VistaPrint, and I recommend them.
The Daily Gus. Too cute!
In honor of tonight’s season finale of Kid Nation, I present to you the kids of Kid Nation as we see them. Alex, the 9 year-old from Nevada. He seems like a good kid, and a smart one as well. However, we cannot get past one certain physical feature, and thusly we refer to him, without fail, as “The Tooth.” Jared, the 11 year-old from Georgia. Another one that seems to be a good kid, and quite smart (his discussion of Quantum Physics on last week’s show went over Fred’s head – and mine as well, it should go without saying). However, we cannot get out of our heads the time, during one of the first episodes, when there was a strong wind storm going on, and Jared ran through the center of town screaming “IT’S A TWISTAAAAAAR!” I call him “Twistar Boy.” I’m sure he’s a wonder to behold and all, but my god he gets all over my nerves. Olivia, the 12 year-old from Indiana. I do not possess the words to describe to you all just how very much I loathe this child. Every time they show her, she’s got a smug smirk on her face, and I itch to slap it off. She disapproves of, well, just about everything. She did a horrific “comic” performance on Talent Night. GOD PLEASE HELP ME STOP HATING THIS CHILD. I cannot tell you what I call her, but you can probably imagine. HATE. Taylor, the 10 year-old from Georgia. Doesn’t do anything she doesn’t wanna do. Her team is supposed to be cleaning? Well, that’s too goddamn bad. Taylor don’t wanna. She’s a beauty queen! GOD! Beauty queens don’t CLEAN! One week she refused to do any work, so they wouldn’t let her take part in the reward (a game room). She responded by doing some work, and they acted like she had singlehandedly saved the world, and carted her through town like she was the Princess of Everything. We call her “The Princess”, and every week we talk about her resemblance to Stinkerbelle. Those two are pretty, but they always look really pouty. Mike, the 11 year-old from Washington. We call him “Twitchy.” That boy cannot sit still. He twitches. And twitches. And twitches some more. I don’t know if he’s uncomfortable or has ADD or just plain has ants in his pants, but I don’t recall one word the boy has ever said, because just watching him makes me twitchy. Greg, the 15 year-old from Nevada. Sometimes he’s an ass, sometimes he’s a sweetheart. Actually, his kneejerk reaction to just about anything is to be an ass, but once he steps back and thinks about it, he can be pretty reasonable. He’s very good with the little kids. I like Greg; he’s got a good heart. Sophia, the 14 year-old from Florida. She’s 14 going on 44. This kid is WAY too wise for her years. She annoys me sometimes, but overall I kind of like her. And I don’t think this is the last we’ll be seeing from Sophia – girlfriend has herself a future political career, I can just feel it. When they made her the sheriff of Bonanza, there was definitely the potential for an abuse of power, but she surprised us with her even-handed, diplomatic approach. Laurel, the 12 year-old from Massachusetts. She’s my favorite. I LOVE HER. She can do ANYTHING. Just about every kid on this show has a good heart (EXCEPT FOR OLIVIA OMG I HATE HER), and I think they did a pretty good job casting the show. It was probably necessary to have such a large cast to keep the town running, but even now at the end of the series, we’ll say “Who the hell is THAT?” when some kid’s face flashes across the screen. Also, 3/4 of the boys on this show needs a damn HAIR CUT. GET THE HAIR OUT OF YOUR FACE, GAHHHHH! I don’t know if they’re ever going to be able to do this show again, what with all the brouhaha and the shooting restrictions, but the second season in any reality series is never as good as the first anyway, as Survivor and Amazing Race have shown us. I’m sure if Kid Nation comes around again, we’ll be watching it. We can’t get enough of mocking children, obviously.
The other day I read the first Danielle Steel book I’ve read in many a year. I used to read all her books, and then they kind of got to be all the same overblown super-romantic crap (no offense, Danielle Steel lovers), so I stopped reading them. But then I saw His Bright Light, the story of her 19 year-old manic-depressive (do they call it “bipolar” now? I can’t keep up.) son who had committed suicide, and I bought it. I must have read a positive review of it somewhere. Here’s the thing – the book was published in 1998. I had it in hardcover, which means I bought it before it came out in paperback, which means I must have bought it sometime in 1998 or 1999. Which means that it’s been sitting on my bookcase for 8 or 9 years. I’m telling you, the book-buying thing. It’s an illness! Anyway, when I picked up the book, I was positive that I’d read 10 pages, decide it was treacly crap, and toss it on the pile of books I’m sending my sister. I actually got interested in the story and read the whole thing. I mean, it was still over-the-top (he was the most brilliant, talented, good-looking, charming child in the entire world, apparently. And everyone who ever came into contact with him adored him immediately and still do. Apparently.) and treacly and needed to be skimmed in a few (MANY) places, but the overall story of 19 years of living and dealing with a manic-depressive (bipolar…ist?) was… well, it was kind of depressing, actually. He took up so much of her time and energy, you’ve got to wonder how she found the time and energy to devote to her writing and her other children. Worth a read, I think. Don’t go out and buy it (and let it sit on your bookcase for 8 or 9 years), but worth a read if you see it on the discount rack or in the library or a friend wants to lend it to you. Next up: The Shell Seekers, because several of you said I should move it up in the queue. You better be right, people.
Speaking of Danielle Steel, after the spud was born my father asked if I’d named her after Danielle Steel. And I said “NO. If I’d named her after Danielle Steel, I would have named her Danielle Steel, not Danielle Leigh.” Like, DUH. Up until a few weeks before she was born, she was going to be Jessica. Now I can’t imagine her as a Jessica.
Ellie-Belly didn’t want to go to the pet store yesterday. She tried hiding in a box. She tried charming me by falling asleep with her tongue sticking out of her mouth. All to no avail. I went upstairs to hang with Punki and Felicia (I let Elle hang out in the house Monday and yesterday morning), and as always, when she heard me approach the foster room, Elle came running. I sat and snuggled with her, and let her eat, and then I kissed her behind the ear, apologized, and stuffed her in the cat carrier. She kept quiet most of the way to the pet store, occasionally letting me know she was not happy about this development. Once we were in the cat room, I let her out of the carrier, and she didn’t act scared at all. Skittles, on the other hand, was hiding in the kitty condo in their cage, and wouldn’t come out. Poor monkey. Keep your fingers crossed that she gets adopted this weekend, y’all. I’m only so strong. ****************************** Miss Stinky likes to hang out on the wall between the kitchen and dining room to keep an eye on things.
Previously 2006: I did a lot of nothing yesterday 2005: (If you must know, it’s the “Tinferl” that really hit my funny bone. I don’t know. Don’t look at me like that. Shaddup.) 2004: Those two just make me shudder. And not in a good way. 2003: “Hey!” he thought to himself. “I think that might be the same bird and the same feeder!” 2002: “That’s okay, Bessie. I hate you sometimes, too,” he said. 2001: No entry. 2000: A blue spark leapt from my tender, sensitive pinky finger to the door of the Jeep in the Wal-Mart parking lot, and I all but screamed. 1999: But if I end up MIA, y’all know where to tell the cops to look…
I love Kid Nation and have watched every episode but will be missing tonight’s because of our work holiday party. I forgot it was on until just reading your assessment now.
We hate Taylor and speak often of what kind of parents raise a kid like that. Someone once said maybe they were doing their best and saw the road Taylor was traveling and sent her to Kid Nation with hopes of giving her a wake up call. Maybe but I think they spoil and indulge her and think she poops hearts, rainbows, and flowers.
As soon as you finish The Shell Seekers (and keep a box of kleenex handy), read September. One of the characters from The Shell Seekers is in it. And it’s a damn good book, period.
THEN I recommend Winter Solstice.
Why yes, I AM a fan!!!! 😉
Then read The Thirteenth Tale!!! I’m tellin’ ya! You won’t regret it!
I just received your Christmas card and my prize…the awesome button. I love them both. ¡Gracias!
Finally!! I’m excited that you’re going to be reading The Shell Seekers next and envy you reading it for the first time, since I read it pretty much once a year. (I even sent you a reminder about it in the Christmas card I mailed you this morning – thanks for your hysterical card!) Enjoy my all time favorite novel, and please let us know how much you love it.
My kids and I have been hooked on Kid Nation too, and are looking forward to the last episode tonight. They’ve even started calling princessy brats “Taylors” – I hope her parents see what they’re raising when they watch this show and wake up a little – they’re not doing her any favors by spoiling the crap out of her and NOBODY is pretty enough to be such a beastly child. I would definitely vote for Laurel for president some day too!
How could you forget BLAINE?! OMG, I am SO glad that he now captains (and champions) the yellow team. Next to Laurel, I love Blaine, now that he’s come into his own, and not a mini-Greg. I also like quiet, shaggy-haired Michael. I just want to pinch his cheeks. My 7 y.o. LOVES this program and we’re sad it’s ending, although even he thinks Taylor needs a major attitude adjustment.
I agree with Lo. The Thirteenth Tale, was a great book!!
I love Kid Nation! I also like Laurel, but I can not stand Sophia. Each week when the leaders would choose which reward they got, Sophia would ALWAYS act like she wanted the “sensible” reward like the library, books, etc. But last week when she got to make the decision, she went with the “fun” reward. Makes me think she really wanted the “fun” rewards all along, but didn’t want to act like she wanted them. God forbid a 14 year old act like a kid and actually WANT something fun! Sheesh!
My BFF Patsy was here this week visiting and is apparently a devotee of Kid Nation. She asked me to TiVo it for her, so I did, because I love. Then she asked me to watch it with her, and I laughed cruelly and told her I didn’t love nobody that much.
Ok, I didn’t do that, but I didn’t watch Kid Nation either. Because of that one kid. I’m not sure which one it is, but going by your descriptions, I’ve have to guess it was either Olivia or Taylor. One good smack is all I’d need.
Don’t get me wrong, if you’d plunked my kids down in the middle of an old west town and told them to take care of themselves, they would have died from dehydration caused by crying for their mommy like little bitches.
I wouldn’t have wanted to watch them either.
I’m just not so much into reality this year. I have episodes of Project Runway piling up for God’s sake. Oh, the humanity.
I read The Shell Seekers a long time ago and I think I really loved it. I have read a Danielle Steele book ino ver 20 years, though. I thought she was so fabulous back then. 🙂
Just wanted to say I also received your card (yesterday), thanks!!
That picture of Ellie Belly sleeping needs to be submitted with the closeup to Cute Overload, heh.
Oh yes, The Shell Seekers is one of my all-time favorites, and that of both of my sisters. I know I’ve read it at least five times. In fact…I have two copies of it, in case I…lose one? I don’t know.
Whatever, yeah. Great book.
I thought I would share this bit of information about Purina Cat Food that I know I wasn’t aware of.
I had to rush my one year old neutered male cat to the animal hospital yesterday morning for emergency surgery due to a complete urinary blockage. I am sure you have all heard of that..the crystals that develop in the bladder, and if one moves into the urethra as the cat tries to urinate, it blocks it and the toxins back up into the bladder, the cat can’t pee and is in horrible pain. It is a life threatening situation and scared the heck out of me to see my little guy in so much pain.
Now, about the Purina. My veternary office staff told me that 90% of neutered male “blocked” cats (and I guess the neutered male is most likely to become blocked) are on Purina cat food. I know Gusgus was. I was told that the fibre and vegetable content, which sounds like a good thing, often leads to these crystals being formed. Apparently (and I am only quoting what I was told at the vet’s..I haven’t Googled it) Purina is the sole brand of cat food with those ingredients. They suggest Iams.
Anyway, Gusgus had his intervenous and catherter removed this morning and I am to leave him there until this evening to make sure he is peeing on his own. He is probably very scared and I am sick about all this. He is an indoor cat, very spoiled and never been alone at night. Poor baby.
And as a side note? $800.00 to fix it. yikes.
Ellie-belly is a dead ringer for my kitty boy!
Sorry to use your comments for a side conversation, Robyn!
Pat, what variety of Purina do you feed? My cats eat the Indoor Formula and now I’m worried! I have 5 neutered males and 1 female!
He started out on Kitten Chow, then to the Cat Chow , and more recently he was eating Fancy Feast Gourmet Gold (dry). He doesn’t like human food of any sort so the only other treats he got were Whiskas Temptations. I really don’t want to alarm anyone but just felt it was worth passing along. I am going to be nervous for a very long time yet since the problem doesn’t go away with a switch in food from what I understand. It should stop new ones from forming though. He likely still has crystals in his bladder and its not uncommon for another to work its way down. Hopefully it won’t get to this point ever again though!
“They suggest Iams.”
My guy was exclusively on Iams and developed a partial urinary crystalization blockage. My vet switched him to Royal Canin Urinary SO – this food has a higher sodium content that makes cats drink more, to help flush out the crystals, plus it’s formulated to help prevent or minimize several kinds of crystals from forming in the first place. It’s expensive, and where I am, only available through vets. But it has helped my guy get better.
I just wanted to add this info as a cautionary tale about Iams. It’s not necessarily the best alternative (although I know cats who have never had a problem on it too). YMMV!
Pat, I wish your Gusgus a speedy recovery!
Thanks for passing that along Dee!
I was told that Gusgus will indeed be on a special food only available through my vet and that is fine with me.
He refuses to eat wet food so something that will make him drink more would be excellent. The vet left him with wet food yesterday after the surgery and overnight… and said Gusgus did not even touch it but readily ate the dry variety this morning. I was told they would like him to be on wet for the extra fluids he should have but that isn’t going to happen apparently.
Perhaps the Royal is what I will be coming home with. I am on my way to get him now! yay.
Thanks for the good wishes Dee. 🙂
That sleeping one reminds me of Pickle. *snif*
Gus looks like my uncle’s cat. His last name is Frady. He wanted to name him Bob Cat, my mother suggested Frady Cat, and he ended up as Bob Frady. Heh.
Got an offer on the house! We countered, we’ll hear back tomorrow.
Olivia – OMG – what about her eye roll thing she is doing constantly?! It drives me nuts. Her little sister seems to be a nice kid, but Olivia. Gah.
Pat & Dee: Thanks for your comments. I’ll post them in Friday’s entry to be sure everyone gets that information!
Jennifer: I know I’ve read Winter Solstice, but I’ll have to check and see if I’ve read September. Thanks for the suggestions! 🙂
Lo & Sarah: I’m about 90% sure I have The Thirteenth Tale somewhere on my bookcase. Once I locate it, I’ll move it up in the queue!
Aly in GA: Ah yes, Blaine. I agree, at first he was just overshadowed by Greg, but he’s definitely come into his own! Michael, mark my words, is going to grow up to be a high-level negotiator. I bet that kid is the child of therapists or teachers (or both!) and a middle child to boot!
Contrary: HEE. Your comments always make me laugh like a goon!
Kinzie: WOOT! Fingers crossed! 🙂
Kari: Oh, SING IT SISTER! It’s so wrong to hate a child this much, but I cannot help it. Her little sister does seem like a good kid, but I am bitter – BITTER, I tell you – that she got the gold star that one week because it was her BIRTHDAY. I call bullshit on that!
I loved the Thirteenth Tale – very good reading!
Robyn, have you seen that Haven Kimmel (of a Girl Named Zippy) has a new novel out? I’ve just picked it up from the library – it’s called The Used World.
I used Vista Print after reading about it on your site. I just got my cards yesterday. Love them! Sent yours out today Robyn.
I did the 4 X 8 holiday postcards w/ a pic of my kitty. Was able to get 100 of them w/envelopes for 21.00 ish dollars! What a deal. All the free stuff you can get on their site when ordering was amazing.
On the Steele book, I read it as well. Very sad story, but a insightful look into the lives of people dealing with mental illness in their family.
“Up until a few weeks before she was born, she was going to be Jessica. Now I can’t imagine her as a Jessica.”
LOL!!! Thats because you envisioned naming the fruit of your loins as any mother would, The Spud.
I have never even *heard* of Kid Nation, and don’t want to watch it any more than I want to watch any reality TV (which is to say, not at all) (unless it involves Nathan Fillion realistically taking all his clothes off in my bedroom), but it seems to me that part of Olivia’s “perpetual smirk” is the fact that she has an unfortunate nose for her face. Block out her nose and see if some of the smirkiness doesn’t go away.
I was going to ask what the HELL was up with all the cowboy hats, but then Contrary’s comment shed some light on it. By the way, Contrary, I regularly tell my son “I don’t love you THAT much” – a statement he knows is a joke. The other day in a cookware store, he was debating between two different types of popcorn poppers that he wants – why? we already have a microwave! – when we both noticed that one was $20 and the other was $70. I said, “HA! Sorry, son, I don’t love you seventy dollars’ worth,” and the 60ish lady next to us was APPALLED. She gasped and said, “WHAT a HORRIBLE thing to SAY to a CHILD!” TJ kept a straight face and said, “Yeah, MOM,” then walked off leaving me standing there speechless. I didn’t know whether to laugh uproariously or feel half-an-inch tall.
TJ was supposed to be Steven Hunter instead of Thomas Hunter, but there were shenanigans and by the time I realized it, I’d already signed the birth certificate.
I read The Thirteenth Tale, finished it, flipped it right back to the first page and started reading again. Partly because I was LOST and had to figure out how it all fit together, but also because it was excellent. (I read in great gulps and chunks the first time through a book, and in my haste to get through, I wind up losing a lot of “digestion” – entire passages get overlooked, and they always wind up being the basis for a crucial plot twist.)
Pat, hope your cat recovers fully!