It’s funny that Mike looks so much like our Maxi, but as far as his temperament goes, he’s like a clone of Tommy. He is so patient with the Cookies, will curl up with them and sleep, lets them lay half on top of him, and there’s nary a hiss or growl from him. At this point, Gus is just as patient, but Mike’s been patient with them from the beginning. Probably I haven’t mentioned how much I love this cat, have I?
One of Gus’s many favorite places to hang out: Fred’s chair.
Orange is such a smug, sweet little monkey.
I think… Keebler? Maybe? Keebler or Blue.
They pile up on each other and sleep like the dead. SO CUTE.
I am 93% sure that the cats have figured out how to bypass the alarm system and open the door to let neighborhood cats in to use the litter boxes because HOLY COW was there a lot to scoop this morning. And I had just scooped 12 hours previously! And they don’t eat THAT much – the output isn’t matching the input, I’m tellin’ ya. It was stunning!
(When I win the lottery – and oh, I SHALL – my first move will be to hire someone to come scoop the litter boxes three times a day. And I’ll even hire someone to come do it on the weekends, too. And I will pay them WELL and make sure they have health insurance and all that, because a job like that, they deserve to be compensated well!)
Elwood ADORES Tommy. Tommy puts up with the constant grooming. Orange is over there to the left saying “Please make him stop. I’m trying to sleep!”
2008: Debbie and Brian got to witness the fearsome SCOOP HANDS, and I think they were impressed.
2007: We were expecting a snowstorm, and we certainly got one.
2006: No entry
2005: No entry
2004: No entry.
2003: My year in review.
2002: Are you jealous of my readers? You should be, because they ROCK!
2001: What if?
2000: No entry
1999: Total potty mouth at the drop of a hat.
Hi Robyn. Happy New Year to you and the entire gang at Crooked Acres. It has been such a treat to be able to read your blog in real time since I have been home for a week for our year end company close down and vacation (very nice). When I start back at work I have to go back to waiting until I get home to read. I wish my stupid system security at work did not think ‘Bitchypoo’ was a porn site. Kitty porn maybe but really who would mind that?
Thanks so much for our surprise. I laughed until I had tears and was coughing. And I had only made it halfway through. Our furbots really are universal in how they act. Thanks so much!!!
Have a safe New Year’s Eve.
Happy new year, Elaine – I’m glad you enjoyed your surprise! 🙂
I suck at leaving notes. I couldn’t pass up the chance to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year. I love reading about your pets and all the adventures they bring to your life. May 2010 be your happiest year yet!
Happy New Year, Carolyn – and here’s to a great 2010 for all of us! 🙂
Happy New Year to the Crooked Acres crew!
On a completely unrelated note, I remember reading an old post of yours in which you mentioned cooking bacon in the oven/broiler. Holy mackerel, I finally tried that out and you’re right — it could not be easier. I think everyone needs to cook their bacon this way!
Happy New Year, Andrea! And now I’m craving bacon – I guess I know what I’m making for breakfast tomorrow! 🙂
Happy New Year, Robyn! 🙂 xoxoxoxo
Happy New Year, Styro!!! 🙂
Happy New Year Robyn and all Crooked Acres residents! Hug those sweet agreeable boy kittehs for me please!
Happy New Year, Annette – and consider them hugged (and kissed!) a million times over. 🙂
happy new year to all the residents of crooked acres farm!
robyn, have you seen the kindle-only stepehn king novella UR on amazon? might be a good read!
I have! It was, in fact, the first thing I read on my Kindle. 🙂
was it worth $3?
I think it was – I enjoyed it, though it wasn’t my favorite thing he’s written. But keep in mind that I’d buy anything Stephen King wrote – if he starts releasing his grocery list once a week for 99 cents, I’m SO there. 🙂