Anatomy of a Smackdown
(Starring Fancypants and Miz Poo)
Miz Poo: “I cannot stand your fanciness. I cannot, do you hear me? I will kick your fancy ass all over the place! I will, I will!”
Fancypants: “Look into my eyes…”
Miz Poo: “I am ready to spring forth and tear your fancy throat out with my sharp little teeth. I …. I….”
Fancypants: “Look deep into my eyes….” ::eyelashflutter::
Miz Poo: “What was that?!”
Fancypants: “It is just The Momma, trying to document my fancy ways.”
Miz Poo: “I will spring… I will tear… I will… I am so sleepy…”
Fancypants: “Feel the Fancy power taking you over…”
Miz Poo: “I will hurt… I will maim… I will…”
Fancypants: “Deeeep into my eyes.”
Miz Poo: “Rub my belly?”]]>
Nice pictures..I like the sun shining in on them.
I love it, I love it, I love it! I giggled until the neighbors came running to see what the ruckus was. 🙂 That cat has some fancy powers. And even shorn, he fancifies. Amazing!
You should start a regular “Adventures of the kitties” comic strip 🙂
OMG, Robyn… Are you TRYING to get me fired?? I am sitting here laughing my ass off (if it were only that easy)!! Thanks for starting my Monday off right – LOL.
Too funny!!! I think my cats try to hypnotize me into feeding them salmon with that same look!
Ahhh…the powers of the Fancy.
Ha ha! Too, too funny1
That is so funny! I always love when I can get to your site (for some reason it is randomly blocked at my office), but that was some laughter that I definitely needed. Thanks!
Oooohhh… Its stuff like that I’m going to miss about Pete. Cats have such intense little personalities. thanks for sharing
Luv it!
hehehe Loved it! GO Fancypants!
LMAO- and the mysterious fancy power is even stronger than one might think… our female kitty heard me laughing, came up to see what was going on, looked at the screen and promptly fell over. I feel a tv gig in the works- does Mr. Pants have an agent yet?
You cannot deny the Fancy power.
Mr. Pants can be reached through his agent, Tubby.
I love it! My cats are the same way!
Precious! This is going onto my “favorite Robyn entries” list!
No question, Mr. Pants has The Power. X-Men 3: The Kitty Zone
What can I say. I’m playing catch-up, and you cain’t deny the power of the male! (Yeah right)!
too funny 🙂