
I had a stern talk with her before I went to pick up her new Mommy. “Maddy,” I said. “Don’t be showing your ass to your new Mommy. She will spoil you ROTTEN, but if you go bouncing over to her and bite her like you like to do, she might change her mind and then I will have to put you in the scary cage at the pet store for ten seconds until a sucker comes along and falls in love with you.” She didn’t listen; they never do. She showed her ass all OVER the place, and not only did she bite and pounce and scratch, she showed off her incredible (non)intelligence by laying on her back and kicking herself in the face. And yet her new Mommy fell in love with her anyway. Who could blame her? Oh, and did I mention who her new Mommy is? That’s right, Nance and Rick are here in ‘Bama! They spent the day hanging out at Casa And3rson and it was SO FREAKIN’ COOL. Nance called me a “peanut of a woman” in her journal, but she is clearly crazy. She’s got that tall, lanky thing going on and I’ve got to tell you – she’s got fabulous hair. It’s so straight and shiny that I kept staring at it like a freak. And she cracked me the hell up all day long. At one point she was talking to Rick on the phone (he had to work for part of the day then came to the house) and she had me laughing so hard just from the faces she was making that the cats were worried. You have to see Nance and Rick together to appreciate them – they play off each other and they’re funny as shit. (We were waiting for dinner to be ready and Nance said a sentence that had “fuck” in it, and then she immediately said “Sorry, Danielle”, and I said “Oh, she’s heard THAT before!”, and the spud said “Yeah. I live with THEM!” Hee!) I cooked for them – Unfried Chicken – and Nance brought Pigs in a Blanket (the Pennsylvania version) with her. Pennsylvania Pigs in a Blanket aren’t what you’d expect. They’re not hot dogs rolled in crescent rolls and baked. They’re beef and rice rolled in cabbage leaves and there’s a tomato sauce there, too. Rick is not a fan of cabbage (as we found out when we met him last time), but I like cabbage. I like beef and rice, and I like tomato sauce. And now I know that I like Pennsylvania Pigs in a Blanket! They were a hit with Fred and the spud, too, and I have a feeling I’ll be demanding the recipe from Nance. Miz Poo loves Nance and Rick. No, I’m sorry, she LOVES THE HELL out of Nance and Rick. Because they told her how pretty she was, and petted her. And petted her. And petted her. And when they were done with that? They petted her some more. There’s nothing Miz Poo likes more than people who appreciate her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up stowing away in their suitcases and going home with them. Actually, she probably loves them most of all because they’ll be taking Maddy with them! Fred and Rick bonded over a Man Movie (X-Men III), and Nance and I went to the mall so she could get some Muppet slippers. She opted for the red ones, which we referred to as her Elmo slippers. (Oh, the Muppet slippers can be found here. Or at Parisian, if you have one in your area.) The cool thing is that they’re going to be here for another day, so there’ll be more hanging out and giggling at their antics. And! Tonight we’re taking them to Smallville so they can see the house and then we’re dragging them to our favorite little country restaurant. You KNOW Fred’s going to try to get them to ride the tractor around the back forty.

* * *
Previously 2005: Huh. I was wondering why Tom Cullen was snooping around in the stamp drawer 2004: The spud and I stood patiently by while the man chattered at the school employees for several minutes and then my head exploded, scattering brain matter everywhere. 2003: “Jessica Lynch!” I said. “Isn’t she the only POW we’ve ever had in all of history?” 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: No entry. 1999: She went in and treated the whole office to a very loud gagging sound (she gets that from her mother), and came out a few minutes later a little less green. ]]>

30 thoughts on “11/3/06”

  1. Now Robyn has to come here so she can do a welfare check on Maddy’s new environment.
    I am glad you guys are all having a great time!

  2. How wonderful! Glad Ms. Maddy will go to a good home. Ya’ll have a great time with your visit. And yes Robyn, we can tell from your newly updated fabulous pictures that you are just a peanut of a woman.

  3. That is so awesome (pardon my Californian, but it is!) You all have been friends for years; bet it was great to finally see each other’s faces!

  4. Well I went and gushed all over Nance’s journal so now I’ll do it here. I say again – SQUEE! How cool that Maddy gets to go home with them. You’re trying to bring Nance over to the dark side of Crazy Cat Lady-ness, aren’t you? 🙂

  5. Robyn! If you remember one of my comments: Save Maddy for Nance when she comes to visit…Heh. Just saying…
    Many of us are so happy and a bit envious that you two (four) have gotten together. This is so exciting and monumental…if only Jane could have joined in. OMG, I can only imagine!
    Hope you take lots of pictures, especially of Nance on the tractor!

  6. Those cabbage rolls are actually called “galumpkies”. My mom used to make them all the time. They are Polish! I’ve never heard them called pigs in a blanket before! They’re yummy! Now I think I need to make some myself!

  7. Oh my God, you guys just made my day. Sweet little Maddy is goin’ home with Nance. WOOT, WOOT! I’m sure you guys will have another great day together. Have fun!

  8. We call those cabbage rolls “stuffed cabbage” around here. 🙂 I love, love, love ’em. Never heard ’em called pigs in a blanket before. To me, that is a pancake or crescent roll with a sausage inside.
    Those crazy Pennsylvanians. 🙂

  9. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!! I had NO idea and this is the best news ever! I always hoped you guys would get it together and just MEET UP one day, but since my US geography sucks I wasn’t sure how far apart you are. Anyway, I’m so very happy about all of it. This is so great!

  10. Yay!!! It’s so good to know that a.)Maddy is going to a great home! and b.) ya’ll got to meet each other. How fun! 😀

  11. I’m with everyone else. I’m so happy we know who Maddy is going home with and that’s it’s a great home to go to.
    I see it as a good thing then that Maddy showed her ass all over the place. From what we know of Nance she wouldn’t have wanted a docile little thing.

  12. You and Nance together! I am so jealous. I bet you guys had a lot of fun last night. And to think that Maddy is going to someone you know and you can keep up with all her antics on Nance’s website! How cool is that?!?!
    You must tell Nance to post her pigs in a blanket recipe. They sound yummy!

  13. I am so happy Maddy is going to such a great home! I am jealous of you all getting to meet! I hope you all have a good time and remember, pictures, pictures, pictures! 🙂

  14. All I can say is that Nance better be postin’ pics of Maddy on a regular basis. I have been sad ever since you said she was adopted, because for some reason that little girl has stolen my heart. Now it won’t be so bad, because hopefully Nance will keep us updated.
    I know…”get a life.”

  15. I thought Nance was passworded? Hmmm. I saw her on SmartandSassy when you guys were doing that, but HER site was always passworded so I never got to read her. I must go over there and check her out. I mean its only fair if I already read both you and Jane right? 😉
    BTW – your new pictures are AWESOME. I’m totally jealous! You rock. 😉

  16. Oh, on a side note my friend who is a “dog person” recently discovered a baby kitten at her work which she took in and nursed back to health. But the vet here wouldn’t spay her until she was 4 months or 4 lbs. I just thought that was weird since you just got Maddy spaid (sp?) and she’s just barely 7 weeks isn’t she?

  17. yay!!! Now we won’t have to go thru Maddie withdrawls! How did you ever keep that secret? I’m so happy you finally got to meet in person – I’m secretly jealous! oops – guess it’s not a secret anymore.

  18. It’s about damn time you and Nance met! And if you can’t keep Maddy, I’m glad she’s going to Nance. We’ll still get to see her!

  19. I’m thrilled that Maddy is going to such a great home! You weren’t kidding when you said she was being adopted by someone who would spoil her rotten! 🙂
    My aunt who is of German descent,calls that recipe, cabbage rolls. They are awesome!

  20. Oh my gosh. The other day I went to see a patient and he had pigs in a blanket for supper, and when I said, “Oh, pigs in a blanket” his wife said, “oh, no, it’s stuffed cabbage.” I proceeded to tell her that no, they were pigs in a blanket. And that’s what my family used to make, but she wouldn’t budge, that pigs in a blanket are weiners and crescent rolls. AS IF.
    I’ve been vindicated. It’s such a relief.

  21. You do know that y’all are nut-bags, right? Just thought you should know that. And oh, this is not Robyn – it’s Nance. I’m just sitting at her computer. With Mr. Boogers not 1 foot away from me and yes, he’s shooting me the stink-eye.

  22. Man, Nance is like practically my next door neighbor and I haven’t even met her yet!!
    I think Maddy will be very happy in Pennsylvania!

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