
I am home! And now I’m off to celebrate my return by going to get a mammogram, so no entry for y’all today. Sorry! Nance has started to upload our video podcasts. They’re embeddable, so you can watch ’em here. Dorkville – Take 1 from Nance on Vimeo. Dorkville – Take 2 from Nance on … Continue reading “12/3/08”

I am home!

And now I’m off to celebrate my return by going to get a mammogram, so no entry for y’all today. Sorry!

Nance has started to upload our video podcasts. They’re embeddable, so you can watch ’em here.

Dorkville – Take 1 from Nance on Vimeo.

Dorkville – Take 2 from Nance on Vimeo.

Dorkville-Take 3 from Nance on Vimeo.

Please note that Nance was high as a kite (on a controlled substance! No meth for us!) and that she was sitting there with Felina in her lap most of the time, so when I looked over at her and then I looked downward I WAS NOT CHECKING OUT HER RACK, I was either glancing at Felina or watching Nance wave her hands around. Also, I’m aware that I bite my lips a LOT, I’m surprised I don’t have horribly chapped lips all the time.

You can keep an eye peeled over at Nance’s – she’ll post more videos when she can.

See you tomorrow, I’m off to get my boobs squooshed!

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &


“Oh. Were you gone? Yeah, I missed you terribly. Welcome back. Really.”

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2007: Sitting in the portal, waiting for the mother ship to arrive.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: Meester Boogers howled even more forlornly.
2002: Lay on it!
2001: Fred smiled his asshole smile.
2000: No entry.
1999: No entry.

8 thoughts on “12/3/08”

  1. How is it that you have no Maine accent what so ever?I spent the 8th grade in Bangor and I could barely understand what those kids were saying.

    That was pretty fun. Thanks for sharing:)

  2. Haven’t looked at the videos yet, so no comment on them.
    I was at Target yesterday and Tim Tams were on sale!!! At least here in PA.

  3. Well isn’t that special… I’m getting my boobs smooshed on Friday morning! Oh the joy. Oh the rapture.

    LOVED the vids.

  4. Robin, first off–loved the videos. You and Nance play off each other very well.

    Second–I curse you for telling me about Tim Tams. I went to Target today and looked for them, found them on sale, brought them back to work and proceeded to eat 1/2 the box. They are very good. Thank goodness I don’t go to Target often, but if I found my car heading in that direction I will quickly re-direct. Tim Tams are the devil!!!

  5. I passed by the Tim Tams the other day deciding that they must be evil bits of crack best to be avoided.

    & Robin (HA! I spelled it that way on purpose (comment above me) – just kidding!!), the videos rocked. Seriously, I want to go hang out on the couch with you guys. I would have been so self conscious and awkward doing the video podcast, but you both are clearly naturals. You sound softer and gentler in real life than you did in my head. I’m sure that sounds insulting but I don’t mean it to be. Maybe it’s because I have the audio image of you bellowing “Who wants snackin’?” in a not so docile voice in my head. Aaaanyway, I’ll just shut up now.

  6. I don’t know why I was so surprised that you didn’t have a southern accent – this is the first time I have heard you talking and in my mind I always think you would have a southern accent, even though I know you are from the North. I’m nuts. Loved the videos of you two!

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