
Happy Chocolate Cake Day! I’m not celebrating myself, so raise a fork for me, wouldya? & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &   I have nothing exciting to say, and a folder of pictures to share with you, you … Continue reading “1/27/09”

Happy Chocolate Cake Day!

I’m not celebrating myself, so raise a fork for me, wouldya?

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I have nothing exciting to say, and a folder of pictures to share with you, you lucky people. That’s right – another picture entry!

You know you love ’em.

2009-01-27 (9)
“You has for us the snack?” (Note that George is sniffing my boot to see if there might be a snack located there.)

2009-01-27 (8)
“I sense oncoming snacks!”

2009-01-27 (7)
I’m pretty sure George was about to roll over onto his back, but it sure looks like something was scaring him, doesn’t it?

2009-01-27 (6)
“Hallo, shweetheart.”

2009-01-27 (5)
Gigglin’ Gracie.

2009-01-27 (3)

2009-01-27 (2)
Been rolling in leaves, have we?

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2009-01-27 (16)
One of the Amish chickens peers through the fence at the pigs, all “Dude. What IS that?!”

2009-01-27 (15)
Pretty, pretty rooster.

2009-01-27 (14)
Michelle slurps water out of the puddle. Michelle, by the way, is the head rooster, and he spends lots of time letting the other roosters know that.

2009-01-27 (13)
Another shot of the Buff Orpington/ Rhode Island Red rooster and some of his wimmin.

2009-01-27 (12)
Sassy McGee has escaped the chicken yard and is headed to the small coop to lay her egg. She does this every day, and then she spends the rest of the day wandering around the property, kicking through the compost heap, keeping an eye on the cats. I considered clipping a wing so she couldn’t get over the fence, but she stays on the property and doesn’t make any problems, so she’ll remain our free-range chicken.

2009-01-27 (11)
One of the young’uns. I think this is one of the ones Fred believes might be a Red Broiler.

2009-01-27 (10)
Pretty little chickens.

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The pigs finally came out of their shelter yesterday and ate from the trough. Gracie’s response when she saw them was to bark and bark and bark, but by the time I got out to the yard to correct her, she’d stopped, and both dogs were just sitting and watching the pigs. When Fred got home from work, he removed the enclosure around the end of their shelter, which allowed them free range to the rest of the pig yard.

2009-01-27 (28)
Big Pig.

2009-01-27 (27)
Little Pig.

I’m pretty sure these pigs had never been on grass before. They seemed pretty interested in the grass, and before long, they were both eating grass.

2009-01-27 (24)

2009-01-27 (23)
Little Pig (on the right) has one blue eye and one brown-and-blue eye. I’d never seen a pig with a blue eye before, I thought they always had brown eyes. I’ve gotta be honest, the blue eye kind of freaks me out.

2009-01-27 (22)

2009-01-27 (21)
George says “What the -?”
The pigs say “What the -?”

2009-01-27 (19)
Little Pig kinda looks like a smartass, like he’s always cracking a joke. Big Pig looks like the serious, thoughtful one.

2009-01-27 (17)
The chickens say “What the -?”
The pig says “Nom nom nom NOM!”

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2009-01-27 (29)
Sugarbutt’s ass is afire.

2009-01-27 (30)
Matrix move #1.

2009-01-27 (31)
Annnnd, Matrix move #2, a few moments later.

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2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: Fuck you, Lesley Stahl.
2005: Yes, I look like a dork.
2004: Better paranoid than hitchhiking across the country to meet some perv though, eh?
2003: No online presence in the day and age where every Joe Dork has a page? Inconceivable!
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Ooooh, lucky me, I got to go to the gynecologists’ today!

15 thoughts on “1/27/09”

  1. George and Gracie are so cute! I wish I could hug them. Also, those pictures of Sugarbutt are hysterical! 😀 I love when cats asses get on fire. 🙂

  2. Love the chicken pix. Pretty pretty chickens is right. George and Gracie are just the best. I want to play with them. Have you ever thought of renaming Sugarbutt Firebutt????

  3. Lovin those little piggies but will still eat the pork. Miz Poo being tortued with the lion on her head on flickr is priceless. Not celebrating national choclate cake day either but will keep the choclate/orange and choclate/banana recipies in mind for later regerence. Would need to bake and take or risk serious sugar overload! Damn diabetes!

  4. Reference not regerence! I am on the phone w/my sister my multitasking skills suck lately! Or maybe I ate too much! Did you see the news yesterday the less you eat the smarter you are? FUCK one more reason for the douchebags to think fat people are stupid.

  5. George & Gracie are SO freakin’ cute! I want to go through the screen and give them belly rubs. 😀

    Suggie is just awesome! Any cat that does Matrix moves is my kind of cat. heh!

  6. Annette, don’t beat yourself up – I for one thought it was a clever punnish combination of “regret” and “reference.” Like, “I can bake the best cakes I’ll never eat.”

  7. so, Newfoundlands are my favorite dog ever, but I LOVE all big dogs and yours are just too adorable!!!

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