1/8/10 – Friday

God help me, I think I kind of like Miley Cyrus’s music. I was listening to a Keith and the Girl podcast the other day, and they played Party in the USA (I think they were talking about the top 10 songs of 2009), and then Chemda mocked it (she’s no fan of Miley Cyrus; … Continue reading “1/8/10 – Friday”

God help me, I think I kind of like Miley Cyrus’s music. I was listening to a Keith and the Girl podcast the other day, and they played Party in the USA (I think they were talking about the top 10 songs of 2009), and then Chemda mocked it (she’s no fan of Miley Cyrus; I love it when she imitates her) and then the damn tune ran around in my head for two days.

It’s hard to sing along with a tune in your head when you don’t really know the words, y’know?

I also really like The Climb.

Don’t judge me.


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Rumor has it there was some football game in California yesterday that involved the Crimson Tide, and I think we won. I actually knew there was going to be a game involving the University of Alabama team, because when I was in the airport on Tuesday meeting up with the lady who took Mike and Gus to Portland, a teenager wandered up to the ticket counter to check in, and told the ticket agent she was going to L.A. and then asked the guy standing next to her “Are you going to the game?”

While I stood and waited, I pondered whether she might be talking about the Superbowl, but I was pretty sure that doesn’t happen ’til the end of the month (see? I pay attention! Kind of.), so I had no idea what game she might be talking about. When I got home later, I said “Is there some game going on in California this week?”

Fred asked for more information.

“That people from Alabama would be attending?”

“Oh,” he said. “Well, Texas and Alabama are playing the BCS game.”

ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL TIDE! and all that. You go with your badass selves, college football players! We won! We won! I’ll be waiting over here for my National Championship ring, thank you.

Anyway, the teenager who wandered up to the counter had a big-ass bulging suitcase, and when she put her suitcase on the scale, it was over the weight limit. She didn’t want to or couldn’t afford to pay the over-weight fee, so she sat down on the floor, opened up her suitcase and started taking stuff out.

“My mom is going to give me such a hard time!” she said, pulling out pajamas and high heels and a couple of stuffed animals. “She told me I was packing too much!”

She’d pull one or two items out of the suitcase, put the suitcase on the scale to check, and then have to take it off, open it up again, and take more stuff out. She only had a small purse to carry on the plane with her, so eventually the ticket agent gave her this huge plastic bag that, I am pretty sure, you could fit a body in.

I couldn’t stand the idea of her walking onto the plane with that big-ass plastic bag, hitting her fellow passengers in the head, stuffing it into the overhead compartment, and annoying everyone on the plane.

“I have a tote you can use to put all that stuff in,” I offered. “It’d be better than that thing!”

She grinned at me. “No thank you, I’m okay, this bag works fine.”

At least she had a good attitude about it and wasn’t all princessy. I’m sure if she did get on the plane and bonk people on the head with her high heel-filled body bag, she would have apologized with that adorable grin, and they’d forgive her immediately.

Sorry, passengers on the Chicago flight Tuesday. I tried!


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I was catching up on Melting Mama‘s site the other day (I’m perpetually behind in my blog reading, have I mention?) and I ran across this entry right here about those Fiber One bars, and I laughed and laughed.

And then I went and read the comments here, and I laughed some more.

Those Fiber One bars look and taste fabulous, but I am not kidding you, the gas is noxious. And painful. It’s so bad, it drives the cats out of the house, just about. And the worst thing is that I bought a box of them a few months ago (because they look SO good) and I ate one, cue the painful gas. Then a little time went by, I forgot about the painful, soul-killing gas, and ate another one. Then last week, having forgotten once again about the gas, I ate another.

There are two more of them in the cupboard, and I believe I’ll use them as a threat when Fred won’t do something I want.

“Oh, you don’t want to work on the pantry? Well, okay. I think I’ll just settle down in front of the computer with a Fiber One bar. Say goodbye to your nose hairs!”

Seriously, the Fiber One bars – don’t try them. It’s horrific.


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We are gearing up to say goodbye to the Cookies tomorrow. There’s lots of snuggling going on, believe me. In the mornings, when we let them out of their room, Hydrox’s always the first one to climb into bed with me. He rolls around on his back and purrs and kneads on my arm, and purrs some more. He’s such a big baby.

They sure are kissable, these kittens.

Awww, look what I found on my hard drive! It’s a shot from when I was trying to take a picture to use for next year’s Christmas card, and all the cats gathered ’round. That’s Gus over there to the left, fighting with a Cookie. My favorite part of this picture, though, is this look:

That little face is cracking me UP.

Cookies on the cat tree in the front room. All five of them!


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Back in December, I bought this Room with a View from Jeffers Pet Supply. They were running a Christmas promotion where every day something was marked way down. The Room with a View was half-priced, and I was thrilled to get one.

Last week, after it had sat in the front room, ignored, for a few weeks, I decided to bring it into the computer room to provide yet another place for the cats to sleep. They ignored it for a day, and then Miz Poo climbed inside and declared it good.

And then Sugarbutt climbed inside and he also declared it good.

So now, it’s almost always occupied. Usually by Sugarbutt, but sometimes Miz Poo gets a turn. Also, every now and then Jake or Elwood climbs in and hangs out, too (only one cat at a time, though. I can’t imagine what Sugarbutt’s reaction would be if Jake or Elwood tried to join him in there.)

I’m going to declare the Room with a View a hit with the kitties.

(And I highly recommend Jeffers. They’re awesome!)


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2009: Look who’s here!
2008: No entry.
2007: Jake has found a new home.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: How to celebrate Robyn’s birthday.
2003: How to celebrate Robyn’s birthday.
2002: How to celebrate Robyn’s birthday.
2001: One more day ’til my birthday! Whoo!
2000: No entry.

19 thoughts on “1/8/10 – Friday”

  1. Those Fiber One bars are delicious but omg. We actually started calling them Fiber 2000 bars!

  2. A product like that is referred to around our house as “Colon Blow”. I’m a big fan of the Kashi cereals, so we consider ourselves experts.

  3. This is just barely related to your post, but I’m so excited I can hardly stand it. My little brother was the pilot of one of the navy jets that did the flyover at the game last night.

  4. I love Fiber One Bars. I don’t get them too often because I cannot control myself and eat a whole box in 1 day. I don’t recall gas, but I’m a gassy girl from a gassy family so farting is a way of life…

    Goodbye Cookies – be cute and get a furever family quick!

  5. I don’t know why but your comment “bonk people on the head with her high-heeled filled body bag” made me crack up big time! Thanks for the morning chuckle! 🙂

  6. No judging here–I had Party in the USA playing over and over again on youtube while paying bills and balancing the checkbook one day. Very catchy! And as a KATG fan I have to wonder is there ANYTHING Chemda likes? I think she mocks all the mainstream music which is what I like!

  7. I can’t tolerate Fiber One, the bars or cereal. Oddly enough though, All Bran cereal or the bars don’t seem to give me that annoying stinky problem!

    LOVE that Room with a View; it’d be perfect for my two kitties. May have to buy one soon.

  8. Congratulations to Alabama! Actually only got to see the last three minutes of The Game since we had A Very Important Meeting to attend, but happy to see Alabama won. Tho if the Texas QB hadn’t been injured, could have been a totally different story. Next year Boise State (We’re #4! We’re #4!) should play Alabama! (But we’re not a BCS team, so not likely.)

  9. I’ve been away for awhile but how funny to come back and see someone post about Fiber One bars! A year or so ago we bought some on sale (a LOT of them as they ended up about $1 a box!) and along with the gas, my husband and I both ended up terribly constipated!! Too weird…esp since neither of us is EVER constipated! Put it this way…it’s a bad day if he doesn’t ‘go’ at least 3 times! And I am lactose intolerant so I never have a problem with that!

    Just some more FYI for the Bitchypoo readers! 🙂

  10. Okay, whenever I see something about the “crimson tide” my mind goes off in another direction and I can’t get over it, haha.

    I’m glad they won though!!!

    Please ship hydrox and lorna doone to me, directly.

  11. I am upset that Miley finally had a song I liked. Damn her and I tried so hard and so long to avoid that. (sigh) P.S. I heard that Miley started that whole bra thing on FB btw. 😉

    The Fiber One link had me LMAO because I so can relate. They are too good but beware!

  12. I made the mistake of buying a giant box of Fiber One bars at Cosco the first time I got them. OMG-most of it got thrown away. I too am a gasy person from a gasy family and also cursed w/lactose intolerance and IBS. I need no help in the GI issues area. They tasted great but I can’t do it. I recently got Slim Fast bars called Peanut Butter Crunch Time. They are 100 cals., really good-taste like a butterfinger but a much smaller one. I got to taste test it at BJs. No gas (none more than normal anyway).
    Goodbye Sweet Cookies- You will be missed. I’m happy your load will be lightened, Robyn, especially w/your upcomming surgery.
    Happy Birthday tomorrow Robyn. Hope your Bday weekend is fabulous. Don’t you love it when your Bday falls on a weekend?

  13. Oh how I know the Fiber One pain! I too bought a case of them at Costco, and thought “oh good-its like a chocolate bar!” And since I have no willpower (do not even ASK why I would buy a case, knowing this) I proceded to eat them one by one until I couldn’t even look at them again. the next day I had to drive 5 hours, and I was in such terrible gas pain and constipation that I had to pull over throughout the trip and lay in the car’s backseat in the fetal position to get any relief.

    Lesson learned: too much fiber is bad for you.


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