
Entertainment Weekly. Renew your subscription, and give a FREE one-year subscription to someone as a Christmas gift!, they said excitedly. Even though my own subscription didn’t expire until sometime in 2002, I still considered that a pretty good deal. I mean, a year’s subscription of a weekly magazine is pretty damn expensive. I renewed my own subscription and sent the free one-year subscription to Debbie, whom I assume has spent this past 9 1/2 months greatly enjoying her weekly infusion of celebrity gossip. Today, I get in the mail a concerned letter from Entertainment Weekly. Hey, it says, remember that FREE one year subscription you sent to your sister for Christmas last year? Well, it’s about to lapse, and Debbie will be cut off from her link to the world o’ celebrity gossip! Wanna renew it? Renew it? I can do that? Well, sure I can. Except that THIS time it ain’t FREE, of course. Bastards. It’s like those drug dealers who give you a free rock or two (or so I’ve heard) and then want you to start paying. Time to go cold turkey, Deb… I was listening to Ace and TJ the other day when I was out walking (Monday, I think), and TJ, who’s the funny one (well, they’re both funny, but TJ carries the zany part of the act) started saying “crack cocaine”, and every time he said it, he said it faster, until it was one word – crackcocaine – and with a stronger and stronger southern accent, until it got to be particularly funny. I guess you had to be there…

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The New York 3Day was scheduled to take place the 21st – 23rd, beginning at Bear Mountain, and ending in Manhattan’s Bryant Park. I wonder how many walkers, crew members, volunteers and their relatives might be missing or dead.
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How much does it tick me off that our insurance doesn’t cover my birth control prescription? And how much does it also tick me off that the damn pharmacist has decided to give me only one pill pack at a time, instead of the three my doctor directed so that I wouldn’t have to get a refill every month? Maybe the pharmacist thinks I’m one-a them loose women who gets extra pill packs so she can hand them out to other women, willy-nilly, and encourage them to go have sex with strange men. I believe I’ll be switching my pharmacy to another one very soon… Has anyone out there tried the Instead cup? Is it hard to get the hang of it? Is it hard to insert, and does it feel weird? Tell me about your experiences, please. I got a free sample of three, and I’m a little leery of trying right now, for reasons which you don’t really want to know. (Psst! It’s ’cause I’m on a heavy day, and the little instruction book says you should try on a light day.) Okay, I’ve shared enough for today, I think. —– Previously 2000: WHEN WILL THE SUFFERING END???]]>