Hey, remember Thelma and Louise, the kittens with Eyelid Agenesis (just like the True Blood Six) that I linked to back in December?
Well, they’ve had their surgery and are doing well! You can go read about them here, or check in on them at their Chip-In page!
Suzanne has entered a picture of her sweet girl Moxie in the Bissell Most Valuable Pet contest. If she wins, Forgotten Felines – a local cat rescue group – wins some sorely-needed money. Won’t you go vote? It just takes a few seconds, and you can vote once a day from now through next Tuesday!
Yesterday was cold (I think the high was 30), but at least the sun shone. I’d almost rather have a cold day with sunshine than a warm day without.
I only had to trudge out to the back forty a couple of times to break the ice in the waterers and make sure everyone was okay, pet the dogs, etc.
I originally had an appointment scheduled for yesterday morning, the preop appointment with my plastic surgeon (skimmers are going “The wha? Why’s she got an appointment with the plastic surgeon? ::sputter:: ::madly searching on plastic surgeon::”, and skimmers I say to you:
Bwahaha, no I don’t. I just found that image when I was searching for the proper one:
Okay, much as I guffaw when I look at that one, that’s not the right one either. Here it is:
Long story short: surgery on February 11th. New boobs (lifted, not implants), new upper arms (ditto), new neck (ditto ditto).)
So I originally had a preop appointment yesterday, and all evening Tuesday I dithered about whether or not to show up for the appointment, since it was the first appointment of the day and no one was in the office Tuesday and I didn’t know if they’d be closed or not. I bitched about it to Fred and said “If I were working at a doctor’s office and a big snow was expected, I’d suggest someone take home the appointment book in case the office was going to be closed and patients needed to be called and informed of such.”
(I also originally had an appointment on Monday with the nutritionist I see once a year – he works with my bariatric surgeon, and this sounds very familiar to me, so I probably already babbled at you about that – and no one called to let me know the office was closed. I mean, I’m not a dumbass, I figured it out (even though it wasn’t on the list of closures, I guess they can’t list EVERY business that’s closed?) and didn’t show up, but still. What if I WERE a dumbass?)
I had decided I’d just take my chances and show up at the appointed time, and then they called my cell phone at 8:30 Tuesday night to let me know they’d be closed, and they’d gone ahead and rescheduled me for next Friday. NOW THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKIN’ ABOUT.
I hadn’t heard anything at all from the bariatric surgeon’s office about rescheduling an appointment, so I called (figuring they’d be closed) and they were open, so I rescheduled THAT appointment for this Friday.
And today I have an appointment with my gynecologist (I called to make sure they’re open; they are. You can imagine my joy).
Next week I have a physical with my Primary Care doctor. Can you tell that January is when I get all my annual exams over with?
On Monday, Fred made Snow Cream. Now I’ve never – to my recollection – had Snow Cream, and so I was interested to give it a try. Fred scooped up a big bowl of clean snow, added sugar, milk, and vanilla to it, and I tried a spoonful.
I was not so much impressed, really. It mostly tasted like cold, watery, sweet milk. If we’d used the Southern Plate recipe, which uses sweetened, condensed milk, it might’ve been a different story.
Sights from around a snowy Crooked Acres
I figured out what kind of bird this is about a year ago, and since then the knowledge has vacated my brain. Anyone know what it is? (You can click on the picture to see a larger version of it.)
The ditch between the front of the property and the back forty. I live in fear on icy and snowy days that I’m going to lose my footing going over the bridge, slip, and fall face-first into the water and instantly freeze to death.
Joe Bob looks reallllly happy to be out in the snow, doesn’t he? I’m pretty sure he holds me personally responsible for all this cold wet stuff.
“Are you kidding? We’re not coming out there!”
They can always be lured out with food, at least for as long as it takes them to eat it.
“I’m frolicking! I’M FROLICKING!”
Gracie makes like a polar bear. (I feel like I read somewhere that polar bears stick their nose under the snow so they’re not as visible. Did I make that up?)
“Seriously? You came out here and didn’t bring us snacks?”
Smilin’ pig forgives the lack of snacks. THIS time.
From the back forty, looking toward the house (click on it to go to Flickr; I noted all the outbuildings so you can tell what you’re looking at.)
“OMG! New Dean Koontz? Quick, someone learn me to read!”
Does Peter Brady look like a blissful little monkey, or what?
Cindy’s all “Mo-om! Greg won’t wake up and play with me!”
Here’s what’s going on here: Greg’s still flopped over the side of the cat bed, sound asleep. Peter’s trying to get away from Jake, who isn’t done grooming him. Alice is sound asleep, Cindy and Marcia (behind Reacher) are just watching the goings-in, and Jan’s sniffing out the situation.
Today’s videos don’t involve cats! The first is a short videos of the possum who comes to our side porch to eat every evening. Warning, if you’re watching this with a kid or are easily offended: I thought Mr. Possum was going to come into the house, so there’s a mild expletive toward the end (if you watch it with the sound off, you’re not missing anything):
And the second is from last Fall. Our Silkie hen had hatched out several chicks, and at the same time another hen had hatched out several chicks. These two hens apparently agreed to co-mother, but as it turned out the Silkie ended up doing most of the mothering. (Silkies are really good mothers. They might be tiny, but they’re FIERCE.) In this video, the Silkie is calling to her chicks. I love it when they make that “come to me” sound.
“Hey, Mom? Someone put this white stuff on the table? And it wasn’t me? Can you do something about that?” (This picture is from the day after Christmas.)
2010: the expensive ones do seem to keep on ticking, don’t they?
2009: The spud is a Twilight fan.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: If nothing else describes me, “Morally strong, with waffly ways” does.
2005: Who loves their readers more than me? That’s right, NO ONE.
2004: Let us go forth and speak of this no more.
2003: But one of these days he’s going to wake me up, and I’m going to pull his arm off and beat him about the head with it.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
Wow you got more snow than we did up here in PA!
The comment on the pic with all the cats on the bed: “Jan’s sniffing out the situation”, made me think that you need to name a set of fosters after the Jersey Shore! Personally I don’t watch it but my husband loves it…how cute would a kitten named Snookie be?!?!
I don’t watch it either, but I have to admit that having a kitten named The Situation would be way too much fun.
Ofcourse I DO watch it because I live here. I think it would be funny. My husband kept calling our black cocker spaniel Snookie when she was overdue for a cut because she had a pouf on her head. I told him Elphaba is more like Snookie because she’s small and round.
Is the bird a spotted towhee?
I think that’s it, deeje!
Those pics of Peter Brady and Jake are priceless! It’s like Jake is saying ‘I will love him, and clean him, and he will be mine.”
My theory on snow ice cream is simple: northerners get so much snow they don’t appreciate it the way southerners do. Besides, only southerns could take something as innocent as snow and turn it into a decadent unhealthy food! The recipe with the condensed milk is da bomb.
My MIL had a dr’s appt this Wednesday and clearly she IS a dumbass since she was going to go to her 8 am appt until my husband called her and suggested she check to see if they’d be open (they weren’t).
Growing up in the South, I guess I think my mother’s snow cream recipe is the “only” one.
Big mess o’ snow
1/2 cup skim milk (probably used whole milk back in the day)
1 egg (yes, we USED to use a regular egg. Now either use that pourable stuff or get pasteurized eggs)
1 cup sugar (did I mention the SOUTH?)
heaping 1/2 tsp vanilla (I can’t get enough vanilla)
Like Southern Plate said, eyeball how much snow you want.
So, to be more PC, I make the above recipe, then add to it the same, but with using 1 cup of the “baking” Splenda in the bag. I mix that all together and even though it is not as good as the Real McCoy, you do get some of the good consistency the sugar makes.
Bon Appetite!
I think I made this five times over the last three days. For shame.
When growing up in Tennessee, as a kid, I made some anytime I could sneak to do so. Now, here in Ohio, no one has ever seemed to hear of it and the one time I did make some to share with my kiddles, the hubs went off about how dirty the snow is…. ugh. I suppose he is right. They do have a couple of quarries they are always blasting very close to us and the dumptrucks are constantly driving by our house. With the lime plants blasting, it is reminiscent of California as well because it feels like our house is in an earthquake every couple weeks or so, sometimes more often. Ahh, the joys. The foundation is definitely showing the stress from the shaking and the houses here aren’t built on rollers as they are in California to accommodate such ground shaking. boooooo
Thanks for posting the information on my sweet Foxy Moxie!!! Gee wouldn’t it be awesome if somehow, someway she actually won ; )
That Jake is something special…loving on those babies like he does…what a sweetie pie!!
As for snow…my father’s family was from Canada (Saint Ephrem) and they poured maple syrup over everything…I guess it would help that they had a maple syrup production facility on their property. Snow, eggs, bread…I love maple syrup but after my last visit there in high school, I couldn’t touch the stuff for months.
Thanks again Robyn!!!!
I made bolognese sauce over the weekend and as I was skinning the fat off the top all I could hear in my head was ‘SKIMMERS!’
Eastern Towhee, I’m pretty sure.
“mild expletive”
Emphasis on the mild. If you hadn’t warned me ahead of time, I might not have registered that as a cussword, it was said so nicely.
Mine usually come out like a Navy captain barking orders. Appropriate, I guess, since I’m the daughter of a sailor.
Once I was at my back door much like you were waiting for the dog to finish her business and come back inside and a squirrel came in. I have a huge picture window and of course he saw the outside through it and I thought “Oh NO” and sure enough he slammed right into it but didn’t break it. He was terrified and panicking. Fortunately he spotted the still open door he came in through and went back out and that was over.
I’m with Adrith – I had to play it back to figure out where the cussword was.
My video would have been, “SHITSHITSHIT! Son of a bitch, that motherfucker was headed right for the fucking door! Cocksucker SCARED me. Fuck ALL!”
I should probably have joined the Navy somewhere along the line…
You southerners are weird I’ve lived in MI all my life (-8 months) and have NEVER heard of snow ice cream! Not that kids don’t eat it, but I’ve never heard of doctoring it up.
Never heard of the snow cream either. I am so tired of the yellow snow from the dogs and keep thinking of that Frank Zappa song about it. We had 28 inches on Dec. 26th. It seems like there are tons of coastal storms the last few years. Our last storm dropped 6 inches but stopped early. We were slated for 10 to 12 I think. Not complaining-I am sick of winter and there’s a lot still ahead. Loved your new skimmer photos and comments. The pigs and puppies are adorable in the snow. I love the way chickens walk with their heads thrust forward.
I think it is a Towhee. However, the resident feline experts (mainy Jack and Percy) think it is a tasty looking bird. Period.
Snow cream, that’s a totally new one on me but I guess you’d have to be somewhere that snow is not with you 6 MONTHS OF THE YEAR! to want to make it into something to eat. I’ve seen at maple syrup farms where they dress up in pioneer gear and put on a big historical piece about them pouring the syrup over the snow.