1/13/10 – Wednesday (kittehs!)

“Hey! HEY! You know how we barfed on that other bed and the lady got all grumbly and told us she had to wash it and then took it away and we’ve been sleeping on the COLD HARD FLOOR (or maybe on the cat tree) ever since?” “Yeah?” “There’s a WHOLE ‘NOTHER bed here all … Continue reading “1/13/10 – Wednesday (kittehs!)”

“Hey! HEY! You know how we barfed on that other bed and the lady got all grumbly and told us she had to wash it and then took it away and we’ve been sleeping on the COLD HARD FLOOR (or maybe on the cat tree) ever since?”


“There’s a WHOLE ‘NOTHER bed here all of a sudden! And not only is it purty…. it’s SOFT!”

“Say… this IS pretty nice!”


(Thank you so much to Katie, who sent not only the barfed-upon cat bed, but the replacement cat bed as well – the cats shall never have to go bedless again!)


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A few days ago, Annette asked:

Fagen looks like my late cat Miss Cleo aka Cleopatra. It’s been 15 yrs and I still miss her, always will I guess. She was very friendly, except to my husband who she tolerated. She lived for me and our other cat, Sylvester. We had the nerve to get our first dog when Cleo was 9 yrs old and man was she pissed! I’ve loved a lot of cats but doubt I’ll ever have another one w/the same deep connection. Do you have one special cat of your life, Robyn? Is it Miz Poo?

Oh, absolutely. I think that Miz Poo is definitely the cat with whom I have the deepest connection. From the moment I first saw her, I fell in love, and she is just the sweetest cat. We’ve had her since she was about 10 weeks old, and now she’s 10 YEARS old!

Although she’s, without a doubt, “my” cat, she’s also a people lover. She went through a brief stage where she was scared of strangers (which she learned from her scaredy-cat brothers), but she got over that pretty quickly when she realized that even strangers will pet her and give her love, so now if you come to our house, she’s all up in your grill demanding that you pet her and love her. SHE WILL NOT BE DENIED.

She’s spent almost every night of her life either snuggled up to me, or within arm’s reach, depending on how needy she’s feeling (and believe me, she can be very needy!). Every morning starts with me turning over onto my back and her climbing onto my stomach and laying there. If I pet her, she purrs. If I don’t pet her, she purrs. If I talk to her, she purrs. If I don’t, still she purrs. She is one happy girl, and nothing makes her happier than to curl up on top of me, usually tickling my nose with her whiskers.

Sometimes I’m amazed she’s still around, because girlfriend has had some ISSUES when it comes to her health. She had an allergic reaction to (we think) a bee sting that required her being rushed to the vet when she was just a few years old. She had an issue with her eyes – she has wiry fur, and it was growing into her eyelid. They had to cauterize part of her eyelid to stop the fur from growing in and scratching her eyes. She had a blockage that made her very ill a few years ago (actually, a quick look reveals that it was in 2003. It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago!), and she ended up with a long incision down her abdomen, which got infected, and a very long recovery time. She has rodent ulcers on her upper lip which requires the occasional steroid shot. She tends to overgroom the hair on her stomach and the ONLY thing that makes her stop the incessant grooming (and resultant bare belly) is a low dose of Elavil. In November of 2008, she had a cyst near her tail burst, and when we took her to the vet, found out that it was an anal gland adenoma (which can recur, so you better believe I keep an eye on her back end and make sure nothing’s developing).

But she’s still here, she’s still ticking, and she’s as happy as she’s ever been. 10 years isn’t that old for cats, right? I expect we’ll see this one hit her 20th birthday – the expensive ones do seem to keep on ticking, don’t they?

She’s also got a bit more tolerant in her old age. Back when we first started fostering, if any kittens looked at her sideways, she’d smack ’em, and smack ’em hard. Now she’s as likely to just give up and let them stay next to her. (Though don’t be fooled – there’s still plenty of smackin’ going on!)

So yeah, Annette, I’d say that although I love all my cats with all my heart, I love Miz Poo just a teeny bit more. I mean, look at that face – how could you not?


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2009: The spud is a Twilight fan.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: If nothing else describes me, “Morally strong, with waffly ways” does.
2005: Who loves their readers more than me? That’s right, NO ONE.
2004: Let us go forth and speak of this no more.
2003: But one of these days he’s going to wake me up, and I’m going to pull his arm off and beat him about the head with it.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.

28 thoughts on “1/13/10 – Wednesday (kittehs!)”

  1. Love the pics of Poo as a kitten, she was super cute! Now about that last pic of her…. um is that just a bad angle or is she just a wee bit tubby? How much does she weigh? I never thought of her as a big cat before.

    1. She’s kinda tubby, but for the life of me I can’t remember how much she weighed last time I took her to the vet. In the area of 8 pounds, I think. In that picture (which is actually several years old – I’m pretty sure it was taken in the back yard at our previous house) she was more like 10 pounds.

      Fred says she’s like a teapot – short and stout. 🙂

  2. Aw, I feel the same way about Baby, who I lost on February 13 at the age of 18. I love them all (and I have nearly as many as you), but I will unabashedly say that she was my favorite.

  3. .. Ah, the Poo…
    Something about that slightly Mad-as-a-Hatter look she has on her sweet face… How could a person not love her ? And nothing wrong with a girl wanting what she wants either !!!

  4. Loved the kitty Poo pics, but I have to admit, it was the picture of Tubby that made me go “awwwwwww.”

  5. Miz Poo is my favorite!! I just love her little face! Actually I kind of miss all the Anders0n cats! Can we have a few entries every once in awhile with pics of all of them? I miss seeing them all every day!

  6. Miz Poo is 10 yrs old?!! I remember reading your journal when you got her. Which means I’ve been reading your journal for at least 10 years and that fact amazes me. Wow! And I’m not even a cat person but I love reading about yours.

  7. I’ve always loved Mz. Poo. We called our BabyPoo, Poo, most of the time and she also had the harlequin face. Our Poo had the gray and peach tinted fur rather than the brown and orange. I love seeing pics of Mz. Poo. She’s kinda my connection to our Poo who we had to put to sleep.
    Butttt… I love all the fury feline babies anyway :0)The new guys are very handsome gentlemen!

  8. It’s fun for me to see Miz Poo’s “baby pictures”. I wasn’t online way back then so I’ve never seen them. I like the teapot analogy-Elphaba and I are short and round. My father called me a fireplug once and he was actually being nice saying “You’re not a huge Moose like HER.” (Friend of a relative he dislikes). My family are experts at the left handed compliment. I just have to ask-was Tubby Fred’s most special cat?

    1. Actually, I think Mister Boogers was Fred’s most special cat. Tubby was a sweetheart and quite the character (and we still miss him!), but Fred and the Boog had a definite special connection.

  9. It was so good to see Tubby!

    For me, it was Bonnie, my Japanese Bobtail that I adopted while I lived in the Philippines. She passed away 8 years ago…while I’ve lost five of my pets, Bonnie is the one that always appears in my dreams.

  10. Ms. Poo has always reminded me of my Janey, who we lost in October at age 17. Same torty cuteness, same sweet personality. It was great to see Tubby in the pic – he was one of my favs with that black triangle on his nose, and I’ll always have a soft spot for Mr. Boogers with all that het. First we had Mandy, then Jesse and Janey (bro & sis), then Jack and Janey, and now Jack and Georgia (I finally got my orange tabby girl!)I miss all the ones we’ve lost, and yours too. Kiss that Poo face for me.

  11. I call those Soul Cats, like soul mates. I have loved all of mine that I’ve had over the years, but there have been special ones. My little black cat I have right now, River, is a Soul Cat. My mom tends to find Soul Dogs in her life.

    1. I love that name “soul cat or dog”. I am definetly going to have to borrow that one. It describes the feeling so perfectly!

  12. Speaking of the late and greatly lamented Tubby, I LOVE the pic of him staring balefully down upon wee Bebe Poo, wearing what has to be the most blatant look of “What fresh hell is THIS???”

    And again, Steely is Boogs reincarnated. What a gorgeous little guy!!!

  13. Awww…. I am sitting here crying like a blattass. My special kitty was Walter Peyton. He had more personality than 10 cats. He would sit on command for a piece of cheese. He would steal baby socks and pacifiers and chew the end off them. We had to hide the binky when the boys were little because he would stalk them in the baby’s mouth. He was always where we were- in the house, in the yard, in the car. He took a nap in a visiting friends car and got 30 minutes away before the friend discovered him. He was an awesome cat and died far too young. Like The Boog something killed him and I can only hope it was fast. He was the first pet I ever had as an “adult” and when he died it was like a chapter had ended. I have since had to part with other precious pets but he was the most special.

    What a wonderful tribute to Ms. Poo. Thanks for taking me on a trip down my own memory lane.

  14. Ive been reading your blog over ten years?
    Wow,I remember when Miz Poo came into the scene.
    She’s a great cat.Though an expensove one…
    Have you ever added up her vet bills?

  15. No, 10 years is NOT old! We had a torti who looked like Miz Poo and she lived to 20. At LEAST 20, she may have been older. She partied hard right up until the last day. A totally great cat.

  16. Robyn I got my one special “Soul Cat,” whose name is Snoopy, in 1999 as well, and she’s still with me today. She looks almost identical to your new gray & white foster, except she has the “WTF was that!!!” eyes like Miz Poo, always huge and round. She’s the 1st pet I’ve ever had as an adult and I love her like I imagine people love their children. Simply the thought of her no longer being with me can bring me straight to tears (as it did just now when i typed that). I love, love, love that cat and hope she lives forever, which I’ve advised the vet to please see what she can do about that.

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