1/15/10 – Friday

Pretty sure I have the flu. Headache, aches, chills, fever. I woke up feeling like crap yesterday, but it wasn’t ’til early afternoon that I realized this probably wasn’t just a matter of being cold and sleeping poorly the night before. Duh. I have a doctor appointment later this morning. In a perfect world, she’ll … Continue reading “1/15/10 – Friday”

Pretty sure I have the flu. Headache, aches, chills, fever. I woke up feeling like crap yesterday, but it wasn’t ’til early afternoon that I realized this probably wasn’t just a matter of being cold and sleeping poorly the night before. Duh.

I have a doctor appointment later this morning. In a perfect world, she’ll put me on TamiFlu and I’ll be over it by Monday and can go ahead with surgery on Wednesday. Not holding my breath, though.

I’ll be back when I feel better.

“Flu, my floofy tail. She’s just lollygagging! Get in here and give me my pettins, woman!”

34 thoughts on “1/15/10 – Friday”

  1. Feel better – I have been fighting a head cold all week and this morning my nose is a faucet! Ew. Make it go away, please!

  2. Oh Robyn. The same EXACT thing happened to me. I got sick before my scheduled hysterectomy. Stop copying me! (My surgery got delayed but there was no such thing as TamiFlu back in the day.) So I’m sending Get Well Wishes your way. I know you are more than anxious to kick that troublesome uterus to the curb. Figurativelty speaking, of course. Because, ew.

  3. I hope you rebound super fast and you still can have your surgery. I’m envious. My GYN won’t yank my bits out yet. I have to wash my sheets etc today because I dared to sleep a whole 8 hours without waking up last night. Sigh.

  4. Sorry to hear that you’ve come down with the flu. Take care. Hope you get the meds and can get your surgery over and done with.

  5. I cannot help but think that this is an Evil Plan By Your Uterus® to forestall its eviction. I hope the other body parts wise up, ditch the flu symptoms, and give the Evil One the cold shoulder so you can proceed. Get WELL!

  6. Pshaw – pull a Patrice and tell your body it has precisely 24 hours to be sick and then – DONE!

    I do hope you get to feeling better soon. Sickness sucks.

  7. Ooh, sorry you are sick. Sending recovery thoughts.

    Also, thanks for posting my question and thanks to readers for comments re adult cats. I ordered the Feliway. Do I spray it where they are marking? (ALL OVER). Will also try the snackin’ time food. Though only the youngun really likes the pounce type treats, I guess I could get fancy soft food for the older ones

    1. Hi Grace. Did you order the spray bottle or the wall plug in. We have the wall plug in and it just diffuses throughout the house/room. I have not used the spray so I don’t know the best way to use it.

  8. Sending hugs and healing vibes Robyn. Hope you’re better soon and that all goes well next week.

  9. Sorry to say, I think yu should post-pone surgery. Your immune system will not yet have recovered even though you might be feeling somewhat better. I’ll check back in a little over a week. Tomorrow we are flying to Ft Lauderdale and then a cruise to the Caribbean. Hell, you know how cold we’ve been in SD, we so looking forward to warmth and sunshien.

  10. Sorry about the flu. Hope it doesn’t delay your surgery.

    In the meanwhile, play it up – Fred has a three day weekend to devote all to you!

    What? Isn’t he a big baby when he’s sick? You bet he is.
    So use it girlfriend!

  11. Oh no, so sorry you are sick. Although I would hate for this to stop you I kinda agree that you should give it a week or two before surgery. You need to be tip top before you have surgery. I am keeping my fingers crossed it is just a cold.

  12. Robyn,

    Feel better my dear and please don’t push yourself….you can always reschedule surgery but there is only one you!
    xx Jenn

  13. I concur with Catsy & Elaine. If you are/have recently been ill, doc may not perform surgery. Last Monday, my husband underwent out-patient eye surgery; several days prior, surgery center staff called and asked if he had been/is ill. If so, surgery would be postponed until another date. Just my 2-cents as well.

  14. My friend had to postpone surgery for illness recently. I agree it’s better for you health wise. Just imagine the pain of coughing and sneezing with an incision and multiply it many times over-Ouch! You have my sympathy because your periods are terrible. I hope you feel much better and can get on with it soon.

  15. Somehow I missed checking your Friday post and came on today to find this entry. SO sorry you are sick. I hope by now you are feeling all better and will get to have your surgery on Wednesday. Best wishes!!

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