Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, I’m at a slightly higher risk of developing liver cancer than those of you with ordinary, boring livers, so along with testing my blood for cancer markers every six months, I have to have it ultrasounded every so often just in case. So I have had nothing by mouth since midnight last night (well, actually nothing since about 12:30, when I woke up and slurped down some water because my mouth was dry, but shhh! Don’t tell the ultrasound tech!) and I am hungry and thirsty, and I hope the ultrasound goes quickly. I have errands to run (Sam’s, TJ Maxx, Michael’s), and I imagine that being hungry is going to make running those errands TOTALLY fun.

Previously 2006: I think that we all know that it’s more likely that Sugarbutt will whisk Miz Poo into a perky waltz about the living room before I actually get off my dead ass and sand down the trim so that I don’t have to look at the drippy bits. 2005: No entry. 2004: He yawned his ears right off his head. 2003: “Well,” he said, all smug and certain of his facts. “If you didn’t have DIARRHEA, then it was NOT the flu! It’s just a cold!” 2002: But is Christmas shopping ever really done? 2001: The usual excitement 2000: Grandma’s other concerns were whether the fire was going out (it wasn’t) and how much Fred and Becky were eating. 1999: When did Toronto become part of the United States, again?]]>
AARRGH I totally get what you mean about the lines at cashiers, AND the self-checkout. The other day, I got so pizzed off at the self-checkout machine, that I walked out, leaving all my groceries on the conveyer belt/shelf as it was blinking “wait for attendant”. At WalMart the other day, a woman in front of me had a huge freakin’ order being rung up. Stuff was falling out of the cart, it was so loaded down. She stood there staring into space/daydreaming, and then when the cashier said, $89.45 or some such high number she THEN woke up, whah? I gotta pay? And then was all rooting around for her wallet, her charge card etc….. So, why couldln’t you be looking for your wallet and credit card, while the order was being rung up? Like it was a surprise that you would be asked to PAY for items you were buying? Harumph. Clearly I stay away from stores whenever possible in the holiday season. And go at the crack of dawn!
I love my Roomba but it will not work right now. It will only go in circles, beep this sad “what the fuck is wrong with me” beep and stop. I’ve cleaned it and tried figuring out what is wrong with it, but I can’t make it work. I’m bummed because I have 6 cats and a dog and the roomba helped me keep up with all the darn fur! If anyone has any suggestions about how to cure my Roomba of her illness, I’d appreciate it!
you should totally adopt punki – I adore her and want to see pics of her forever. thats all. thanks 😉
… and then there was the elderly couple in line at Walgreens the other day with 157 Beany Babies piled highin their cart, and the checker had to comment on the cutness of EACH AND EVERY ONE.
Shoot me. Just shoot me now.
Call the Roomba customer service people. My understanding is that they can mail you a free software update for your Roomba that can cure it’s issues. Courtesy of Sars at Tomatonation:
Tommy, Tommy Cullen,
King of the wild frontier.
(sorry, that’s the kind of stupid crap I do to my own cats)
(but I couldn’t resist)
(but I’m willing to concede I didn’t try all that hard)
I love you Tommy!
Call me!
Robyn! I totally get what you mean about people in the grocery stores blocking the aisles etc. when they are deciding what kind of shampoo, deoderant etc to buy. Drives me crazy. I used turn back around and go the other way but now I just say in a loud voice “excuse me please!” LOL! I am working PT as a cashier in a grocery store and it really irritates my behind when you ring someones order up and they finally pull our their checkbook and start writing the check when the whole time it could have been made out and ready to go. Believe me cashiers hate stupid people too! ha!
Glad it’s not just me sending out evil vibes to people in stores, not that I stand there sighing and looking at my watch or anything, but they don’t want to know what’s in my head. All I seem to do is get stuck waiting behind slow assholes. I shop at the crack of dawn too to avoid the aggrivation, but that usually means there’s only one cashier open and there’s usually at least one dipshit on the line. Kill me.
Contrary – LOL! I do that kind of stupid crap to my cats, too. 😀
Nancy – yep – sounds like the software update issue. I had this about 4 months ago. irobot sends out a little plastic thing that you plug into the roomba, and it fixes everything!
I think if you adopted the gray one, the Boogs would get identity issues. Heh.
How you don’t own 110 cats is beyond me, your resillence is very strong, except, you know a time or TWO or three..LOL 😉
you guys should TOTALLY get one of these 🙂
Holy CRAP. I can’t believe what they do to chickens! There’s one wearing Ugg Boots, and another one that looks like a major league baseball player! That’s crazy.
My cat, my daughter’s cat, decided to have a galloping competition last night. Up and down the hallway, around the third go I was laying there thinking, Bang!
And then they think I’m crazy- assed because I find and shake them trying to keep them up today. They ended up sleeping in weird places like in the door crack.
I think I’m going to stay out of the stores for the next 7 days, because slow people closgging up the aisles are not only stupid but deaf, evidently. How can they not hear me shouting, “EXCUSE ME???” Merry freaking Christmas.
I just had to comment about your ultrasound on your liver. I had a call-back from a recent mammogram, and I just had to go in an have an ultrasound and then more mammograms. It’s truly nerve-wracking. You know every person in there is just sitting in the waiting room scared to death. Thanks for mentioning your thoughts and your normal routine things — I think it helps to focus on what’s going on in normal life when these health things are getting our attention!
Check-out lines are nuts. I hate them. I wish we could just go in and leave without paying. 🙂
Merry Christmas to you and your family, and thanks for your site.
re: “Excuse me” to customers in the store: I once had a woman who was checking her shopping list while blocking the entire aisle turn in response to my polite “Excuse me” and tell me, “You can wait.” I’d already BEEN waiting for a minute or so, and the only reason I didn’t rear my cart back and run her goddamn ass into a pinkish paste on the floor is because there were two small kids in her cart.
I refuse to use the self-checkout machines. The first time was a novelty, but then I realized how damn tetchy they are. That combined with the fact that each little bank of four checkouts with its one human attendant has more or less eliminated three human jobs, possibly with benefits, in order to save the store untold oodles of money (those scanners will be paid off probably by the savings of two years’ worth of three human salaries/benefits), but they have the AUDACITY to tell me that this cantankerous, slow, hypersensitive, STUPID machine (perhaps I have more than two bags of items, and there is no ROOM on the little damn scale thing for anything else and I have to move something to put something else there so you can weigh it, you fucking robot?) is there for MY convenience. No, I think it is not. And I refuse to use it.
Starting in mid November every year until after school starts again in January, I always swear I’m only going to go to the store in the middle of the night, and I’ll deal with the restockers and floor waxers rather than the fellow shoppers. And every year, each week, I find myself in the store repeating to myself that I’m only going to go… etc.