
* * * I discovered yesterday – as I discover every so often and yet it still comes as a great big shock to me every time I rediscover it – that I sure do get a lot more accomplished in the morning if I turn my computer off at night before so I can’t come downstairs the next morning and sit in front of the computer for hours, procrastinating so long that I end up not doing what needs to be done. For instance, yesterday I rolled out of bed around 8:30 (I usually try to get up around 8 during the week so I don’t sleep the morning away, but apparently I needed some extra sleep), changed out the litter in the cats’ litter box (I have to do that once a week, or it gets nas-tay in there), scrubbed out the dirty litter boxes, vacuumed upstairs, started a load of laundry, came downstairs, quickly checked my email on Fred’s computer (Fred’s computer isn’t conducive to procrastination, ’cause all the good stuff (in my opinion) is on my computer), did the elliptical for half an hour (and cried like a baby at the end of the episode of The O.C. I was watching, the one where they play Champagne Supernova, covered by Matt Pond PA, at the end and Sandy comes home to Kirsten and Summer and Seth kiss in the rain and Marissa comforts Ryan, ::SOB::), cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed the downstairs and the stairs, got all the boxes o’ Christmas gifts packed and ready to go, went through the Christmas cards I’d addressed to pull out the ones going to other countries so I could send those out right away (they still might arrive after Christmas, sorry ’bout that), ate breakfast, took my shower, and FINALLY turned on my computer shortly after noon. I didn’t take a nap yesterday afternoon, but I could have, because I was more productive before noon than I usually am in an entire week. And then when the spud got home from school, I made her go to the post office with me so I could mail out the boxes o’ Christmas gifts, so that’s DONE. I’m impressed with myself, if you couldn’t tell. I think tomorrow I’m going to clean the downstairs floors and address and send out some more Christmas cards. Because I am JUST that good. Ph3ar m3.

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Previously 2004: It is in the 20s here today, IS IT OKAY FOR ME TO BE COLD NOW? 2003: (”Thanks, me! I’m so thoughtful!”) 2002: No entry. 2001: Trust me, it was far more horrifying-looking in person. 2000: Babbling. 1999: No entry.]]>

11 thoughts on “12/14/05”

  1. Okay – maybe it’s because I am stressed today and tired – but I can’t figure out what “Ph3ar m3” means!!!!! Help!

  2. BOOK CLUB, hello. Can’t you join one of those and then like, get together to discuss the book once a week at someone’s house or something? I have no idea how book clubs work. πŸ™‚

  3. Ok, now explain what the heck “leetspeak” is? I am apparently not very computer lingo savy!

  4. It would be great if we could all run into someone so pleasant once in a while. Maybe it could be your mission to visit various places around the country (AND Canada), and ooze your charm and humour to the rest of us? You rock Robyn!!

  5. I am a nerd too when I meet another Nissan driver,especially an older Nissan(Mine is a 1990 Pathfinder,5 speed,4×4).
    I’ll call out,”How many miles on yours??”
    I get answers ranging from 100,000 to 350,000 miles and still going.
    Ohhhh Robyn! My nephew works on the crew of The O.C.! He’s does lighting,grip work,etc…
    He’s also worked on last year’s Sly Stallone’s boxing show. Says Sly is totally paranoid about the lighting showing his wrinkles so Sly has one assistant who’s only job is to constantly rag on the lighting and camera guys for the best possible shots.

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