
PetSuppliesNet and found that a box of the big-dog Frontline costs about half of what it cost at the vet’s office. That means that I can get 24 doses for a little more than a buck a dose. That’s really pretty freakin’ awesome. Today I went back to the vet’s, this time to pick up new fosters. I don’t know that this bunch will be around for long; they’ve been spayed and neutered and we’re just waiting for room at the pet store. Momma Kitty.   Buff tabby, male.   Calitabby, female.   Calitabby bobtail, female.   Dilute calico bobtail, female.   None of them have names yet, so if you have suggestions, feel free to share them! More pictures are here.     ************************* Yesterday I spent a good part of the day roasting a turkey. I brined it before I roasted it, and I basted it with chicken broth every half hour, and although it was an 11 pound turkey and the recipe said to roast it for half an hour per pound (which would have been 5 hours), according to the meat thermometer it was done in two and a half hours. It’s been my experience that it never ever takes as long for a turkey to cook as the experts say it will. Once it was done, I covered it lightly with tinfoil, because Spot has become very aggressive in his pursuit of food lately, and if you leave ANYTHING on the counter or stovetop, unattended, you will come back thirty seconds later and find Spot’s face in the food and I can eat gross things (things with dust or cat fur on it), but the idea of eating food with cat saliva on it makes me gag. When the turkey was cool, I carved it until most of the meat was off, and then I tossed the carcass in a pot of water and let it simmer for a couple of hours. I’d originally intended to make stuffing (Stove-Top!) to go with the turkey, and have cranberry sauce and green beans, but I was so sick of dealing with the turkey by the time Fred and I left to go out to Smallville* that we ended up just having turkey sandwiches for dinner, and they were REALLY FREAKIN’ GOOD. I spent the evening making rice so I could make a rice and turkey casserole (2 cups rice, cooked, spread on the bottom of a 9×13 dish; top with as much turkey as you’d like; top that with two jars of gravy (or homemade, if you prefer); top that with bread crumbs mixed with melted butter OR stuffing; bake for 30 minutes at 350º. FABULOUS.) and finishing up my turkey soup while watching Survivor. The ENTIRE FUCKING TIME, Spot danced around my heels like he was starving to death. I had to keep chasing him away, and he’d run off, then come back and squeak his alien squeak at me until I wanted to kick him. I didn’t kick him, you understand, but I really, really wanted to. When he realized he wasn’t going to belly up to a big bowl of turkey, he shot me a look of hatred that clearly said “If I could figure out how to hold a knife, I would STAB YOU TO DEATH and run away with your delicious turkey, bitch.” We’re going to be eating turkey soup at least one night next week, and we’ll be eating turkey casserole, and I don’t think I will EVER get sick of turkey. I love me some turkey, that’s for sure. *It was due to be stormy last night, and Fred wanted to turn the cat house so that the 30 MPH winds from the South wouldn’t blow into the cat house and get Maxi and Newt wet and cold. You know, Maxi and Newt. The cats who AREN’T OURS. Also, he put the cat food over by the cat house, so it wouldn’t get wet. God knows they might starve to death in that 24 hours before we came to the house again.

* * *
Previously 2005: “Vivacious! Tell her she’s VIVACIOUS, Dr. Phil!” 2004: I eat too much of the wrong kind of food and am lazy. 2003: “IT’S JESUS DYING ON THE CROSS! HOW CAN THAT POSSIBLY BE CONFUSING YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS?” 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: Here’s a tip: If they’re your own children, it’s NEVER “babysitting.” 1999: I’m feeling incredibly lazy today (like that’s something new). ]]>

24 thoughts on “12/1/06”

  1. I LOVE the little Bob-tailed kittens. Did they come that way or did their tails need to be bobbed for some reason? They have the most beautiful markings/coloring.

  2. Amy: I’m pretty sure they came that way. The poor babies were all flea-infested when the woman who’d found them dropped them off at the vet on Wednesday, and they’ve got ear mites (which we’ll be treating). They’re in good shape and were bouncing around the kitten room when I left them! 🙂

  3. The shelter will have NO problems finding homes for that lovely bunch of cats. I am partial to calicos anyway though.
    Names: momma kitty- Lacey
    male kitty- Biff
    female- Julianna
    Female bob tail- Bobbi
    dilute female bobtail- Tyra

  4. Gee how convenient that the big dog medicine divides into *eight* pieces, because you now have six cats, plus two with extra salt. Heh.
    The calitabby is really pretty- I think her name is Molly.

  5. I think that giving kittens names from either Beatrix Potter (flopsy, cottontail, mopsy) OR Tolkien’s trilogy (Bilbo, Frodo, etc.) OR Harry Potter Characters — Wormtail HA HA! Petunia etc. would be AWESOME!

  6. FYI – the link to the pet supply place takes you to turkey soup.
    This is probably a stupid question, but is the flea stuff you can buy online the same stuff as you get from the vet? I’ve always been under the impression that is was lesser in quality somehow. I don’t know where I got that from, though.

  7. Momma Kitty is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. She looks like a combination of several different fur varieties, which shouldn’t work at all, but it just does. Kind of like how if you take Cate Blancett’s features apart she’s just not attractive at all, but put them together and she’s luminous.
    Ooo! I vote “Galadriel” for da momma. She looks like she deserves something kind of special and over the top. Failing that, “Cate” would work, too. 😉

  8. Fred could put a little heavy plastic “flap” that hangs down over the door of the kitty house in Smallville. That would help keep the cold out sort of like a cat door.
    My husband also made a cat house (2 floors!) for some feral cats I had where we used to live. When we moved here, we took them with us and installed a cat door on our garage so they could come and go as they please.
    We’re crazy cat people too!

  9. Just make sure you don’t ever buy over-the-counter flea medicine to use on cats – it has an ingredient in it that can kill cats. Not that you would do this, just as a service to anyone reading this!!
    🙂 Kara

  10. Shelly: Thanks! I’ve fixed the link. The flea stuff you get online at the link in the entry is the same as the stuff you get from the vet. Outside the US you apparently don’t have to go to your vet to get that stuff, and that place is located in Australia. I’ll have to look inside their ears when I go into the kitten room again – I didn’t even notice that in the pictures. It DOES look like they have numbers inside their ears, doesn’t it? Maybe they were rescued from a kitty concentration camp.
    Nancy: I think the two-floor model might be the next thing Fred attempts building! 🙂 I think that once we get doors put on the garage, we may put a cat door in the door so they can get in and out to stay warm. Or we might just keep the cat house on the front porch. Who knows? 🙂
    Kara: Good advice!

  11. The buff tabby – “Marmalade” The last kitten reminds me so much of that cat I inherited with a house in England, and her name was Marmalade. It suits the buff kitten better though.

  12. Sometimes when a vat gets so food fixated, it can mean a problem. Have you had him checked? (Kitty thyroid?) I had a friend with a cat that learned to open the fridge, and helped himself to cold cuts until she took him in…

  13. From your post:
    On a side note, did you know that you can buy the Frontline meant for big dogs (the really really big dogs) and split it into smaller doses for your cats? The vet told me that…
    THANKS so much for this tip. I had no idea! I have some recently ordered Frontline here (Australia pet supplies ROCK)…back when I made the mistake of trying to adopt a huge dog. I loved him, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not able to handle a big dog if he misbehaves. Fortunately he, Otter, went back to the vet where he was raised, and is still there. I have two small dogs now, and SIX cats. I can sure use the Frontline on either the smaller dogs or cats, dividing it up properly.
    BTW, the bobtail cats are born that way; I have two, a male and female. In fact, if inbreeding occurs with bobtails, it can eventually cause tailbone/spinal problems…since sooner or later, there will be NO stub, nothing, no support system for the spine. One of my bobtails has NOTHING at all, no stub, almost a hollow place where her stub/tail should be. I am fairly sure that is a case of inbreeding (rescued her at a horsebarn born from lots of other bobtails roaming loose).

  14. In keeping with your Gray’s Anatomy theme from last time, the bobtailed cali (looking out the window) needs to be named Callie…after Sara Ramirez’s character! She looks like a little exhibitionist looking over her shoulder with that come hither look!

  15. Mama Kitty is so pretty! I want to reach through the computer screen and steal her! 🙂
    For names, why not keep up the Christmas spirit? Noel, Claus, Nicholas, Jack Frost, or Yule for the boy kitten, and for mama and the girls, choose from : Holly, Carol, Emanuelle, Noelle,Snowdyn, Chrissie, Neva (snow), Glory, or Faith.
    Whew. Them’s some Christmas kitties!

  16. keeping with the princess bride/grey’s theme, do you guys watch firefly? how about naming them after the cast? the momma kitty looks like a good ‘Zoe’ to me. she is GAWGEOUS. Wash, Inara, Kaylee, River?

  17. Okay Robyn,
    Since you watch Survivor, I have to ask you who you think is going to take it all? I’m in a Survivor pool at work and have two people – if one of them win, I get some moola.
    My people are Adam and Ozzy. Do you think I have any chance of taking the big prize?

  18. eBay is an awesome place to buy Frontline too. There are lots of sites out there that tell you what to look for for the “bad” Frontline packaging. Frontline definitely isn’t prescription only – most online pet stores sell it (entirelypets.com is my favorite American place) and even places like Petco sell it (but it’s even more insane priced there than at the vet)

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