
I had a bit of a freaky experience at the post office last week. I had a card in my PO box indicating that I had received a package that was too big to fit in the box. I took it up to the counter, and handed it to the postal worker. He smiled at me and headed for the back to get the package. “Robyn, right? Box 565?” he said without looking down at the card. People, I about jumped out of my skin and ran away screaming. I’ve always thought I enjoyed a bit of anonymity at the post office. Like, they’d see me and think “Oh yeah, it’s her. She comes in here all the time.” Madison’s a pretty big town – it’s not New York City, but it’s a big yuppieville suburb all the same – so I never expected that, even though I do go in there at least twice a week. But knowing my name? And knowing not only my name but also my box number? Honestly, that startled the shit out of me. All I could do was smile blankly and nod. “I like to memorize names and box numbers, it saves time,” he explained when he came back with my box. “You must have a good memory – that’s a lot of boxes to remember!” I said. And then today I went to the post office again. I stood in line, and when it was my turn, the postal worker – a completely different one this time, might I add – smiled and waved at me. “Come on over, Miz And3rson!” he called. I think I’m going to have to move. (No, not really. It’s just weird, because I’m not used to it.)

Spanky sleeps soundly, unaware that his arch-nemesis inches ever closer. Will he wake in time to shoot a disgusted look over his shoulder and run away, or will he awaken to find himself Fancified?]]>

23 thoughts on “2003-06-03”

  1. Hah! What you just wrote about night time PMS is exactly what I go through every month. Right down to the listening really carefully to make sure the serial killer watching tv in the livingroom wasn’t what woke me up.

  2. SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL for anyone who would leave a box of puppies next to a dumpster. How much harder would it be to at least drive them to the animal shelter? Gah!!

  3. The earplug dilemma. I am a light sleeper, so I have to have them. If my husband is not home, I’m paranoid to wear them. But then, I’m paranoid anyway. Loaded gun by the bed, pepper spray and a few pocket knives in my purse…

  4. I liked that the “urban legends” page promo’ed the SPCA and Petfinder.org- just because those particular cutefaces have been lucky enough to find homes doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty more out there who need to find a family just as badly. They are cute little boogers though aren’t they?

  5. So, whoever receives a package from you in the next few days should check it for spider guts, huh? 😉

  6. Rachael – hopefully the guts will fall off between here and there. 🙂
    Mo – being Fancified is a very painful procedure. I’m not sure we humans could handle it.

  7. The woman at my post office knows me by first name, too. She always says “hey unwound!” and goes to get my package or whatever. I think it’s cool. (We do have the same name, though, so my name can’t be too hard to remember!) She knows dh, too, and it creeps him out because she really shouldn’t know who he is- he never checks to mail or anything- rarely does he go in, but she knows his name! Still trying to figure THAT out!

  8. I’ll leave their webs in the corners of the room alone as long as they keep them clean.
    funniest thing i’ve read in a long time. 😀

  9. What is up with spiders this year. I have seen so many in my house it is creepy. I had one in the bathroom that its body was probably about the size of a nickle. I grabbed some wasp spray and sprayed the thing heavily. closed the bathroom door and went back in about 5 minutes later. Then and only then could i pick it up with a tissue and flush the durn thing

  10. Spiders? Ew. I think it’s a summer thing, because every summer hoards of ants invade our house. We find them in the cabinet, the bathrooms, the shower. Only during the summer, too. Try washing your face, then looking down at your hands to find them covered with ants. Sadness. 🙁

  11. Laura – you bet. 🙂 Here’s the recipe for honey mustard dressing, and I have most of the recipes I use here.
    Cooking Light is one of the first places I go if I’m looking for a light recipe, and Dotti’s Weight Loss Zone has a pretty good recipe section as well. Those are the only ones that come to mind at the moment, but if I think of any others, I’ll list them as well. 🙂

  12. Oh like ya haven’t been skeered of BEECHIES your entire life…….don’t let her fool ya folks. She is the wus of a lifetime when it comes to BUGS!!!

  13. “I always suck them up with the vacuum cleaner and hope they don’t figure out how to get out”.
    OK. I am now an officially hurtin’ unit! I might even theaten not to read any more journal entries, lest I pop a gasket!

  14. Robyn dear… as much time as you spend in that post office, I would be shocked if there was anybody there that didn’t know your name!!
    LOL, but I do know what you mean, it is kinda freaky. Happens to me a lot.

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