending vibes to Fancy Pants…Go HOME your Momma misses you….
Thinking of you all!
Little creep!
He’ll show up, Robyn, and he’ll thank you for worrying by shitting on your carpet. Just as you’d suspect.
Uh, the above was from me.
Do you have any neighbors that are on vacation? Sometimes a cat will explore a nearby garage and get stuck inside if they go away for a while. (My cat did exactly that.)
We did go out and put flyers up tonight and talked to some of our neighbors, who promised to keep an eye out. We’re going to put some more up tomorrow, and hopefully someone will have seen him!
Well one good thing is that right now is he is very recognizable. I love The Fancy One. I’m sending out good vibes from Canada.
Robyn,I hope that Mr. Fanncypants comes home tonight and that he’s his normal fancy self.
I’m sure he’ll return after he’s knocked up a couple of pussies. hehehe
Oh! I hope he comes back soon, I know just how you feel — I start freaking out if I can’t find one of my cats, either. But, knowing cats (and from what I’ve read of the Illustrious Mr. Fancypants — I think it’s a great name, by the way!), he probably is just taking a vacation to make sure you understand just how -lucky- you are to have his fancy presence around you. 🙂 No worries, he’ll be back!
he’ll be back… who could resist the feline wilds of mizpoo?
Robyn & Fred, I’m sending you good thoughts and prayers for Mr. Fancypants. He’s just got to find his way home.
I’ll say a little prayer for the Fancy one tonight. I can’t imagine what I would do if my baby disappeared.. sigh.
Sending good Fancypants-finding vibes in your direction so that he’ll be home quickly..
Holding my breath along with you guys. Please let us all know the minute he comes home.
Oh, I’m hoping Fancy comes home soon. Pleasepleaseplease let us know!
Have hope Robyn…my 17 year old cat Lily disappeared in March and we had all but given up seeing her again.(this cat is very timid and barely left the yard) After much searching and reporting her missing …checking the pounds etc She showed up 12 days later all skinny but really no worse for wear…We are still mystified as to what happened to her. Anyway I hope Fancypants comes swishing home soon!
I agree Lisa Marie looks alot like her dad but she looks alot like her mom too
We hope fancypants comes back soon! Lots of prayers sent your way for a safe return.
Oh, no! He is likely just out being Fancy somewhere. I’ve had cats disappear and show up a few days later acting like nothing has happened. I’m sure you’re frantic. I’m so sorry. I’ll send some positive energy your way.
I wish you and Fred all the luck in the world finding Mr. Fancypants. As with others I too had a puttytat that left on a vacation from home (good ole Thomas J. Pussycat) he was gone for just short of 5 weeks. One morning while getting the baby a bottle in the wee hours of the morn I hear the distinctive loud “meowww” of Thomas J. Pussycat, I opened the door and in he strolled. To tell you the truth he never looked better! Someone took good care of him. *thanks that good hearted soul* Mr. Fancypants is prolly just on a little retreat!