
Keep an eye on Nance’s site – she’s going to start uploading our video podcasts (which we made late last night) at some point, and I know you all want to see the true Bitchypoo-Nebshit experience, which has to be seen to be believed. It’s just THAT exciting! & & & & & & & … Continue reading “12/02/08”

Keep an eye on Nance’s site – she’s going to start uploading our video podcasts (which we made late last night) at some point, and I know you all want to see the true Bitchypoo-Nebshit experience, which has to be seen to be believed. It’s just THAT exciting!

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I’m flying home today, so to tide you over, pictures that have been sitting in my “to post” queue. Click on any image to see the full-sized version!

The little chicks (not the littlest ones we have now, but the ones we hatched from the eggs we bought in Amish country, and the ones we bought at the flea market) on their roosts in the little coop. This is before we moved all of them to the big coop.

What I love is that the Silkie (the fluffy white chick next to the brownish-red Rhode Island Red) has blue ears. BLUE EARS. See ’em? How fucking cool is that?

Newt will make himself at home anywhere in the house. He happened across the towels we store in the bottom of the washstand that belonged to Fred’s grandmother, and he said “Hey. This looks like a good place to nap!” And it was.

Fred called me one day from work and said “Go out toward the Poltergeist tree and tell me if you see anything.” I wandered around for several minutes before I discovered what he’d discovered the night before. See where the arrow ends?

Turns out a bird had hollowed out a nest and every night, he (or she) can be found peering out of that hollowed-out nest. I can’t be positive, but I’m pretty sure it’s a nuthatch. If it’s dusk and I look up at the hole and don’t see the bird, I jiggle the branch a little bit and he pops his head out and glares at me.

Oh my Suggie, you are such a mess with the perpetual gunk in the corners of your eyes and the dry nose, but you are such a sweet thing that I’m only amazed I haven’t squeezed you completely to death.

One day last week I was going into the kitchen to start dinner, and I glanced out the kitchen window to see, way back at the very back of the back forty, two deer grazing. The larger one went off through the woods (the land on the other side of that strip of woods is owned by a nursery, and I believe a lot of deer hang out there) but the smaller one stayed and grazed for a long time. She looks like she’s about the size of a donkey in that second picture, doesn’t she? (The fence is five feet tall, if that helps any.)

Hawks, eyeballing the chickens.

Michelle the rooster does not appreciate the hawks eyeballing his wimminfolk.

Fall has arrived in Alabama, believe you me.

When we went to the local feed store (the one that had the dogs and pot-bellied pigs and chickens and goats and ducks and geese), I failed to post a few of the pictures I took. This bird lives in the store. It’s BIG, but will politely greet you with “Hello.” Then when you’re least expecting it, it shrieks for no apparent reason. (I have no idea what kind of bird it is, but I expect Debra knows!)

Pot-bellied pig at the feed store.

Worried-looking dogs, discussing their attack plans. “You get ’em at the knees, I’ll chew their faces off!”

The chickens were rather fond of the compost heap.

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2007: Forbidden Love.
2006: No entry.
2005: Ha on her! I DO have a kid! AND a husband! AND 6,000 cats! Look at me, I’ve got it ALLLLLLLLL!
2004: The internet just ROCKS, doesn’t it?
2003: Her date (”But not a DATE date!”) was more dressed-up than she.
2002: I did mention that I have airhead tendencies, did I not?
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
1999: I am obviously not one to wallow.

10 thoughts on “12/02/08”

  1. I’d love to see a picture of the whole bird in the nest hole. Looks a lot like a downy woodpecker to me.

  2. I am forever pulling eye boogers outta my little Yenta’s eyes. She hates it but always comes back to Mama for some sugar, and I am absolutely compelled to clean those eyes!

  3. My yellow tabby, Ed, also suffers from The Perpetual Gunk. The vet said he (Ed, not the vet, and actually the vet is a she) had allergies which just cracked me up — aren’t cats supposed to CAUSE allergies? Hee.

  4. Silly me, I assumed that when chickens roosted they would “sit” facing the same direction. It’s so nice of you to give Newtles such a nice, private place to sleep. Too bad you will need to wash the towels regularly.

  5. The bird at the feed store is a macaw, they’re usually pretty good talkers, but can be horrid screamers. Don’t you just love the faces on the Great Pyrnese dogs. They’re SO sweet and very concerned. When I was a vet tech we had one come in that had gotten into antifreeze, VERY DEADLY, and the treatment then was iv alcohol. That’s right, iv EverClear to be more specific. For 3 days we had to keep him drunk. They’re not small dogs, it was like having a drunk human to deal with. Even while he was smashed he did try to keep the concerned look going, well until he’d pass out.

  6. That bird is a blue & gold macaw. They are one of the largest parrots. They can talk pretty good and are usually quite friendly but, as birds do, can scream just with the joy of being a bird 🙂 And, since it is such a large bird, the scream is quite loud. I have a cockatoo, which is smaller then a macaw, and their screams have been measured at around 80 decibels (a rock concert is 120). Yea, can you tell I’m a bird freak 😉

  7. Robyn, I can’t tell anyone else this because this may be my daughter’s Christmas present. I went to PetSmart tonight to check out their kittens that are sold there by the local shelter. There are three adorable kittens there right now and I’m going to contact the shelter tomorrow about them. Wish me luck!

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