
reading: Don’t Cry Now, by Joy Fielding. Finished last night: Otherwise Engaged, by Eileen Goudge. Not a bad book, but by the middle, you pretty much know exactly how it’s going to end.

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I went to the dentist yesterday and not only did it NOT hurt, but my gums have improved enough so that I only have to go every four months instead of every three. It’s a miracle what following a regular brushing-and-flossing schedule will do for you, isn’t it? The Aleve I took before the appointment – I woke up with a shoulder hurting so badly it made me grunt and groan and moan and bitch ’cause it hurt so bad to turn over and get out of bed – may have helped stave off the usual pain from the poking. But she had to do a lot less scraping and gum-poking than she has in the past, so I’m going to say that the regular brushing and flossing had to help at least a little. And it only took me 30 years to figure out that Mom wasn’t just being a pain in the ass when she insisted that I brush and floss regularly.
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There’s a scene in the movie A Time to Kill, a courtroom scene where lawyer Jake Tyler Brigance is questioning the witness Deputy Dwayne Powell Looney. Deputy Looney was caught in the crossfire when Brigance’s client, Carl Lee, shot and killed the two men who raped his 10 year-old daughter. At Carl Lee’s urging, Brigance asks Deputy Looney whether he thought Carl Lee intended to shoot Deputy Looney. Deputy Looney says that it was unintentional and he holds no ill will toward the man. Deputy Looney goes on to say “I mean, I don’t blame him for what he did. Those boys raped his little girl.” At this point, naturally, the D.A. objects. Brigance’s response to this objection is the sentence “Your Honor, I believe Deputy Looney has earned the right to speak here today.” It’s a good line, but it’s an utterly ridiculous legal argument, and yet the judge agrees with it and overrules the objection. It’s been 9 years since we first watched that movie, and ever since when we’re watching TV and someone is about to do or say something utterly ridiculous, Fred will yell out Brigance’s response to the objection, substituting the character’s name and what they’re about to do. Like such: “Your Honor, I think Deputy Julia has earned the right to remove the skin from that dead person!” And it always, always makes me laugh. In the movie Face/Off, Nicholas Cage has a line where he says “I want to take his face… off.”, and accompanying the line is a gesture where he holds his hand in front of his face and then, as he says “off”, he pulls his hand away from his face, to demonstrate the idea of taking someone’s face… off. So the other night as we were watching Nip/Tuck, a few minutes after Fred said “Your Honor, I think Deputy Julia has earned the right to remove the skin from that dead person!”, he was able to follow it up with “She took the skin… off!”, and we both performed the correct accompanying gesture. It’s the little things that amuse us, obviously.
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Dear Mother Nature: A little sunshine? Please? For the love of god, this isn’t Seattle, I need some damn SUNSHINE to get me through my PMS. xo, Robyn
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The small bed I have on the right side of my desk is getting to the point where it’s really too small for Tom Cullen and Sugarbutt to share. But if I put a big bed over there, they tend to slide off the side of my desk onto the floor. I think the solution is obvious. I need a bigger desk.
They sure do piss me off when I’m trying to print something and they go running over and bat at the paper coming out of the printer. It always ends up jamming, and I have to dig out the paper and restart the printing process. And I yell at them, but they just look up at me like “What, Mom? We’re not supposed to do that? No one told US!” You bet your ass there was some smackin’ going on when Miz Poo woke up and realized she was snuggling with That Damn Interloper. The too-small bed in question. They can’t really both fit unless one of them is lying partially on top of the other. And then they get hot and melt out of the bed.
All of today’s uploaded pictures (the ones above, and more) can be seen here. ]]>

15 thoughts on “12/09/05”

  1. Lol, I thought my kitten, Atilla (orange also) was crazy for batting at the printer. I must not have used it much when Abby was a kitten cause she’s never seemed very interested…but then people also always tell me orange kitties are more mischevious than black, true?

  2. I’m getting one of those fancy power toothbrushes for a present. I floss more now than I ever have in my life, but it still isn’t anywhere NEAR every day.
    those boys are so funny. 🙂 I want a kitten WAAH.

  3. LMAO! I love the “face off” gesture. In fact I was just doing it (by myself even)when they did that face transplant in France. The took her *face off*. I love you two. Seriously.

  4. Long time lurker posting to say hello from SUNNY Seattle!
    It’s actually been sunny here all week-we just tell people that its cloudy and miserable here to keep everyone away. 🙂

  5. This is way off in left field but since you mentioned “A Time to Kill” I named one of my cats Lucien after Donald Sutherland’s character. I don’t why I had to tell you that – my daughter called him “lotion” for a couple of years because it was a confusing name for a 2 year old. Anyway, enough rambling. And it is sunny here today in Portland, Oregon!

  6. Yep – sitting here in my Seattle office, looking out my window at the sunshine! (ditto on the telling people the weather here is crappy just to keep ’em away…..)

  7. Ditto on the comment by Elaine and Sarah. I’ve had to close the blinds in my office because the sun was creating a glare on my computer screen.

  8. Seattle-ites: Braggers! It’s actually sunny here today, but when I wrote that I didn’t think it was going to be. Also, it’s very very cold. Ugh. Thank god for warm little kitties.

  9. Those kittens are adorable! The photo of them snuggling in the bed reminds me of the yin-yang symbol. My kitty loves to watch the paper come out of the printer too- she’ll come running from wherever she is when she hears the printer. I guess I should be thankful that she doesn’t bat at the paper!

  10. Ha! That tiny bed reminds me of when I took my 2 cats to Sweden.They were allowed inside the plane, but had to be in one carrier ….which had to be able to fit on the floor under my feet. They were both crammed inside this little sherpa cat bag. One of them growled and hissed at the other one for the entire 12 hour flight! And…they were supposedly sedated.

  11. I was just reading your 2002 entry because there’s no update today, and I read that you can wiggle your ears! Could we have a little movie of that, please? My grandfather could wiggle his ears, and I thought that was the best thing, ever. Of course, I was only like four or five when he died, but it’s my only memory of him, and I really was VERY impressed.

  12. Your pics make my day! You ever want to sent Sugarbutt and/or Tom Cullen on a Hawaiian vacation, they can bunk at my house. Of course, my 4 felines and 2 dogs might object. I lost my lovely orange Lilly a couple of months ago to a congenital kidney disorder so I’m particularly enamored with Sugarbutt!

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