
Soap & Candle Stand. My credit card is whimpering in fear already!

Fred took this picture the other morning. He said Tubby looks like the fat little kid no one will play with. Tubby loves to hang out under the bird feeders. If you look closely at the upper right side of the picture, you’ll see a bird sitting on top of the pole. I think he’s trying to decide whether he could outrun Tubby. (Fred took this picture, too)
So, Julia Roberts – remember my fondness for Julia Roberts? – has been married 10 months, and according to The Scoop, she’s on the road to divorceville. Of course, you can take most everything a gossip column publishes with a grain of salt, but if it’s true I’m not surprised. After all, on the forum last July, I said I give it 19 months – it’ll really be over in 7, but they’ll drag it out for another year. I did a little online searching, and it appears (again, you’ve gotta take the gossip stuff with a grain of salt) that Julia Roberts has a reputation for jealousy. That really does surprise me, because she’s always seemed so completely confident. Goes to show you never can tell.
Bonnie mentioned in the comments to yesterday’s entry that the woman who’d never mailed anything before was similar to a guy on Dog Eat Dog the other night who’d never read a book in his life. You know, I know that there are people out there who don’t like to read, because my best friend from high school, Liz, doesn’t care to read. She’ll occasionally pick up a couple of magazines every once in a while, but for the most part, she’s not a reader. What the hell do people who aren’t readers DO? I mean, if I have a minute or two of downtime, I grab the book I’m currently reading, or a magazine and read that. I carry a book in my purse in case I have to wait in a long line. I’ve been known to sit at the table and read the back of the cereal box. I read a book while I’m on the stationary bike to make the time go by faster. Do people who don’t like to read just sit there and stare off into space, or what? As a side note, I guess I should add that I don’t ALWAYS have my “nose in a book”. When we’re driving somewhere, I like to watch the scenery. But if I’m in a situation where there’s nothing much going on – in a long line, for instance – I prefer to read to pass the time. I can’t imagine being married to someone who doesn’t like to read. Fred loves to read as much as I do, although he tends more toward the political and other nonfiction stuff (::shudder::) with an occasional bit of fiction tossed in. I, on the other hand, tend mostly toward fiction. Our tastes do intersect – Stephen King, Jeffery Deaver, John Sanford, Michael Connelly – but for the most part I’m not interested in what he reads, and he SURE as hell isn’t up for any zany chick books, because his sensitive side has very strict limits. This all reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine and Puddy are on a plane coming back from a month in Europe. Elaine begins reading, and Puddy sits staring at the back of the seat in front of him. She asks if he wants something to read, and he declines. She tries to read but can’t, because she’s so bothered that he’s just sitting there staring at the seat back, so she breaks up with him. When I think of a non-reader, I think of Puddy staring off into space, slack-jawed. (No offense intended to non-readers. I love Puddy.)
Someone is an evil little shithead who killed a baby Mockingbird and left its body on the patio.]]>

28 thoughts on “2003-05-29”

  1. The non-readers are the ones who play videogames all the time. ROFL! I’m a reading addict married to a non-reader. It’s not as bad as it seems…at least he leaves my books alone, and I don’t have to share them with him. And every time I want a new book, I just have to compare it to his videogame addiction….it works out rather well. 😉

  2. When Jeff and I read together, we call it “playing library”. We’re retarded, I know. I’m the same way with the cereal boxes, too. 🙂

  3. Im living with a fellow reader, but his taste in books (sports, right-wing politics, musician biographies) is the complete opposite of mine (sci-fi, horror, left-wing politics, chick books)
    He also doesnt read nearly as much as I do, since we only have one television. So whenever ‘the game’ is on – which seems to be quite alot – I read instead.
    Of course, we dont have children so we have the time for such things. It seems like whenever I ask my parental friends if they read such-and-such, I get attacked “who’s got time for reading?!?!” me! ha! sorry.
    As for Julia Roberts, it should be common sense to anyone that if a man leaves his wife for you, you shouldnt be too surprised when he eventually trades you in for a new model.

  4. I really love your journal RobYn! Hehehe I loved it so much that upon seeing this link on Yahoo! I just had to come out of lurk to give it to ya. Let us know what the kitties think. (I too am a Tubby-lover)

  5. Hah! I always think of that Seinfeld episode when I’m commuting on the train and notice that the person sitting next to me is just staring into space. Why, people, why? All that reading time just wasted.

  6. Hey. That’s me up there. Thanks for the linkie, R.
    Oh and this: “I’ve been known to sit at the table and read the back of the cereal box.” Amen. My whole family reads that. And it pisses me off when my son tells me he doesn’t like reading. Who’s child are you???
    And, as I’ve said before, the shitter is a nice place to read if you’re stuck there for a while.

  7. “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” ~Harper Lee~

  8. And now for something completely different: Robyn, I LOVE your birdbath! I’m looking for one along those lines, but I can’t find anything without some stupid little cement bird or cherub on the rim!

  9. Janet – that’s kinda cute, actually. 🙂
    Wendy – we saw a story about that on the news last night! We’ll have to get all the kitties in the living room, get them high on catnip, and then turn the show on. Hee!
    Say – that’s the truth! We’ve got magazines by all our toilets. Hee!
    Laurie – Yeah, I like it too. We found a place out in the country with a bunch of cement birdbaths, and they had plenty of cherubic-themed baths, but we liked the one we got the most (I guess that’s obvious, because why else would we have bought it?) We need to move it away from the feeders a bit, because it’s getting shell husks in it, and I don’t think the birds care for that!

  10. The scene you mentioned is from my all-time favourite Seinfeld episode. There are three fucking hilarious story lines going on in it: “Vegetable Lasagne,” Kramer becoming a turkey (“Hello Buddy”) and George faking a handicap. Man. Cracks me up just thinking about it!

  11. Oh god, George in the handicapped cart, riding the thing up the stairs! That’s my favorite scene ever!

  12. completely different topic – am I the only one annoyed by Carnie Wilson? She’s going to be in Playboy now? I dont know how exposed she’ll be and I suppose its good for all kinds of women to be proud of their sexuality, but something about Carnie doesnt sit right with me.
    Im very happy for her turn-around in life, but too often she’s presented as a success in weight loss, without giving the truth, that she had to eat less and exercise more, etc.
    Again, she’s on ET talking about how she has to constantly resist temptation. Where were these comments when she was strutting in People magazine, etc?
    I dont know why she annoys me. Its not that Im jealous (even though I may be a little) but she just seems like a drama whore.

  13. I am an avid reader married to a non-reader. He is a big tv watcher (but only things on A&E and stuff like that, the man hates comedies how did we ever get married! LOL) I loved that episode of Seinfeld with Puddy, hmmm actually I loved all the episodes.

  14. D – I was JUST reading your comment, when Fred turned on the TV to catch “The G Block” on Fox News, and they were talking about Carnie Wilson posing in Playboy! Very odd. 🙂 I’ll admit, I find her more than a little annoying.
    Sueellen – you poor thing! Doesn’t read, and hates comedies! How ever do you survive? 🙂

  15. I am married to a non-reader. He watches tv or the back of his eyelids. He tells everyone that I have a different book in evey room of the house. He says it like I have a illness or something. I was raised in a family or readers. When I go to the library, I pick out books for my dad, my mom gets books from my aunt. Which I eventually get to read, but generally, they are not what he wants to read. Earns me major brownie suck-up points with the Popster….lol.

  16. Robyn – I dont know how to feel about this. On the one hand, I dont want to judge any woman who is confident about her body and her accomplishments, but on the other hand, when these goals are reached in a very public, self-serving way, I cant help but feel this is somewhat desperate. Why not triumph with her singing voice? Why does every former fattie have to get naked to prove she’s no longer – umm….what? ugly? unsexy? argh, it makes more angry that I can put into words.
    Robbie – Ive had to keep books in my desk at work because apparently “you stack shit where we dont have room” LOL Admittedly, we have a small apartment, but I always feel there is room for books.

  17. I used to wonder the same thing … What do people who don’t read do with their free time? I’ve always been an avid reader (I’ve been reading since I was 3) and I can’t imagine not having something to read at all times. I don’t read as much as I used to now that I’m so addicted to the internet, but I still always have at least one book going at a time – currently, I’m in the middle of three! I almost always keep a book in my car in case I’m going someplace where I might have a long wait, and I frequently sneak magazines at work when my boss is busy in another room. 🙂
    I’ve really never understood how people live without books. My sister never used to read, but that was probably because between school, her job and her million friends and constant parties, she never had any free time. She’s getting into books more now that she’s married and has a child, though, and I’m proud of her for finally picking up the habit!
    Or, as I like to tease her occasionally … “I’m so glad you finally learned how to read!” 🙂

  18. Hey Robyn, Your gonna love me for telling you this but.. if you have cats you really shouldn’t have bird feeders.. its like “setting them up for the kill” ya know? JEN 🙂

  19. At first glance it looked like the cross-stich hoop thing (yeah, yeah, I’ll go study Martha Stewart after I post this) was a halo.

  20. Oh, you just hush up, Jennifer. 🙂 For every 1 they catch, 10,000 get away, so maybe Fancypants is just doing his part in the whole survival-of-the-species thing. Yeah, that’s the ticket. I’ll just keep telling myself that… 🙂
    Marcia – Hee! I hadn’t noticed that, but you’re right!

  21. OMG!!!! That link to Seinfeld scripts- I missed the ENTIRE LAST SEASON OF SEINFELD when I moved to England!! Oh,I LOVE YOU,LOVE YOU,LOVE YOU!!!
    I feel like it’s bloody xmas in May! See,I’m all excited about “nothing” and Seinfeld was a show about “nothing.” I shall go to sleep with a smile on my face tonight. :o)

  22. Apart from the obvious, how in god’s name do you get to be an adult w/o ever reading a book???
    I once dated a guy who admitted that he hated to read. That relationship lasted about 2 dates.
    I’m a compulsive reader. I read labels if nothing else is available. I have an intimate knowledge of what’s in every cereal I eat.

  23. My hubby just DEVOURS books. He will read 3-4 books a week standing on his head (the little shit). He will read absolutely anything! I could not do that. I’m lucky if I get through 2-3 a year! I love to read but I’m like Fred – it has to be non-fiction, otherwise forget it! Plus I’m real weird. I only like real-life crime stories, (Ann Rule is a fav of mine).
    I find it difficult to read for any length of time as I have A.D.H.D. and it gets a bit boring after you keep reading the same paragraph about six times (one of the drawbacks!)
    I envy anyone who can read a whole novel. I would go freakin’ nuts. Can’t do it! Damn!

  24. I am also an avid reader who has been with a non-reader for nearly 6 years. He will hole himself up in his computer room an rebuild an old clunker computer, turning it into a wonderful speed of light computer.while he does that i will read. many times i can actually finish a book during the nights he is in there. He also hates comedies or just about any show with commercials. Its amazing not only that we stay together but wehave had maybe 3 arguements since wehave been together.

  25. For the longest time my husband never read. He always said it was because he was reading computer screens and whatnot all day (he was a mainframe programmer for 18 years and got thoroughly burned out on it).
    Ever since he got laid off (we’ve since opened a store), he’s been a lot more willing to read, and lately he’s always got a book he’s reading. It’s always nonfiction (though I keep trying to break down his resistance to fiction) but I’m just so happy for him that he can enjoy reading again.

  26. I confess that, as an avid reader, I once dumped a boyfriend because he was a nonreader. I’m happily married to an avid reader who inherited a 10,000-book library from his grandmother. 🙂

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