Alice Mo Fumes.
It all started because of this:
Loony Jake, excited about chasing Da Bird, landed on Alice Mo. To say she didn’t care for that is an understatement.
“You come any closer, I will unleash the Paw o’ Doom!”
“Look how he pretends I’m not here. I hate his stupid loony face.”
Focusing all the hate in her portly little body on one target… But watch this.
…to that whippersnapper Everett Peppers, who surely deserves it.
And Loony Jake is free to live his life unencumbered by The Hatred of Alice Mo.
Hey, remember when someone asked if the cardboard scratchers made a mess and I was all “No, not too bad. There are some cardboard pieces around it from time to time, but I just vacuum them up…”?
I don’t know who did this to the scratcher…
That’s Everett Peppers checking out the damage, but it wasn’t the Peppers, it happened overnight while they were safely locked away in the foster room.
I guess it’s lucky that I have another five stashed away in the closet, isn’t it?
I guess it’s also lucky that I’m seeing the cardboard on the floor instead of in the litter box!
It’s impossible to tell from this side which two Peppers those are, but I’m thinking it’s Sally and Lucy. Everett is visibly bigger than both his sisters, and these two are about the same size.
That’s Maxi out on the side stoop they’re staring at. She likes to sit there and act like she desperately wants to come in, and then when you open the door for her, she looks in the door, then turns up her nose and walks away. I guess she finds our accommodations lacking.
They also like to stand there and watch the birds.
Everett found the platform in the front room within a day of being let out of the foster room, and has claimed it for himself.
Adopted last night: Opie and Tig! Not together, but I think they’ll be okay. Opie went to his new home last night (he’s going to have a small dog to play with), and Tig goes home Friday. I’m cleaning at Petsmart Friday, so I’ll get to see Tig (as well as Clay and Jax) one more time. Yay Opie, yay Tig!!!
I meant to share this video last week before the Sons went off to Petsmart, but forgot to. So here it is now! It was a few days after I started letting them have the run of the house, and they’d gone into the guest bedroom and discovered the toy hanging over the closet door. They had a blast with it, as you’ll see. You won’t see Clay, though – he was too busy sitting in my lap and purring.
Loony Jake is loony.
2011: I had a “THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE! THE! HOUSE!” moment, and then I realized that I’d dialed my cell phone number rather than Fred’s.
2010: No pig shit fish for me, THANK YOU.
2009: No entry.
2008: Yes, he’s cute. No, we’re not keeping him.
2007: That damn sponge will never glare malevolently at me again, I’m sure of it.
2006: “Thy-y-y-yme is my crack! Yes it is!”
2005: He emailed me back immediately. You’re already too old to die tragically young.
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: And Mildred and Myrtle were hanging out merrily in their very sheer bright yellow bra, waving at all and sundry.
2001: Just thinking about it makes me grumpy.
2000: Y’all stay warm, now!
I love Loony Jake’s loony face. And the little nubs on 3 of the Sons! (OMG, I don’t need any more cats.)
Cute video, and I can hear Clay purring in your lap! He’s got a loud motor!! Good news on the adoptions, now the other two need to find a forever home. As I posted on your Facebook, I’m surprised Jax wasn’t adopted…thought he’d be the first to go. Wishing good luck to the other two kittehs.
I could hear him purring, too! They are all adorable. The people who adopted Tig and Opie had a hard time deciding between the 4. I predict the other two will get snapped up this weekend so I’m glad I got to see them last night. Opie let me hold him like a boy and scratch his tummy. I’m a sucker for cats & kittens who let me do that.
OMG, Jake has got the Manson Lamps BIG time! =:-O
Hooray for Tig and Opie!!! And I’m with Cara, I can’t believe Jax hasn’t been snatched up; he’s absolutely the cutest of the cute!
The sons are going fast. I thought they might because they are so stinking cute. I’m happy Opie will have a small dog bud. I hope they become fast friends. You may remember a while back I complained that Ruby our Cocker Spaniel was chasing Elphaba the shorty portly tortie? Well our boiler died last week and we had to start using our wood burning stove after many years of non use. These pets had never experienced it. We put the dog beds in front of the hearth more for our old asses’ comfort when we were building fires. All of the pets took to hanging out there at times but especially Elph. I caught Elphaba tolerating Ruby well enough to snuggle back to back several times. She switched her tail and left the first time but got over it the next one. Ruby chased her and she didn’t back down and run. Maybe they will be buds again? Elphaba was a four or five month old kitten when Ruby who was under two came here. They USED to lay in that same bed. All it took was the draw of the stove’s warmth to make them get along better. The boiler is fixed and the woodstove is off for now and the pets want it back ON RIGHT NOW!
I love the Het pics. Alice Moo has the mean stare down for sure!
Your photos are gorgeous–maybe you can be a feline photographer in your spare time.
Every time you mention ‘loony ‘ jake I think of that scene in stand by me when the kids meet the old guy at the junkyard and he calls Teddy’s dad ‘LOONYLOONYLOONY’
I know you love to hear when we dream of you, so allow me to make your day. =)
I dreamed last night that I was visiting your house and that you had an honest to bob BLUE cat. Not Jake and Elwood blue, Grover and Cookie Monster blue. He was long haired as well, and quite pretty.
I remember totally taking it in stride in my dream that OF COURSE if a blue cat existed, you would have one. I then went on a hunt through the cat population convinced that there was a neon orange cat lurking somewhere as well.