
Three. At least this one didn’t actually make it into the house, although if Fred hadn’t gotten back from his run this morning and stepped into the back yard to see that Tubby had this guy cornered, I’m fairly certain that it would have ended up in or near the master bedroom in a show of love on Tubby’s part. It’s interesting that Tubby’s the culprit rather than Fancypants. Thinking about it, it really makes sense that it would be Tubby, because as much as Fancypants thinks he’s a badass, deep down he’s a big wimp. He’ll hiss and growl when he sees a strange cat, but if the cat comes toward him, he runs and hides. Tubby, on the other hand, really is a badass. A while back when a strange neighborhood cat actually came in through the cat door, it was Tubby who kicked it’s ass and chased it out, while the other cats were hiding upstairs. He’s a badass motherfucker, that’s right. (Yes, I’ve used that picture before. But it’s such a good one I’m using it again!)

Did you know that if you order books on Amazon, and part of that order are used books, they’ll put each used book through as a separate charge? Because I don’t have enough trouble balancing the checking account each and every month – now I have to deal with 145,000 small charges from Amazon. Fuckers. I have to say that I’m mighty glad that I can look at my checking account online whenever I want. My credit union RAWKS, man!
I meant to mention, in the midst of all my spazzing about the spud flying to California by herself, that she’s actually done it before. When she was 10, or thereabouts, she flew from here to Rhode Island to spend a week with her father for Christmas. And I know she’ll be fine, but it’s a mother’s prerogative to worry, y’know?
Miz Poo loves to be held and snuggled and cuddled and loved. But sometimes all that love is too intense for her and she starts biting – literally – the hand that loves her, snarling and growling while she does so. It’s funny as hell, because it’s about the least threatening thing ever, and I encourage the behavior, sad to say. Yesterday, she got into one of those moods while I had the camera close at hand. I am going to BITE your fingers OFF your hand, and then I’m going to play with them, bitch! I love that damn cat. Have I mentioned?
1. What brand of toothpaste do you use? Crest, usually. I think we’re using Crest Rejuvenating at the moment, though it could be another brand. 2. What brand of toilet paper do you prefer? Scott Tissue, always. Fred used to use Charmin, which I hate, because it’s too soft. He’s come around to my way of thinking over the past 7 years. It ticks me off that Sam’s doesn’t carry Scott Tissue, though. One of my fears is running out of toilet paper, perhaps because it seemed to happen so often when I was a kid. (I could be wrong, though – it may have been just one isolated incident that has scarred me for life.) 3. What brand(s) of shoes do you wear? New Balance – I assume we’re talking about sneakers. I used to wear Nike Air Prestos, but since I need to wear a heel cup in my sneakers, the Nikes hit the top of my foot in an uncomfortable way. 4. What brand of soda do you drink? Diet Coke, always. 5. What brand of gum do you chew? Trident White, in wintergreen. We all chew it, and we go through it pretty damn fast. Which is why I buy it in bulk at Sam’s.
Y’all have a great weekend – stay safe and drive careful. I want to see you back here on Tuesday, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!]]>

14 thoughts on “2003-05-23”

  1. Hey, they charged my credit card a big whopping $.16 one time….I’m so embarrassed that I won’t call the bank and talk to a live person, what if they see that I charged SIXTEEN CENTS?!?!

  2. Hee! I’m always embarrassed to use my debit card for anything less than $10, but I still have to do it sometimes because I don’t carry cash around with me very often. Debit cards are too much of a convenience sometimes, I think. If I had to pay for everything with cash, maybe I wouldn’t spend as much.
    Of course, I wouldn’t count on that. 🙂

  3. More and more, I think that cats would just be too hard on my nerves. That cat door would be so gone because of this continuing possum obsession.
    I nearly had a nervous breakdown this morning because I woke to *frantic* bird sounds and I discovered there was a bird trapped between the window and the blinds in the living room. We have two huge windows that form a corner and only one of them slides open. So I open the window further, pull up the blinds and the GDMF moron bird can’t manage to find his way out. I spend ten minutes in hysterics watching the fucking thing flutter and bang trying to fly out the western facing window he was facing, instead of noticing the northern window that was the way out. I was terrified that the damn thing was hurt and couldn’t fly. I called Jamie and he first told me to take one of the Ativan I have for the dentist. Uh, sure dear, I’m going to wait 20 minutes for that to kick in while I watch this thing try to kill itself. Then he told me to try to find the super to help. Then I hung up, went and got a dishtowel, threw it over the bird, let him struggle for a minute then calm down, picked him up and held him out the window, opened the towel and he flew right away. Not hurt, just incredibly stupid.
    *Sigh.* Upon reflection, maybe the Ativan wasn’t such a bad idea, two hours later I still feel stressed out.

  4. Dez – I find that the more things they bring inside, the less it bothers me. Probably my brain protecting me from all that stress.
    Of course, it probably helps that Fred deals with picking the animals up and taking them outside. Or disposing of the occasional dead body.

  5. My son has been flying, first from Idaho and then from Washington State to Florida, since he was 7 yo to see his dad. One year, I flew to Florida so I could make sure that he got back okay (and I hate to fly). We as mothers have a right to worry! Have a good one.

  6. I love the Tubby picture. It is t-shirt or poster worthy. I stumbled on your site over the Christmas holidays and I’ve been reading you ever since. You always make me laugh.

  7. Tubby’s probably the house’s secret Mob Boss. When nobody else can do a job right — Tubby has to get off of his comfy seat (read: fat ass) and do it himself.
    I love that picture of him! You should post it everywhere. Make that tough SOB famous, i tell ya!

  8. Robyn, for cripe’s sake. I wish you’d just out and tell people how you FEEL about Poo. Seriously. I’m so tired of you pussy (hee) footing around your emotions when it comes to the Miz. You’re so darned VAGUE.

  9. Damn that Tubby picture cracks me up every time. My cat Elvis has that exact expression occasionally and I have never been able to catch it on camera.

  10. Trident White rawks . . in Spearmint though rather than Wintergreen 🙂 My Sam’s didn’t have it for the longest until I asked and was told they thought they were the same thing because the packages are so similar! Check it out.

  11. I think that might b my favorite picture of tubby I wouldn’t mind seeing it everyday actually. I think I lurv that cat!

  12. I think that might b my favorite picture of tubby I wouldn’t mind seeing it everyday actually. I think I lurv that cat!

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