12/22/11 – Crooked Acres Thursday

Sights from around Crooked Acres. Panoramic shot of the chickens. Every weekend, we give the chickens whatever sweets we have left laying around. Last weekend was a cherry pie. They were fans of the cherry pie, to say the least. It was gone in about 30 seconds flat. We also gave them some left over … Continue reading “12/22/11 – Crooked Acres Thursday”

Sights from around Crooked Acres.

2011-12-22 (1)
Panoramic shot of the chickens.

2011-12-22 (2)
Every weekend, we give the chickens whatever sweets we have left laying around. Last weekend was a cherry pie.

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They were fans of the cherry pie, to say the least.

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It was gone in about 30 seconds flat.

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We also gave them some left over pizza. The smart ones grabbed a hunk of crust and ran off away from the others so they could eat in peace.

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Head Rooster enjoys him some pizza, too.

2011-12-22 (9)
The Rock Star.

2011-12-22 (10)
Y’all know I think this chicken is SO pretty.

2011-12-22 (11)
Zombie Chicken, on the run with her piece of the pizza.

Time to herd the ducks out to the pond for their weekly visit!

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(I know it looks like that duck is eating the mud. He’s not – Fred had tossed a handful of scratch his way.)

2011-12-22 (12)

2011-12-22 (14)
Please note the look Mister Duck is giving Miz Duck in this picture.

2011-12-22 (15)
There were pictures between the last picture and this one, but I deleted them because no one needs to see duck sex. You’re welcome.

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Girl Duck on the right is all ::flapflapflap:: “Better you than me, sister!” and Man Duck back there is all “You’re next, missy!”

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We got ’em out to the pond, and they went in the water like they were doing us a favor.

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We made them stay in for about five minutes.

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“We’re IN the water, but we’re NOT enjoying it!”

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Then they spotted freedom and went for it.

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I got this really neat little cat from Jai the other day.

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Charlie thought it was neat, too.

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I got kind of excited because it totally looked to me like it might be made out of cat hair.

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Jai said probably not (it came from a craft fair), so Charlie turned his attentions to the star that came with the cat, and tried to eat it. (I took it away from him and hung it on the tree.)

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In the same visit to the post office, I got a pair of socks from Kathy.

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And a Chilean terracotta three-legged pig! (It’s a token of good fortune. I feel more fortunate already!)

Thanks again, Jai and Kathy!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


2011-12-22 (35)
Panoramic of the boys – left to right: Opie, Tig, Clay, Jax.

2011-12-22 (34)
Eyes on the feather teaser (I love how they reach for it, even when it’s nowhere near them.)

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Tig and Jax.

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Such serious little faces.

2011-12-22 (30)
Opie must have some serious abs. I know I could never lick the bottom of my foot without using my arm to hold my leg in place!

2011-12-22 (31)
That must be one dirty foot.

2011-12-22 (36)
Jax, possessor of the only tail in the kitten room, has three little tuxies playing with his tail a LOT. They thing it’s a pretty fabulous toy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


2011-12-22 (37)
Well, Joseph Robert, that’s a bit of a pickle you find yourself in, isn’t it?

2011-12-22 (39)
This is what happens when you slip out of your collar and climb over the fence.

2011-12-22 (38)
I should just leave you out there to teach you a lesson, is what I should do.

2011-12-22 (40)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


2010: I haz a snuggle.
2009: Mike & Gus: Brudderly…. love?
2008: It was kind of a cooking-themed weekend for me.
2007: I expected to read “And after we had fabulous chocolate crepes for dessert, we moved on to Bob’s house for the key party to end the night on a high note.”
2006: It burns, Jane! The applique, IT BURRRRRRRRNS!
2005: I’m a creature of habit, what can I say?
2004: No shit, Matt. Ya think? Ya think she might like to eat?
2003: “You are NOT allowed in Maine!” I informed him.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Except for world peace and all that. Yadda, yadda.
1999: No entry.

9 thoughts on “12/22/11 – Crooked Acres Thursday”

  1. Yeah, Robyn, you talk big but we KNOW you’re never gonna leave poor Joe Bob outside by his lonesome for long (even if he sorta deserves it). For the record, I’d be a big ol’ sucker for that face, too.

    Those silly duckies. When oh when will they realize that the pond is everywhere they wanna be?

    1. Maybe once we get a little shelter built and put out there, and plant some bushes, and the pond is full, maybe they’ll realize it’s duckie HEAVEN!

  2. The other day (long unnecessary backstory deleted) I saw four dead – and sort of mangled-looking – ducks underneath a stop sign. They were not clustered together as if someone had set them down deliberately, but looked rather as if someone had flung them in the general direction of the stop sign while driving past. They were still more or less intact – dogs, cats, and coyotes had not been at them yet, by the looks of things – so they couldn’t have been there long.

    Anyway, they were two males, two females, and I swear the first thought through my head was, “Oh no! I hope those aren’t Robyn’s ducks!” (Which technically should have been “Fred’s ducks,” but… nah.) I was saddened and perplexed as to how they came to be in such an odd, out of the way spot, but also frustrated because every time I thought about them that day, there was a nagging undercurrent that I had to keep shutting up with logic. “Robyn lives a zillion and four miles away. They were NOT HER DUCKS.”

    Moving on…
    That’s almost exactly how much cherry pie is always left over in my house, too. First slice: Sooooooo delicious. Second slice: Yum! Third slice: Why do I even buy cherry pie, anyway, it’s not really all that good. (I have tried the smaller, single-serving pies, but they skip the “delicious” and “yum” stages and go straight to “not that good.”) I should get chickens: I wouldn’t feel so guilty about throwing out half of a pie.

  3. Cherry pie would be completely consumed here-that is why my husband keeps needing bigger pants and I’m not getting any smaller. I would go feed the ducks in the pond down the road but there are fines for that now. I think it’s the geese and problems from their waste that caused the change. Everyone used to go there to feed the ducks years ago. Anyway I wish I had the fortitude to get rid of more dessert. Not buying it seems to be the only solution. Sugarfree jello and popsicles and low sugar fudgicles are the only safe choices for me.

    Joseph Robert is cracking me up!

  4. Maybe the ducks are intimidated by the size of the pond? I don’t get it, you would think they would kick their heels and go nuts. Maybe as their population increases (nod to duck sex pictures not included) they will feel more confident?

    Have never seen duck sex but recently saw two squirrels making out in the middle of the road. Oh dear, really? No where else to get it on but on the middle of the road!?

    Jax is gorgeous. Have always loved me a tabby cat.

  5. Smart chickens? It must be all the sugar you feed them, because…SMART chickens? Well, I guess it is pretty smart to run away with food. Especially pizza.

    And thank you for not sharing the duck sex with us. Lord only knows what kind of google searches you are going to get on that on. I used “sp*anking” the other day on my blog because I didn’t want to see what kind of googling THAT would turn up.

    We had geese when I was a kid. They had no interest in our pond whatsoever.

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