I was reading a blog the other day (for the love of god, don’t ask me which one, I don’t remember), and she mentioned that another blog – a “mommy” blog – had gone passworded, and if you were a frequent commenter, you’d get free access, but everyone else had to pay a monthly fee.
And that just blew me away. Because I truly do not get why anyone on earth would pay to read ANYTHING on the internet. There’s no information on this planet that’s not available for free on the internet – why the hell would anyone pay to read someone’s personal site? There’s no one so fascinating that I’d pay $5 a month to read what they have to say.
I mean, good for her for attempting to make money off her site and all, but (1) I’ve never heard of her before (this is a common thing – except for Dooce and…. well, Dooce, I only have a vague idea of who the “big” mommy bloggers are, and only because Nance tells me something about them and then has to explain who the hell she’s talking about. I sure as shit don’t read any of them. I didn’t know half of the names on the BlogHer list, mostly because mommy bloggers aren’t really my thing. I mean, I read plenty of bloggers who are moms, but I don’t consider them “mommy bloggers.” They might consider themselves mommy bloggers, but I don’t particularly. And it’s funny, I certainly enjoy reading about other bloggers’ kids, but most of them are bloggers (could I say “bloggers” just a FEW more times?!) who do not have their heads up their asses. I get quickly bored by the “Oh my special snowflake, let me tell you AT LENGTH about his/ her special snowflakeness.” shit. To be fair, I’m sure they’d get quickly bored by my “Let me tell you about MAH KITTEHS” shtick, too.) and (2) No one is that fucking fascinating.
I know y’all know of my deep and abiding love for Stephen King, but I wouldn’t even pay to read a blog personally written by him, that’s how opposed I am to paying for access to a site.
For a little while – about a year, I think – I paid to be able to get onto the Consumer Reports site, but then I thought “This is fucking ridiculous. There’s nothing Consumer Reports can tell me that I can’t find FOR FREE on the internet, fuck this paying horseshit.” and let my membership lapse. They email me sadly every few weeks to try to convince me to come back, but I will not be wooed back into that relationship, thanks. I HAVE MOVED ON.
There’s a site I read for a while about frugal cooking and such, and she recently started up a pay forum. Because there aren’t 3 million PERFECTLY free frugal cooking/ shopping sites? I don’t mind clicking on the occasional ad, but paying my own money to read something I could read somewhere else for free?
Ain’t gonna happen.
This will only be interesting to those of you who use Google Reader to keep up on your blog reading. Swistle Twittered the other day about this awesome Google Reader add-on for Firefox.
It is AWESOME. There are a lot of options that I don’t even particularly understand so I don’t use them, but the ones I really like are the “preview” one, where you can read those incredibly annoying truncated posts IN THEIR ENTIRETY right there in the Google Reader, and the “cleaner font” skin.
Highly recommended.
As you were, non-Google Reader users.
Grossmans Garden and Home is going to donate a $100 Gift Certificate to the Verona Street Animal Society’s Frosty Paws Silent Auction if we can help get their number of Fans on Facebook to 500 by the end of the year (they are currently at 170). It’s a stretch but doable.
If you are currently a member of facebook, you can become a Fan of theirs by going to www.grossmans.com – toward the bottom right there is link to become a Fan (or you can search on Grossmans Home and Garden in Facebook and then become a Fan that way).
They are also asking for people to post holiday pictures of their pets up on their Fan page.
The Wonkas have been spayed, neutered, rabies’d, and ID chipped! I picked them up yesterday afternoon, and the boys spent the evening racing around like wild things, then sleeping in my lap. The girls were still a bit dopey, and slept the evening away at my feet.
This morning, it’s like nothing even happened to them. It’s amazing how quickly they recover!
A couple of people asked when they’ll go off to the adoption center. It all depends on when there’s room, but I imagine it won’t be too long now.
I am CERTAINLY going to miss them, so I’m spending as much time loving on them as I can. They’re such a sweet and friendly bunch, I don’t imagine it’s going to take long for them to get snatched up!
I calls him “SnuffleFLOOFaGus.”
Forever Foster asked how I resist the urge to smooch my fosters all the time. The truth is, I never ever resist the urge. I am ALWAYS kissing a kitten. If there’s a kitten near me, I’m usually kissing it, about to kiss it, or have just kissed it. I am a kitten-kissing fool. My lips are actually chapped from all the kissing.
Fred occasionally wonders aloud what cats think about all the kissing that goes on, whether they understand that it’s a sign of affection. I think they might not understand exactly what’s up with the kisses, but they must like it, because they almost always start purring as soon as I do it.
I forgot to mention about Pink’s eyes in yesterday’s post. Basically, the vet doesn’t know what’s going on. She says it’s probably not herpes, because it would be unusual for only one in the litter to have it. Her eyes aren’t goopy or bothering her, and there’s no corneal abrasion. She said that it’s possible that Pink is just more sensitive to her environment, and suggested a few things to try. For now, we’re giving her Chlorpheniramine, and Lysine. I think it might be helping, but I’m not quite sure. I’ll probably be better able to tell after a few more day.
All the kittens are getting Lysine right now, as a matter of fact. A cold/ virus started making the rounds with our cats, back before we let the Cookies out of their room. We hoped that it wouldn’t spread to the Cookies, but of course it did. It doesn’t seem to be hitting them as hard as it did Spanky and Miz Poo, and it doesn’t seem to be all of them, but we’ll see if it really develops into anything in the next few days. The Wonkas don’t seem to be affected so far, though I’ve heard one or two sneezes from a couple of them. I’m hoping like hell it doesn’t spread to them!
(And if you guys have any advice on lessening the length/ severity of a virus in cats/ kittens, I’m all ears!)
I believe there was a hiss from Spanky right after this picture was taken.
Meezers, but no Tuxie. (Wouldn’t “Tuxie and the Meezers” be an excellent band name?)
When I took Pink to the vet, I put Hydrox in the carrier with her, as her travel buddy. After the vet had examined Pink, I made her hold Hydrox (she laughed when I told her we call him “The Brick”), and she was amazed at what a solid, heavy cat he is. He’s got such big paws and such long legs, that I think he’s really going to be a big cat. He’s certainly headed that way!
The cold started with Sugarbutt. I’m calling him Typhoid Suggie. (What? You don’t pile your dining room table with cat beds and clean laundry with the intention to fold it and put it away (or find places for the cat beds), only to leave it all piled there for days?)
2008: I’m off to get my boobs squooshed!
2007: Sitting in the portal, waiting for the mother ship to arrive.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: Meester Boogers howled even more forlornly.
2002: Lay on it!
2001: Fred smiled his asshole smile.
2000: No entry.
1999: No entry.
OMG Gus is so so gorgeous! The Floof! I am a slave to the floof. Too bad I live in NY, DAMMIT.
I am going to try Swiste’s Google Reader thingy (when I get home), it sounds even better than the “next” function I read about on some house/home blogger.
Pay for stuff the internet! Ok, Al Gore.
I started giving Lysine to my cats a couple of days ago because one of them has had a persistent goopy eye all summer. I have never seen them eat their wet food so voraciously! Now I just hope it works.
I would NEVER pile clean laundry and cat beds on my dining room table. That is because it is already covered with all my quilting stuff!
Loved what you said about not paying to read blogs. We pay enough for the high speed internet service already thankyouverymuch. In my opinion all the other stuff is or should be the perks for the money already laid out. I’m not a mom so the mommy bloggers get boring fast for me. I much prefer bloggers who just happen to be moms but have a lot to say about themselves and thier own intrests like you, Nance and Elayne.I never get bored with the animal stuff-I guess it’s good there is something out there for everyone. We have JerseyShoreMoms.com here at my local newspaper’s site. Sometimes I think there should be a JerseyShoreWomen/NeverAMOM.com. Hope Kitties are better soon. Love the reality of the laundry left on the table. My sister’s teenager woke her up at 5:00 am yesterday because his laundry was forgotten in the washer the night before. He’ll be 16 next month-I say let him do it himself. Oh how envious I was when it seemed everyone around me had adorable todlers. Now that they are snarling teenagers-not so much!
Apparently it’s that time of year for kitty colds and upper respiratory infections, according to my vet. I’ve had a couple of kitties sneezing off and on in the last week. I actually took Tiger to the vet yesterday because he was sneezing and drinking a lot of water. It was an infection, just not in his chest. He had a UTI! I don’t know why he was sneezing, but they couldn’t hear any congestion. I guess it was a good thing I took him to the vet, because I had no idea he had that UTI.
I absolutely love the Cookies. The Meezers’ coloring is so pretty and reminds me a lot of Miya. And I, of course, have always adored tuxies.
As for the clean laundry, no matter where it ends up, there’s always a cat napping on it if it’s not folded up immediately. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found a cat curled up in a laundry basket, furring up my clean clothes, or right on top of a pile of clean clothes on my bed. And it’s always the CLEAN ones, right? Never the dirty clothes.
Thank you for the Better Reader, but Ummmm.. your HUBBY’S posts are STILL “annoyingly truncated” – 🙂 On the other hand, Dooce’s are not. Hmmm.
That’s because HE is annoying. 🙂
I’ll have to ask him if that’s on purpose, or just the way the settings on his site were, and he never changed them.
A lot of people have said that they went to truncated posts when their stuff kept getting stolen. I’m not sure, honestly, what would stop someone from going to the actual site to steal their stuff… ?
I heard it was because Google Reader doesn’t display blog advertising, (thus, no clickee clickee by visitors) but I don’t think Fred has that on his site?
I actually had to go look at his site to be able to answer this question, how sad is that? He doesn’t have advertising within the entry, but there’s an Amazon ad over on the sidebar. I suspect he has no idea that his entries are truncated, but I’ll certainly ask him tonight!
Yay!!! Vituperation is un-truncated!! Go Fred 🙂
Gwennie has a bit of a goopy eye issue that I suspect is allergy related. The vet prescribed an ointment that did exactly jack shit. What dose of chlorpheniramine do you give?
We give half a pill, morning and night, to the full-sized cats, and the kittens get 1/4 pill morning and night. If they get really bad (Miz Poo sounds pretty bad right now), we go to a full pill, morning and night, but only do that for a few days.
First off, kudos for not succumbing to the entire “OMG my cats have H1N1!!!&^” hysteria. I was at the vet’s office two days ago, and three people were in the waiting room clutching cats that they were SURE had swine flu.
Secondly, this?
Oh my special snowflake, let me tell you AT LENGTH about his/ her special snowflakeness
So incredibly true. I feel the same way about people who insist on writing their blogs in their dog or cat’s ‘own voice’, complete with ‘adorable’ spelling mistakes.
It’ll be a cold day in hell before I ever pay to read someone’s on line musings, much less ones written about how ‘de bad ted tooked my testicules away’ (dogblog-speak for “I got neutered”).
Uh oh, am I a skimmer? What was the outcome of the kitty tests? Are the negative?
Yes! They’re negative – I should have mentioned that, since not everyone reads Love and Hisses on the “off” day. 🙂 NEGATIVE, all four of them! WOOT!
I always forget about the other site! I will let this be a reminder to check it since I have grown to dislike Wednesdays – a direct correlation to the fact that you don’t post on Bicthypoo that day. Wah!
Glad to hear the good news! I am madly in love with Gus. Me and everyone else I am sure – I hope the grown up Gus keeps the floofy fur.
I became a grossmans fan, I’ll see if I can pass that on to a few people. The donation would be great. Love yer cats. I have a shelter girl of my own, Chloe.
PS I wouldn’t pay to read a blog either, but I’d probably take money to read one.
I would pay to read YOUR blog, because I am addicted and have been reading since about 2000 or so……you write about all the things I like in one place: Kittehs, wacky outdoor farm life shenanigans, cooking adventures and mis-adventures, more kittehs……
Thank you Robyn!
You bet – I hope it helps!
I was going to say the same thing as Glenda. I’d give $5 a month to read your blog Robyn. I get way more than that much entertainment out of it every month! Don’t get any ideas…hee.
Don’t worry, Kathy, I’d sell body parts (or KITTENS) before I’d charge for access to my site. 😀
I am crazy thrilled that the Wonkas passed their do-over!! (got distracted, or would’ve posted that on Tuesday!)
Ugh, you make it sound like I read a bunch of mommy blogs because I like them. Not true! 🙂