reading: Broken Prey, by John Sandford.
Finished the other night: The Other Woman, by Jane Green. Not a bad book, though it seemed kind of rushed at times, like she wanted to get to the end of the book, and for a 400 page book, that’s a lot of rushing. I was also pretty annoyed with the main character sometimes, ’cause she was so eager to take offense at every little thing her mother-in-law said that I felt sorry for the mother-in-law. And I needed to take a moment and give thanks that I have unintrusive, nice, very sweet mothers-in-law. I hit the jackpot in the mother-in-law lottery; not only are my current mothers-in-law nice, but my ex’s mother was a sweetheart as well. Maybe that’s why I always love to read evil mother-in-law stories, because I don’t have any of my own.
* * *
I spent a couple of hours running errands and shopping yesterday, and I’m inching ever closer to being done with my Christmas shopping. I was in Target for a good hour, just wandering around looking at stuff. From there, I went to the pet store and bought Christmas presents for the pets I am related to. Since we found 63,000 toys under the furniture in the library/ dining room when Fred was painting in there, I had to promise not to get them any more toys, so I didn’t. I did, however, get them a Drinkwell water fountain, and I’m going to put a bow on that and put it under the tree (Fred said “You’re not going to wrap it? But they’ll know what it is!” Hee!) and I’ll set it up for them on Christmas day.
I also think I got dissed as a crazy cat lady by the cashier. She was ringing up the myriad cat toys (and dog bones) I was buying, and said “I bet you don’t have kids!” Meaning, I guess, that I can’t have a lot of pets AND a family, I’ve gotta have one or the other.
Ha on her! I DO have a kid! AND a husband! AND 6,000 cats! Look at me, I’ve got it ALLLLLLLLL!
Then I had to go to Sam’s since Fred requested I go and see what the price would be for a bag of almonds (answer: a little less than $14 for a 3-pound bag), and while I was there I picked up water and toothbrushes and a few other things we’re close to running out of. And did you feel the earth crack open? I actually spent LESS THAN $100, and I don’t believe that’s ever happened in the history of me.
Then I went home, forgetting that I’d intended to stop at Kohl’s to get pillows for the couches (our old ones didn’t really go with the new couches), only I was lucky because Fred needed to visit Kohl’s for personal items (UNDERWEAR) and he picked up the pillows since he’s so good at choosing colors.
And then I sat on my ass in front of the computer until 7:00, only stopping long enough to roast a bunch of asparagus to eat with my dinner of sushi rolls, and it was a DAMN FINE dinner. I really love that asparagus, except for the stinky-pee factor. Would you believe that my sister used to buy canned asparagus and eat it and she LOVED IT, and I was so grossed out – because, let’s face it, it’s kind of a gross-looking vegetable, especially the canned stuff – that I wouldn’t even dream of touching it, and I’d get all obnoxious and gaggy when she’d sit and eat asparagus. It wasn’t until Fred and I were starting to eat right that I gave them a try and decided I like them a lot.
Except, like I said, for the the stinky pee factor.
(FYI, why your pee smells when you eat asparagus: Asparagus contains a sulfur compound called mercaptan (also found in onions, garlic, rotten eggs, and the secretion of skunks). The breaking-down of this substance in your digestive system causes the smell. Not everyone has the gene for the enzyme that breaks down mercaptan, so some people – lucky bastards – don’t get the stinky pee.)
* * *
The Happiest! Kitty! In the world!
Tom Cullen was so disgusted that those idiots on Survivor are letting Princess Stephenie run the show that he made himself a nest under the couch pillows and refuses to come out. He said, “That fucking bitch gets everything she fucking wants and all those idiots just kowtow to her and I AM SICK OF IT.”, then groomed himself for a while to calm down. Grooming = kitty xanax.
“Talk to the paw, Survivor idiots.” (Note that Miz Poo matches the couch quite nicely)
* * *
2004: The internet just ROCKS, doesn’t it?
2003: Her date (”But not a DATE date!”) was more dressed-up than she.
2002: I did mention that I have airhead tendencies, did I not?
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
1999: On the drive home, she uttered such supportive statements such “Well, everyone saw this coming” and “I don’t know why you’re surprised.” ]]>
you got teh funny!
I read (in the book, On Food and Cooking) that it turns out EVERYONE breaks down the mercaptan, but some people don’t have the gene that lets them smell the stinky pee.
Love, LOVE the new couches!
So – the first picture of the couch was “ugly”, but I trusted it did not look that bad. It did not – future pictures teh color looked better. Now that I see the couch matches several of your kitties, I understand the color. All cats owners must have matching furniture with their cat or pay the consequences. I’m paying the consequences – burgundy with gray cats. Doesn’t blend. Luckily they blend with the couch (multi – colored) and light blue/gray chair.
I hate Stephenie so much this season that I can’t believe how much I lurved her last season. If she wins the whole thing, I’m…I’m….NOT GONNA WATCH SURVIVOR ANY MORE until next season.
SO BIZARRE. I just finished eating aspargus for lunch (from the can and I like it thank you very much :))and I was remembering that someone was talking about the stinky pee factor and I thought – hmm, I should google that. But now I don’t have to. See, Bitchypoo.Com – fun and informative
Hey Robyn! Quick kitty question — I have a beautiful persian named Clive – never have had a problem with him (medical or otherwise). All of the sudden – he has made a bald spot for himself on his back near his tail. He seems to be licking/grooming it all the time. One day he was fine and the next morning it was kitty bald spot. We checked for fleas, my husband thinks maybe he has a “hot spot” from his food (which has been the same for years)and I remember you saying something about one of your cats over grooming. We are going to take him to the vet next week but was wondering if you have had this problem before? Other than the bald spot – which is now turning bright pink due to the constant licking – he is fine, appetite normal, no weird changes in his life, etc. Sorry for the long post. Just wondering if you have any kitty wisdom on this?
I don’t believe Steph will win it all. She is playing TOO hard and making mistakes. Voting Judd out, for her, looks smart but I think not. There are now 2 and possibly 3 people on the jury guaranteed not to vote for her if she makes it to the final 2.
On that same note of voting Judd off not being smart…she is screwed now, because all the rest of them think SHE’S running the show, and should go. I think Judd would have HELPED her get to the final two.
My ex-mother in law told me I was going to hell after I filed for divorce. I told her I’d see her there.
RE: Stephanie. She may appear to be doing well but I don’t think there’s any way she will win. Now that she is ‘running the show’ deciding to vote out Jamie AND Judd, everyone is going to want to take her to the end with them cuz they will think they can beat her. I’m personally rooting for Dani – I like a good comeback story, plus she’s from KC so that helps.
That Sugarbutt…he even smiles in his sleep!
Natalie: Have you considered that he may have a fungus, like ringworm? Definitely take him to the vet to have him checked. I doubt it’s over-grooming since it’s a concentrated spot. More likely a skin problem, or, like I said, a fungal infection. Good luck to you! (Me lurves Persian kitties. I’ll even deal w/the hairballs!)
My favorite part of Survivor was at tribal council. First Judd goes on and on about they have to vote someone out, don’t take it personally, blah, blah, blah. Then HE gets voted out and he’s pissed off.
I was so going to warn Nance about the asparagus pee but couldn’t remember why it did it and too lazy to Google she knows..LOL
My kitty over grooms herself when her thyroid is acting up. After her radiation treatment her hair all grew back. One of the vets suggested that Lucy was just a very sensitive girl and we might want to consider giving her kitty prozac. Great. A whole family on antidepressants. 😉
I agree with Jane re: Steph. I totally just want to bitchslap her. I would be happy if Danni won, or even Rafe. I laughed so hard when Judd got Punk’d.
And yay for me..I lack the magic enzyme. Can eat a bushel of asparagus if I want with no probs.
Thanks for the asparagus/stinky pee lesson 🙂 One I could have lived without, but hey. I’m always looking to learn.
I think it’s interesting that it’s down to four women and Rafe on Survivor. I think it would be cute if he won.
I love the pee factor comments! My husband and I would eat asparagus and then have a contest to see who had the stinky pee first…. such children we were.
What about Rafe? I mean, yeah, Dani is a good comeback story. I would like to see a Rafe / Dani final two and let them agonize over who to give it to 🙂 Because I think they would be truly conflicted.
That pink nose of Sugarbutt’s makes me smile. It is the softest, pinkest pink. He is so cute!
Robyn, I totally just learned something by reading your journal. I never knew the stinky-pee thing was gene-related and not everyone would get it. I apparently don’t have the gene, because asparagus doesn’t have that affect on me, and everytime I’ve heard people complain about the stinky-pee I’ve always wondered what the hell they were talking about, and why I never noticed it myself. Hah! Now I know! I wonder if that is the same gene that prevents me from being able to roll my tongue into an “o” shape.
I was feeling all proud that I don’t have the stinky pee enzyme gene, and come to find out – I am genetically deficient in being able to smell my own pee. Oh well, la la la. I can eat all the asparagus I want, and my pee never stinks. To me, at least.