
this clip from an interview she did with Lesley Stahl (you’ll have to watch an ad to get to the clip if you aren’t a Salon member, but it’s worth it) makes me love her even more. And it really, really makes me want to punch Lesley Stahl directly in the fucking face. Because I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet that ol’ Lesley wouldn’t dream of condescendingly asking William H. Macy (father of those two little girls) if being a “Daddy” is the best experience of his life. Bet she wouldn’t ask him if he’s a “good father”, either. Fuck you, Lesley Stahl.

* * *
So I spent a good part of yesterday morning swearing and yelling at my computer. Because I could get my mail, but I couldn’t connect to ANY FUCKING WEB SITES. I rebooted about 63 times. That’s my first response when my computer is being a stinker, to reboot. Which is also the first thing Fred asks me when I tell him I’m having problems, which indicates to me it’s a good first response. After rebooting didn’t fix the problem, I ran Ad-Aware, and then I ran McAfee VirusScan, and then I tried using Internet Explorer instead of Firefox, and STILL the problem wasn’t fixed. I tried Fred’s computer and no problem at ALL. Which meant that the problem was with my computer rather than with the GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING I HATE YOU internet. (Sorry, internet. I was sure it was your fault, because IT ALWAYS IS.) I went out to exercise because I needed to blow off steam, because if I had to look at my computer’s smug smiling fucking face for one more second, I was going to put my fist through it, and who needs a broken fist? Not I. So I came in, hoping that the computer would have fixed itself like ALL GOOD COMPUTERS DO, but alas. It had not. So I rebooted again and checked my mail, and tried getting to various sites – no problem getting to Google, but when I tried CNN.com, the very top of the page would load, and then nothin’. I checked Nance’s page and got there okay. I tried Opendiary.com and the top of the page loaded and then nothin’. Which is when it hit me, and I called Fred to tell him that it had to be the ads on the pages I was trying to get to. Something was blocking them and wouldn’t let the rest of the page load. What could it be? What oh what? Turns out it was McAfee Firewall. Which Fred uninstalled months ago because, let me quote here, “It sucks so much.” THANKS FOR SUGGESTING YOUR WIFE DO THE SAME, FUCKER. Once I uninstalled McAfee Firewall and rebooted, I had no problems getting anywhere online. So if you’re running McAfee Firewall and are having issues getting places online, that’s your problem. You’re welcome.
* * *
Two conversations that will prove that I am a complete and utter ditz: 1. Fred and I started to watch The Baxter the other night. (I say “started to” because we lasted about five minutes before turning it off. I know it’s supposed to be ironic and stuff, but it SUCKED. Also, the lead guy looks way too much like Screech to be taken seriously.) (See for yourself – Dustin Diamond here, Michael Showalter here) Anyway. I put the DVD into the player, and we sat patiently as the menu came up, and then as Fred clicked on “Play movie”, I pointed at the screen, and said “That guy in the background looks like the Asshole guy!” “The Asshole guy?” Fred said, grinning. “Yeah, the Asshole guy!” “You mean Johnny Knoxville?” Fred offered. “Yeah, him.” “Bessie,” Fred said. “That would be Jackass, not Asshole.” “Oh, right. SHUT UP.” 2. Fred called me Wednesday morning as I was about to go out to the garage to do the elliptical for 30 minutes. Actually, he called as I was about to step on to the elliptical, and I heard the phone ring and ran back inside – swearing all the way – to answer it. “Bessie!” he said. “Chris Penn died!” “He did?” I said. “Oh, that’s too bad!” “Yeah, poor ol’ Willard.” He went on to read some of the details to me. “Do they know what killed him?” I asked. “Uh… no, not yet, but they don’t think it was due to foul play, they think natural causes.” “Oh, like a drug overdose?” I said. Fred began laughing. “Yeah, maybe, except that a drug overdose wouldn’t be a NATURAL CAUSE.” “SHUT UP.”
* * *
* * *
Currently reading: The Deadhouse, by Linda Fairstein. This is the second Linda Fairstein book I’ve read, and I can’t quite decide whether I like her books enough to keep reading them or not. I’ve got one more by her after this one; hopefully by the time I get to the end of that one, I’ll know one way or the other. Finished recently: Scenes from a Holiday, by various authors. I ended up skipping the story by Laurie Graff, but the others weren’t bad.
* * *
Is it just me, or does Sugarbutt look strikingly like a praying mantis? If you click here to see the big-ass version of this picture, you’ll see just how much white Tommy has, sprinkled amongst the black fur. He seems to have more white fur every day. I said to Fred the other day, “We should have named him Michael Jackson!”, because he’s turning white, see.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are here.
* * *
Previously 2005: Yes, I look like a dork. 2004: Better paranoid than hitchhiking across the country to meet some perv though, eh? 2003: No online presence in the day and age where every Joe Dork has a page? Inconceivable! 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: Ooooh, lucky me, I got to go to the gynecologists’ today!]]>

11 thoughts on “1/27/06”

  1. Actually, its now said that C. Penn died from being overweight. Same weight as my husband – and that freaked him out totally.

  2. Actually, I think “Asshole” is an wildly appropos descriptor for Johnny Knoxville’s general persona and TV show/movie. I VALIDATE YOU. MWAH.
    Chris Penn died from “being overweight”? That seems rather a sweeping generalization. I assume he died from, like, a heart attack or something that was exacerbated by being overweight.

  3. The coroner’s theory on Chris Penn’s death included the fact that he had a prior illness and had used drugs in the past, nothing about his weight. Maybe I’m just irritable, but that first comment just seemed like a little dig.

  4. Oh, I was completely outraged at that Felicity Huffman interview–and you’re right, no one would ever have asked William H. Macy the same question.

  5. My comment was not a dig. I have 125 pounds to lose. Why would I make a “dig ” about weight. My husband heard that on the radio yesturday. Thats all. Geez

  6. I think Felicity Huffman is amazing!
    Your Tom Cullen and our Lovey Gump were separated at birth, I believe. She used to be all black except for a little white spot on her tummy. But every day, she gets more and more white hairs all over the place.
    And she gets Gumpier every day, too.

  7. I hate Leslie Staaaaaahl (she always adds extra syllables to her name when she pronounces it) becuase she is the most shallow and immature news anchor on the planet. She is ALWAYS being girlish and simpering and acting condescending to her interviewees. I can’t stand her every since the time she tried to trick that woman into putting on the burka. The woman who risked being kicked out of the military when she refused to don the burka while on duty in Arabia. Leslie Stahl treated that wonderful Felicity as if she was a mindless dolt! And Felicity gave such an honest and deep and cool, open interview. It made Leslie Staaaaaaahl look like an ass!
    I just published a pic of my silly Cat on my (relatively) new (and readerless) blog! go look, please? http://www.misspinks.blogspot.com/

  8. I got a kitty today!! He actually looks a bit like Sugarbutt, coloring-wise, but his markings are so unique and awesome!
    I’ve posted pics of him over on my website, and there’ll probably be many more soon, hee!

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