
Click on the picture and go check out Paul Vose’s web site, would you? There are some awesome pictures there. I keep going and looking at this picture. It makes me want to climb Tumble Down Mountain and swim in that pond, you know? I keep suggesting to Fred that when the time comes that he’s ready to make a trip to Maine and climb Katahdin, we should climb Tumble Down Mountain too.

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Things you may not know about me
1. Numbers comfort me. When I’m stressed or upset, if I sit and think of numbers – random numbers, not phone numbers or addresses or numbers that mean anything at all – it calms me down. I have no idea why that is, and I think it started pretty much out of the blue when I was 19 or 20. 2. I get really pissed off when I feel that someone’s trying to control me. I can be considered to be “hardheaded” and unwilling to listen to reason, but I think that said “hardheadedness” is just a reaction to someone attempting to control me. I’ll admit that I’m contrary and when someone, say, suggests that I stop putting so many cat pictures in my entries, I’ll do exactly the opposite. 3. I absolutely chafe under others’ expectations of me. Don’t expect anything from me. IT’S TOO MUCH PRESSURE AND I CAN’T HANDLE IT! 4. I always rub my feet together when I can’t get to sleep. It’s another thing that comforts me. Of course, now when I do it, I always think of John Cusack in High Fidelity talking about Laura rubbing her feet together. 5. I steal pens. Well, I don’t steal pens, I exchange pens. When I was paying for dinner at Pedro O’Hara’s in Maine, I really liked the pen the waitress gave me to sign the credit card slip, so I took a pen out of my purse and left it with the credit card slip, and put the waitress’s pen in my purse. I know, I’m evil. Okay, wait – I do steal pens, though, from the doctor’s office. I figure it’s okay, since they get them free from the drug reps. The one time I asked a receptionist at a doctor’s office if I could take a pen, she said “Of course. That’s what they’re there for!” 6. I stole a magazine from my doctor’s office a couple of weeks ago. It seemed like it was filled with absolutely fascinating articles and it was a few months old and so I put it in my purse. If I’d had one of my own magazines with me, I’d have left it to even things out. Hmm. I have a doctor’s appointment later today; I think I’ll take the stolen magazine back and leave it. That makes it so I borrowed the magazine rather than stole it, right? Uh, right?
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Public Service Announcement Dear Authors: The “buried alive” thing has been done to (pardon the pun) death. I’ve read no fewer than four books in the last year that had victims buried alive. Please find a new and preferably more interesting way for kidnappers/ murderers to dispose of their victims, because this one has been played out. XOXO, Robyn
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Bird watching. “Those aren’t PILLOWS!”
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Previously 2005: No entry. 2004: I put too much perfume on this morning and now I’m sitting here with the stank rays shooting off me in every direction. 2003: And on the way home, he recounted, word-for-word a conversation he, his doctor, and I had had, only he substituted the nurse for me, and had her saying what I’d said. 2002: Ever hear of “Shut up, Junior, that’s rude, and the next time you say it, you’re going to your room for the rest of the day”? 2001: I’m such a ditz sometimes 2000: I’ve turned into such an old lady.]]>

19 thoughts on “1/16/06”

  1. I understand the “control” issue. I don’t know where I got it, but I can’t stand anyone trying to control me or tell me what to do/act/think, etc. That’s why I don’t do well joining clubs, attending mandatory company meetings, attending church services, or even shopping at a crowded store. It feels almost like claustrophobia. I feel forced to sit and listen to stuff that doesn’t pertain to me, that I don’t want to listen to, etc. And don’t ask me to participate. If I want to sing a song, it’s going to be one I like, not the lame songs they have us sing in church– and it sure as heck isn’t going to be done with others. And reading in unison was something we did in first grade, and it was irritating to me then, so don’t ask me to do it in church. Just sitting at places where I don’t want to be can give me hives. Clubs I’ve tried to join are the same way, like quilting, photography,… they always come up with stuff for us to do that I don’t want to do. Whine, whine. Not really, I just do my own thing now.

  2. I haven’t even finished reading the rest of the entry yet but I knew I’d forget before I got to the bottom :-p Anyway, I totally get the numbers thing. I also use numbers if I can’t sleep–I run numbers through my head, multiplication tables, squares, etc. Eventually a type of number will lose its ability to sort my brain out and let me sleep–I know all the squares from 1-25 too well now and I’m going to have to move on to something else, cubes or else work out squares from 25-50 instead. (It’s not as hard to do in your head as it sounds–there’s a pattern to them.)
    I’m not sure what’s possessing me to admit that in public, but there it is.

  3. go ahead and “steal” the magazines because i get mine from the library for only a quarter, so i always have huge stacks of them to read. i take one or two everywhere — gym, dr. office, etc. and i’m always leaving them places when i’m done with them. i’m like the “two-month-old-Good-Housekeeping” fairy. So between your borrowing and my dumping we are probably even with the universe 🙂

  4. As another child of controlling parents, I hear you. And also, as a reader of books in which people keep getting buried alive, I hear you. Last book where people got buried alive while in an already occupied coffin? Could not finish it, and threw it away. It was not fit for man nor beast.
    I HATE it when a book is so bad I can’t finish it, especially if I paid actual money for the damn thing.

  5. Hey, Robyn, there are way too many cat pictures. Stop putting them up!
    (Actually, I like the cat pictures. Thanks for the tip on how to get you to post more of them!)

  6. I do the same thing with pens, Robyn. I switch them out with waitresses, b/c I know how it feels to wait tables and have someone STEAL your pen- so I just swap them out like you do. 🙂

  7. I know about the control issue with parents. Now I do it to my husband too. He says that if he says white, I say black. I don’t think I’m that bad but I CANNOT stand to be told what to do.

  8. We are kindred spirits, Robyn… I do the pen swap and pen stealing thing too. I love UNUSUAL pens, anything that makes them stand out and be different from the other pens that I have. All my friends and family make fun of me all the time for this! And hang on to their pens pretty tightly too!! 🙂

  9. I steal pens too! Only if they’re really super good pens though. When I was a kid, I used to have a “fancy” pen collection. They had doo-dads on top and I wouldn’t use them for some off the wall reason. I just kept them in a pretty box.
    The picture of Boogie and TC is SO cute!! 😀

  10. TC and Meester Boogers might be ‘bird watching’ in the first 2 pictures …but in the third it appears the Meester Boogers is thinking what a wonderful opportunity that has just presented itself with the full on stretch displayed by TC. He wasnt licking his lips …was he? Slap me.

  11. oops …replace TC with SB in the previous post. See how your cat pornography is affecting my eye sight?

  12. I stole a pen from the hospital when my husband was there. It was one advertising Nuvaring and it had the word “vaginal” on it. I couldn’t resist. (Yeah, I’m so 14.)
    Now I just need one for Viagra or Cialis or something with the word “penile” so I’ll have the matching set.

  13. Shhh, don’t tell Paul but I loved the light house pic so much it has been my wall paper since you first linked it. Just beautiful.
    And my gawd, enough with the CAT PICTURES already..

  14. Fellow pen steal and foot rubber here. Oh yes, and I have “the mom” too. Except she has the drama queen, martyr gene too in addition to the control gene.
    It’s a wonder I’m sane at all. I’m not half as nuts as I have the right to be.

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