
Sunday Fred: We could get a lab! Awww, look at this black lab. Isn’t he gorgeous? Oh, except labs are way too friendly… Me: Yeah, they’d be all “Come on in! Let me show you where the china is!” And we don’t need a dog. WE ARE NOT GETTING A DOG. Monday Fred: Rottweilers would be good. You wouldn’t want a rottweiler coming at you, barking and growling, that’s for sure. Me: Rottweilers are pretty. WE ARE NOT GETTING A DOG. Tuesday Fred: I’m reading up on the Belgian Malinois. They’re cool dogs. (Insert a bunch of stuff about the breed I didn’t listen to) Me: Moto’s a Belgian Malinois. He’s a bit of a spaz. WE ARE NOT GETTING A DOG. Wednesday Fred: Maybe we don’t need a big dog. Maybe we just need one to act as kind of a burglar alarm. We could get a minpin! One of those would probably yap and yap and yap if a stranger came to the door. Me: Minpins are cute. WE ARE NOT GETTING A DOG. Thursday Fred: Let’s just go to the pound and look at the dogs. Please, can we, please? Please? PLEASE? PLEASE? PLEASE? PLEASE? Me: GodDAMN, shut UP, okay! We can go look at the dogs BUT WE ARE NOT GETTING A DOG. Do you understand me? NOT. We do not need a dog, I do not want a dog, NO DOG. Fred: We’ll just look! Meet Jake.

* * *
Needless to say, I am feeling very long-suffering and put-upon today. I’m have no doubt I’ll grow to love Jake, but damn. I AM NOT A DOG PERSON. (He’s a Great Pyrenees and you can read more about him over on Fred’s site.)
* * *
Previously 2006: Home again, home again. 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: No entry. 2002: No entry. 2001: How we met. 2000: And that’s all I have to say ’bout that.]]>

73 thoughts on “1/5/07”

  1. Awww…look at the dear sweet doggie face. I could just snorgle him to death! Alas, I just have 2 cats, not 10 like the And3rsons. =)

  2. Sometimes you gotta just suck it up and let the man win. I hope Jake ends up being your dog though. lol I see a few entries coming up in the near future on building a much bigger fence than planned. When are you planning on putting the “old” house up for sale?

  3. Congratulations on the newest member of the family. Jake is a very handsome dog. πŸ™‚
    I just wanted to say how much a enjoy you and Fred. I so look forward to reading your journals. You two crack me up so bad. Thank you for sharing part of your lives the way that you do. πŸ™‚

  4. Audri: I think we’re shooting for mid-February. We’re going to move a lot of stuff from the Madison house to the Smallville house, get the carpet in the Madison house replaced, and Fred and the cats (and dog!) will stay in the Smallville house, and the spud and I will stay in the Madison house. That way, the spud won’t have to drive so far to get to school, and I can keep the house clean for potential buyers, what with no dog or cats around to mess the place up. Of course, Fred will be spending a lot of time here, and I’ll be spending a lot of time in Smallville, so it shouldn’t be too bad. And I’m hoping the house sells FAST!

  5. Note to would-be criminals: though we’ll be in separate houses for a while, there are still plenty of guns to go around. As in, more than one gun per house. πŸ™‚

  6. Awww he’s gorgeous.
    What a sweet face:)
    I wasn’t a dog person either,but then we adopted our Beans from the pound and 10 years later I can’t imagine my life without her.
    Congratulations on your new pet!

  7. Yo, dog. Welcome to your new home… I know they’ll take good care of you. Helpful Hint: Act like you luuuuuv the damn cats, the chick will eat that up. It’s a quick way to get to her good side. Peace out, dog.

  8. Aww you’ll learn to love him and feel so safe around him. That’s one thing that I miss about having a dog is how secure they make you feel. I miss that.

  9. I’ll tell you the same thing I told Fred…
    He will have you wrapped around his little finger in no time! Congratulations!

  10. I bet Jake likes to eat cats, so that kinda solves *that* problem, doesn’t it! It’s like an ecosystem of something.

  11. I can’t help but wonder, where is Jake “living” now? Isn’t the fenced-in back yard for THE CATS as well as the house? πŸ˜€

  12. I think you won’t regret ths adoption at all. Great Pyrenees are fantastic. I would have one if I had more than a postage stamp for a yard. Me thinks Mr. Booger hates Jake :)…….

  13. Aww, he’s so cute!! Six cats, three humans, a dog and partridge in a pear tree!
    I’m such a smart ass… πŸ˜›

  14. Robyn, I’m so sorry, but I was reading your conversation with Fred and thinking “No way will Robyn give in,” and then the picture of the dog popped up with the caption, and . . . I burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it! Damn, your comedic timing is good. πŸ™‚

  15. I’ve been a cat person my entire life. Always had at least 2 cats in our family, then I got my own as soon as I moved out of the house. Many years later I met my husband and we ended up with a Golden Retriever. Now we have two. Two cats + Two Dogs = SO MUCH FUR, but they’re a ton of fun. Just different from cats, better in some ways, worse in others. Welcome to the adventure!

  16. How did the new addition go over with the cats? He is a real beauty, you will grow to love him and that puppy dog loyalty.
    Friends of mine got a minpin years ago. I was with them in the pet store when they picked him out. He fit in the palm of my hand, yet looked just like a doberman. Seriously small dog with big dog attitude!

    I hate you! You have an AWESOME dog, Robyn. They are a beautiful breed. And yay for you going to a shelter.
    Sigh. Lucky bum.

  18. I feel your pain. We have a dog, and I wouldn’t if not for my husband. I’m the one who has to bathe his stinking ass every week. Be glad you have hardwood floors in the new place. That ass smell won’t come out.

  19. You got a dog! I can just picture Fred’s happy face. Jake is adorable and I love his name. You’ll love him in no time if you don’t already. Can’t wait to hear how he and the cats get along. Good luck and congrats!!

  20. Put upon is exactly how I would feel if someone brought a cat home to my house. I am so not a cat person! I am a dog girl through and through. Of course, my allergies to cats doesn’t help, but even without the allergies, I wouldn’t have one.
    Then again, I never thought I’d want a little dog either and I am currently the obsessed, loving owner (mother) of two Pomeranians.
    You’d be amazed what an animal can make you do. Like, fall in love when you least expect it and don’t want it.

  21. Good luck with everything. Jake is awesome! Who inspired his name, Jake Bauer perhaps? He’d kick some serious ass if anybody tried to mess with his peeps!

  22. As I commented on Fred’s blog, I know a guy who had two of these and they were FABULOUS dogs. Not stupid goofy or silly, but big huge huggable dogs, who will also protect you. When we move to the country and fulfill our dreams, this is the kind of dog I want. I think you’ll find he’s a big huge lovable cat.

  23. Yay! I was just waiting for this day. I knew you guys would, “come to the other side”. I am totally a dog person. They have great little personalities and unlike a cat, will totally appreciate the food and love you give them! I hope that he will bring you much happiness. Adopted dogs can have some emotional issues, but just hang in there and he’ll be your most loyal friend. Can’t wait to hear stories and see pictures! I have 3 dogs, 0 cats.

  24. I think you will grow to love that dog he is beautiful.I have a dacshund and she will go after any stranger who makes a move toward us. But my cat has always hated her and of course the dog loves the cat and still trys to play with her and just gets her ears boxed. Poor stupid pooch!

  25. Hey, if I can grow to appreciate a cat (little monster!) surely you can grow into a nice big dog! It brings balance to the blogging world!

  26. Robyn, I knew as I read that this was what was going to happen. Cute doggie. Now that Fred got his way, you should get yours all year. And any time the dog does something naughty, you can always make Fred deal with and sigh all longsuffering like. Ha! Hope he likes the kitties and vise versa.

  27. Awww….look at that big ole bubba! I can’t wait to read the stories of Miz Poo putting the smackdown on him.
    Am I going crazy or did you guys have a dog for awhile a few years ago? I could’ve sworn you had a dog, maybe at your old house?

  28. Awww, so cute! My family has had Great Pyrenees for years. They’re wonderful dogs. He’ll love romping around at the Smallville house.

  29. Jake is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
    I was a cat person first. I now have a cat and dog and adore them both equally.
    If Jake hates Miz Poo she can come live with me. I swear,she is the most BEAUTIFUL kitty I have ever laid eyes on.
    Good luck with Jake–he’ll bring you much happiness.

  30. I was not a dog person until a boy broke my heart and left me a dog. A BIG DOG. After I got used to tending to the black hair on the white carpet (someday I will have wood floors but not till my student loans are paid off) I fell in love with my loyal affectionate great dane-lab mix. Good Luck with your boy and I will think good thoughts for the kitties.

  31. Well whaddya know, Robyn. Welcome to dog-ownership! I have never considered myself a dog person either, but then I got all tangled up with a dog person. They grow on you, really! (dog people, and dogs) They are a whole world of obedient fun (talking about the dogs now) that you would never experience with cats. Imagine seeing a critter getting into something and you say NO and they just stop! You say COME and wow, the dog COMES to you! I know you know you’re gonna love it or you would never have agreed. So I’ll just sit back and enjoy the transformation. Congratulations! And big welcome hugs to Jake!

  32. Not getting a dog!?! He’s cute. We’ve wanted a dog too but after god sitting for 4 realized we’re not dog people.
    So what did you in?

  33. Hulda: Hee!!! We actually would have considered naming him Jack Bauer, except Fred’s stepfather’s name is Jack. Too bad, Jack would be a good dog name!
    Jenn: Knowing that it was a matter of either letting Fred have the dog, or having to kill him to stop the whining. At least this dog seems very gentle and (according to his card, anyway) gets along with cats. I hope I don’t wake up tomorrow morning to find that he likes cats for DINNER.
    The cats haven’t met the dog yet – we left him at the pound last night (after filling out the adoption paperwork) because we had absolutely nothing for him. Today we went to the pet store and bought a bunch of stuff – leash, collar, food, dishes, a lovey – then went and picked him up and dropped him off at the groomer’s (she thinks they can get most of the mats out of his fur without shaving him). They estimate it’ll take about three hours to get him done, so we’ll be picking him up and bringing him home tonight. We’ll see how that goes!
    He’s going to be an indoor dog (with plenty of access to the outdoors). He’ll be sleeping in Fred’s room for the time being, and will go out into the back yard whenever he wants via the “Mom, open the door so I can go out!” method.

  34. He’s fantastic! I hope the kitties take to him quickly.
    Since Fred got to get a dog, will you get to pick out a kitten soon? Seems only fair. . .

  35. OH MY GOSH! I love JAKE!!
    Seriously Robyn, you are going to LOVE having a dog – they are so much more loyal than cats. We have 3 cats and a dog and I love them all, but now that we have a dog, I can’t imagine life without one!

  36. Oh, I wish you’d keep the name “Brutus”. That’s my favorite boy dog name. We always get girl dogs, so I can’t use it for my dog.
    Of course, “Jake” is a good name too. I’m just biased toward “Brutus”.
    Once a dog has adopted you, you’re a dog person forever.

  37. Welcome to the wonderful world of LGD’s (livestock guardian dogs) I’ve owned Pyr’s, Kuvasz and Anatolian’s all my life and wouldn’t have another dog. They aren’t dogs for everyone and aren’t quite the “gentle giants” the internet makes them out to be, but they can be wonderful wonderful dogs.

  38. aaaah, my grandparents have a Pyranees, Andorra. She’s a… rug. Mostly. A big, sweet, polar bear looking rug. They’re great dogs.

  39. Oh, Jake is so adorable! And I’m so happy to hear he’ll be an indoor pet.
    Congratulations on your adoption!

  40. Congratulations! I live not in the country, but well outside the city limits. Having a dog does make me feel much safer – especially those nights the boys are at the camp or working nights. I really think you will enjoy him. He’s beautiful.

  41. I love Jake!!! I think he’ll enjoy the new house so much and you’ll come to love him….maybe not as much as the cats.

  42. He’s adorable! Congrats! You will looooove him! He’ll be your best friend before long. Way to go, Fred! (fred’s comments on here cracked me up!)

  43. OMG he’s wonderful! He’s beautiful! You’re going to love him! πŸ™‚
    I’m sure the groomers have their work cut out for them – I hope he survived the experience! lol
    Yay doggies! πŸ™‚

  44. Congrats! I think he’s completely adorable already. I just want to my arms around him and hug and hug and hug him ’til he just can’t stand it anymore.
    He also looks like a great one to cuddle with while sleeping.

  45. Man, do you save early Jan. for your big announcements? Last year it was your surgery, this year Jake! I’ll bet he will really like to get out for walks and runs with you.
    Can’t wait to hear what the kitties do.

  46. Heh. As soon as I read the word pound I thought, “Fred and Robyn WILL bring back a dog.” Happy for Fred (and you, in time πŸ˜‰ You HAVE to have a big slobbery lovin’ dog if you own property. You didn’t know that?!
    What a sweetheart. This dog person is mighty delighted to have some DOG content on this site! πŸ˜‰ (I hope!)

  47. HOly Smokes! Now that is a BIG doggie!~ πŸ™‚
    I love dogs, I have a Min Pin, great choice, small but acts big, little poops, little food, little love, low maintanence!
    Congrats on the new addition! Hope this ends up better than the one from a few years ago! πŸ˜‰

  48. Holy Cow – that’s a BEAST!!! Your Dyson is gonna get quite the workout!!! He is AWFULLY cute — welcome to the household, Jake!!

  49. I have a Great Pyrenees named Chinook (aka The Naughty Nookie.) He was our Colorado souvenir five years ago when we taught skiing out there for a season and is a big, lovable lug. Scared of the cats, however and fierce with the drooling jowls. Pyrs are the best!

  50. Holy Schmoley! That brought out the commentators!
    We have had four (4) Great Pyrenees. I was going to tell you that a collie is a fabulous dog to have, but also Great Pyrenees are wonderful too. You could not have gotten a better dog! Really. They are so loving and gentle and wonderful. They do like to be outside in the cool though so not sure how living in the South is for them. Ours spent a lot of time outside. My Husband used to show his first 2 Peers, but the second 2 Peers he had when we got married and they were just loves. You are gonna just fall in love very quickly, if you haven’t already. They do slobber quite a bit, so keep the paper towels handy in all rooms!
    CONGRATULATIONS! They are also very good with cats!

  51. For my entire life I have been a dog lover. I have always feared and/or hated cats especially knowing the cat from hell while I was babysitting.
    In November 2005, a cat came through my classroom window – not once but twice! She was a flea infested, emaciated stray. I ended up taking her in and now love her to death.
    Who would have thunk? πŸ™‚ You’ll get to love Jake too!

  52. OMG, I love great pyrs. I have a golden retriever (abby) you posted her picture (yawning) and 2 Great Pyrenees. Dizzy and Groves. You are so going to love that dog. They do shed but their coats are like teflon. They get dirty and next thing you know they are clean again. Groves (the male) just turned a year old and he weighs about 120 lbs. His daddy was 170 lbs and the vet said they don’t finish putting on their weight until they are 18 months old. Dizzy was a pound dog too she will be 9 years old this year.

  53. I imagine you and Jake laying with each other with your head on his big chest doozing on the couch. He will be a “lap dog” right? Ha Ha!
    I love my kitties, but if I had a house and yard instead of a condo, I would probably have a dog too. My friend has many dogs (sometimes too many), but I would have to walk him everytime he needed to do his business and that just ain’t happening! πŸ™

  54. From Min Pin to Great Pyrenees. That’s quite a leap! I’m sure Jake will become a beloved family member in no time. Dogs are like that.

  55. weird! my parents had a Great Pyrenees named Jake 30 years ago. they absolutely adored him, and I hope you come to love your Jake too. Think about all that room he’ll have to run in out in the country, eh?

  56. Awwww Robyn! He’s adorable! Also, I hear Great Pyrenees’ (how do you make that plural?) are great dogs. When I was young, there used to be this cartoon called “Belle and Sebastian”. Belle was the dog and he was a GP. He protected Sebastian on his journies to find his mother. I don’t know if you could find it at Amazon but after watching that show, (it’s animated)I fell in love with the breed and have always wanted one. Welcome to the family, Jake! (You’re gonna be an awesome dog mom, Robyn!)

  57. He has a great face! I can’t wait to see the first picture of one or more of the cats snuggling up to him! (Hope he likes cats–and not for dinner!) I feel better with him around because of that walking dude being around and the things your readers have written about security concerns in the country. Have fun getting to know Jake!

  58. Oh. My. GAWD!
    I stepped away from blog reading for far too long, and I come back and feel like I’ve entered the Twilight Zone!
    You’ve gotten skinny??? And… got a DAWG???
    Congratulations! You look absolutely wonderful, and Jake looks like such a great addition to your furry family.

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