
Stamps.com on Fred’s computer – my printer tends to mangle things like envelopes and labels – and can I tell you how freakin’ excited I am? It’s SO cool! I printed out a couple of envelopes last night and was all excited, like the geek I am. And when my labels come, I’ll be able to send out packages from home! Without having to go to the post office! Woohoo! Ahem. The other day in the mail, I received an offer from the publishers of "Real Simple" magazine, which is apparently brand-spanking-new. They’re going to give me a free trial issue of their magazine. The little booklet included in the mailing explained that "Real Simple" is "About creating calm in the middle of chaos." Because, you know, my life is so damn chaotic. Yeah. My sister, the Strep Queen of the World, thought that she had developed strep this weekend. She’d know, I guess, ’cause every time you turn around, she’s got it again. For a few years in a row, she had strep on her birthday, which sounds so very lovely that I’m green with jealousy. I informed her rather strongly that she’d better be feeling better by next week OR ELSE. She went to the doctor Monday and found that it wasn’t strep, in fact, that it was actually tonsillitis. Which sounds just as lovely, doesn’t it? Anyway, she’s on antibiotics and she’s already feeling better, which is a very, very good thing. I spent yesterday going through the cupboards in my kitchen, finding stuff to get rid of. I also cleaned off the top of the very dusty refrigerator and tossed all the junk which had accumulated over the last year or so away. I ended up, altogether, getting about a bag and a half of stuff to get rid of. Our extra room downstairs – the Crap Collector room, we should call it – is rapidly filling with stuff to get rid of. Where the hell does it all come from? Maybe the spud’s toys are mating and producing things we don’t need – towels, coffee mugs, plastic cups. I started reading Neurotica last night, and I highly recommend it. It’s made me laugh out loud more than once since I started reading it, and I don’t remember the last book which did. It’s kind of the literary equivalent of slapstick comedy, at least in parts. In fact, I think I’ll go read it now. Y’all have a good day!]]>