over here. You can click on the “preview calendar” link to see what pictures are in the calendar. There’s a link to that page over there in the sidebar down toward the bottom, and I’ll leave that up ’til Christmas, or basically whenever the hell I get around to taking it down. Every calendar you buy, $3 goes to the no-kill kitty shelter I volunteer for. Also, if you’d like, I’ll quietly whisper your name to the cat of your choice so that they think happy kitty thoughts in your direction.
I’ll have an And3rson Kitties 2006 Calendar up by Monday, and I’m toying with a Sugarbutt & Tom Cullen Calendar, too.
Lulu.com’s going to rue the day they ever made it so damn easy to create calendars.
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New month,
new logo! This one (and two others, which will debut later this month) was created by the lovely and talented
Gertie. Thanks, Gertie!
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Calling Gertie “lovely and talented” up there (which she is!) reminds me for some reason of Dr. Phil. Every time Dr. Phil has a female guest on and he’s trying to boost their ego, he always ALWAYS throws “vivacious” in the list of attributes. For some reason, that always cracks me up and I’ve gotten to the point where if he starts talking about how wonderful a female guest is, I’ll yell out “Vivacious! Tell her she’s VIVACIOUS, Dr. Phil!”
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So, I think I’m going to take the Couch Potato blog down, because I just don’t feel like posting in it and every time I think about posting in it and don’t, I feel guilty. And believe you me, sister, I get plenty of guilt in my life, I don’t need a damn blog guilting me when I’m minding my own business.
Goddamn uppity blogs.
* * *
The Christmas shopping is, I would say, 3/5 of the way done. I’m waiting on a ton of stuff from Amazon, a gift card for Fred’s mother, and need to pick up a few things at Target and another store That Will Not Be Named (oh, all RIGHT – the pet store. I think my family knows by now that I always send small gifts for their pets. Probably they’ve caught on after five years, ya think?), and I have to do some wrapping and packing and mailing, but for the most part it’s practically all done.
The Christmas cards, however, haven’t even been started. It’s like a universal rule that if I have my shit together in one part of my life, I slack elsewhere.
At least I was organized enough last year to buy Christmas cards on sale for this year. Is that impressive, or what?
* * *
I went to McDonald’s last Friday for an Egg McMuffin (“OH MY GOD! NO WONDER SHE’S SO FAT!”) and a large Diet Coke, and when I pulled up to the window where they hand you your order, the woman working there recognized me (after a few years of going through the drive-up several times a week for the NECTAH OF THE GODS fountain Diet Coke, you start to get recognized (and shaddup, you Diet Coke haters, coffee tastes like boiled ass – no, make that BITTER boiled ass, and it doesn’t matter if it’s the “good” coffee, I’ve listened to Fred lie to me about how “smooth this coffee is, it’s not bitter at all, TRY IT!”, and it’s still nasty, nasty shit, which saddens me ’cause you coffee drinkers always make it sound so good, and I WANT to like it, much in the way I want to like wine and champagne (I’ve tried the $200-a-bottle stuff, and it still makes me gag, so perhaps the problem is that I have pedestrian tastes?), but I cannot) and she said “Hi! How are you?”
I responded with a very perky “Great! How are you?”, because I was Brung Up Right, and when I said that, the order-giver-lady stepped back so that I could see into her little cubby, and she gestured toward the soda machine where her co-worker (we called ’em the Runners when I worked at McDonald’s because they Runned for the Orders, but god knows what the kids are calling them these days) (I’m feeling very parenthetical today, can you tell?) was filling up a cup… from a 2-liter bottle. Apparently their soda machine was on the fritz, and a manager’s solution to the problem was to go out and get a bunch of 2-liter bottles until it was fixed.
In other words, I thought I was paying $1.51 for a fountain Diet Coke, and I was actually paying $1.51 for a cup of 2-Liter Diet Coke, and I wasn’t pleased because you can get a 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke for $1.09. I didn’t WANT 2-Liter soda, I wanted the special crack-cocaine Diet Coke, damnit.
Stymied again.
* * *
Kitten questions:
1) Why do we only see the kittens and Miz Poo partaking of the wet food snack?
‘Cause they’re the only ones who are interested. Spanky and Spot couldn’t be less interested, and Mister Boogers will join in every once in a while, but for the most part it’s just the kittens and Miz Poo who dance around like they’re starving to death at 7:00 every night.
2) Is the Boog partial to grooming sugarbutt? I haven’t seen any pics of him cleaning Tom, Tom Cullen.
The Boog will groom whoever he can get his tongue on. Tom Cullen won’t put up for it for long, but Sugarbutt will just lay there and be groomed for a looooooong time. I actually think that Mister Boogers would like to groom Miz Poo, but she hisses and smacks if he gets within a foot of her, because she’s mean and evil.
The blissful look on his little face cracks me UP. He looks like he’s smiling. And maybe a little bit high.
I think you know he’ll kick your ass.
Kudos to YOU for getting your Christmas Shopping “almost finished”!!! I wish I could say that but I’ve barely got started. And “Thank you” for updating every day unlike some other Bloggers I could name but won’t!!! You know who I’m talking about here/ right? You make me “Smile” every day and I love you!! Nanamama 😉
You and some others I know are just all over fountain Cokes. I would rather get a cold 2-liter for less 🙂
Plus one time when I got a huge fountain Coke I upon finishing it opened a 12 oz. can to refill it and it filled it to the top with all of the ice 🙁 And that was a 32 oz. drink.
I used to hate coffee too until my in-laws had me try it with this creamer, Coffee-Mate French Vanilla. Give it a try, it’s the only way I can drink coffee.
I’m right with you on the coffee. Two of my girlfriens swear by the flavored variety. I don’t care how much other flavor you put in there it still tastes like coffee. I also will get very nauseous with just the smell of it when my stomach is empty. Blech!
Sugarbutt looks just like my Tody when he was just a kitten. Well, except Tody has a fucked up left eye, no cornea, poor baby.
Aw shucks, you’re so nice!
Don’t sweat your anti-java-ness. I’ve gotten the same amount of crap from people in regards to beer. The Pacific NW is quite snobby about their micro-brews and could not fathom how ALL BEER tastes the same to me. As for coffee, I too would (past tense-don’t have it in the UK) drink either International Delight’s Hazelnut or Irish Cream with my coffee. With that stuff even 7-11 coffee is palatable.
Yeah! International Delight Vanilla Hazelnut! Lots of it. And a ton of sugar. Maybe that’s the problem. You just aren’t adding enough stuff to your coffee.
I’m right there with you on the Christmas preparations. This year I’m on top of the decorating, but gifts and cards haven’t even started yet. Last year the cards were done early, but nothing else…
I’m with Robyn, no amount of adding makes coffee tolerable.
Try Kona coffee. THAT is fabulous, smooth coffee. Peaberry or Estate, but Chocolate Macadamia Nut flavored with half&half is the best!
I hear ya on the wine thing–most wine, even expensive wine, is just icky. I like Boone’s Farm, though. I’m just trashy that way.
Coffee, though, that’s different. But I put *way* more sugar in my coffee than most people do, like four heaping spoonfuls of sugar for a regular sized mug, which probably defeats the purpose if you’re drinking coffee for some sugar-free caffeine. (Not like I need the sugar, but I need some caffeine in the morning and I can’t stand diet pop, or nutrasweet or splenda or anything like that in my coffee, and it’s just way too bitter if I try to put less sugar in.)
I hope you’re pleased with Lulu — I published my book with them and they do a great job. Try the premium calendar too — it’s more expensive, but the quality is outstanding!
I love coffee, and I wish I didn’t! Every time I think I’m giving up Starbucks, I go back. Call me zombie.
I think I’m going to get me that Fosters Calendar…
Yep they’re still called runners, or they were when I worked at the one by the Mall in Bangor. 7 years ago I think it was?! Yikes I’m getting old..
STACEY – YUM boones is the best Wine there is LOL
So, I’m bringing in a stray. When my missing cat Buzz comes home, I’ll have *four* cats. We live in a one story 1300 sq. ft. house. With a dog. Should be interesting. I guess with your six, you’re an old pro. Does this make me crazy cat lady, officially?
Oh yeah, ditto on the coffee. It smells so good, it’s deceiving.
I drink coffee for the same reason I drink alcohol..the buzz..cause honestly people it all tastes pretty shitty and all takes “doctoring”, until the second cup/glass then you get what you are drinking it for. Heh.
Addiction anyone?
Why are people trying to make you drink coffee? It’s ok not to like coffee. Really. It means MORE FOR ME!! Bwahaaa!
I find myself wondering how you know what bitter boiled ass tastes like…? 😉
I think you and I need to go put on our old tight pairs of 80s jeans, pick up a couple of guys in a van and drink a few bottles of Boonesfarm. Oh yeah!!!